Should I buy Cardio Hits?


Hello all,

I'm trying to finish up my Cathe collection and I'm wondering about Cardio Hits. Does anyone out there still swear by these workouts? :) How is the difficulty level on these?

I prefer weight lifting over step and started working out with Cathe tapes starting with the Maximum Intensity Series.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone, have a nice Memorial Day!

Hi Jen,

I still love these workouts, especially Step Fit, for variety, but if you don't like step much then you won't be that interested as they are all step workouts. Power Max is great too!
Step Works is one of Cathe's best, in my opinion, and I also enjoy PowerMax and Stepfit. They are long, intense step workouts. But if you don't really like stepping, this DVD wouldn't be the best choice!
I really enjoy Step Works. Like the other two posts said this is a great solid step workout. PowerMax is my next favorite on this CD. I am not wild about Stepfit for some reason. Maybe it will grow on me like Step Works did. I like having some solid cardio options to choose from.
I would buy it ..just because it is Cathe! :)
If you are not keen on step work, then, maybe this isn't the dvd for you. It is all step workouts. I couldn't tell Jen, if you disliked step or just preferred to be doing weight work(which I think you meant the latter right?)

I think they are good, my favorite on this disc is Step Works, although I don't do it very often, I just find Rhythmic Step to be so entrancing, I hardly do any other all step Cathe's!! :)
I started with PMax and although learned stuck in my head as a really tough one. So after not doing it for ages I went back to it this week and was so amazed at how much I have improved cardio wise and how much fun it is now. It's a straightforward step routine with power moves and the section that I love is the one with the 123 horse, horse shoe...jump, turn straddle and jump up and off. The 360 was fun too.

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