
Hey everyone!

This may seem like a weird question, but does anyone know how tall Cathe is? I'm sure all you short people will understand. I'm 5'2" and I'm constantly looking for validation that you can still look amazing and be short. I'm personally sick of feeling like you have to be six feet tall to look good in anything, since those are the only images that fashion magazines give us (no offense to all you tall girls!!). I'm just looking for some good inspiration. So, what's your opinion? Who are your favorite short stars you look to for motivation?

Funny I LOVE being short, I'm 5 2.

There all all sorts of benefits - makes you look like a kid - when you aren't, and I love that someone coined the word petite. For a guy its tough but great being a short female.
I'm actually average(5'5)even though the clothing industry
thinks average is really six feet tall. I can't buy pants that actually fit me and aren't an average 4 to 5 inches too long. I've definitely got curves though I don't think I'm fat, but unless you're tall and skinny, the industry doesn't care to cater to you. Some of my favorite "short" stars are Shania Twain and Salma Heiyak (?). Absolutely gorgeous women!!! Shania is apparently a runner, too. Honestly, I think that shorter women are generally much better proportioned than taller and average-height women.
I am 5'2" also, I call myself petite, and I love being petite ... I really don't think I would want to be any taller. I really don't think of myself as sexy, just looking better and better at 43..........Rhonda :*
I believe Reese Witherspoon is about 5'2" and to me she's both cute and sexy. Geez, I sound like I want to date her, lol.

You 5'2 people sound awfully tall to me at 4'11!! But I still feel sexy with my "cathe body." I had a picture taken about two weeks ago and I was shocked at my muscle definition. Not to mention thrilled. Thanks Cathe!
Coming from another Danielle, I'm 5'00''. OF COURSE you can be short & sexy!!!!

Reese Witherspoon is my favorite actress...did you see her in Legally Blonde?? She looked awesome!
I am 5'2" and have no problems turning heads. In fact, many people seem to not realize that I'm so short because I am well proportioned. I've been working with my boss for over a month and the other day I was standing next to him and he asked how tall I was because he always thought I was taller.

When I was 45-50 lbs heavier, I definately looked shorter, but my new svelte figure seems to mask my height deficit quite well. I used to despise being so short, now I don't mind it as much.

We really need more short actresses, but for now, I'm happy watching Reese.
I'm not short. I'm a little over 6 feet tall. I wanted to tell you there are not a lot of clothes made for gals 6 feet tall and over. Most pants I've tried on are at least 3 inches or so shorter. The tall clothes are up to size 10. What on earth are they thinking?! Not all tall girls are size 10 or under. I'm normally wear size 10/12 since my butt is somewhat big. Also, we have trouble finding nice and stylish shoes for our gigantic feet. I'd love to order Ryka but they do not have my size. Yes, it's true some tall girls are not proportioned but I've seen quite a few short girls out of proportioned, too. I got lucky since I'm proportioned. I'm curvy and I don't have a flat chest like most tall girls have. I do have about 15 pounds to lose after having a baby. In all actuality, a lot of actresses are not tall. They just look tall on tv. Most actresses are 5'8" or under. I rarely see an actress my height. I don't have a problem turning heads either. A lot of people, men and women have commented on how curvy my body is for a tall person. So, don't feel bad if you can't find anything because you're short. Tall people can't find a squat either. Looks like we're in the same boat but different height.
I am 5'10 and I would love to be about 5'5". Clothes are not really a problem now that I have found Eddie Bauer. My big problem is shoes. All the cute shoes have really high heels and I feel like the Jolly Green Giant around all the men at work. I try not to wear a heel higher than about 2 inches. Oh well.

Ah, the grass is always greener, isn't it? I'm 5'9" and my husband is 5'8". It took me a long time to like being this tall. I was self-conscious in high school, never wore heels and never went out with guys who were shorter than me. There was a girl in my 8th grade class whose inseam on the back of her Levis was 28". Boy, did I envy her! My inseam was 36" and I felt like a freak! For years I could never find pants that were long enough. (Those with shorter inseams could at least hem a pair of too-long pants. I couldn't even buy them.) I started to like my height in my early 30's (I'm 41 now). Tons of stores (Gap, etc.) carry pants with long inseams so that's not a problem anymore. It seems that at different times, societies have different body-type ideals. The "ideal" at this time in history just happens to be skinny, long-legged tall women. So what if one doesn't fit into this mold! It certainly doesn't mean you're not beautiful! This ideal will change again. We shouldn't get caught up in it or in the media images that perpetuate only one form of beauty.
When I was younger I always wanted to be taller. But now in my forties I love being 5'3". There are so many more petite clothes now. Virtually everything can be found in a petite size. I love that I don't have to stand out in a crowd if I don't want to. Really tall people are always noticed, even on days when they would rather not be.

And being relatively small, I can always fit into the seats on the subway, no matter how cramped. My legs never bother me on airplanes. In short (no pun intended), I really love it now!

I guess by now you know that Cathe is 5'2" and just perfect! :)
I'm only 5'0. Most of the time I don't mind it. As the other poster said, it's great for planes, trains and automobiles.

It's a real pain though reaching for stuff on the top shelf in grocery stores. I hate having to ask a stranger to get things down for me. At my kitchen cupboards, I just use a long knife to kind of nudge the item down -- with the exception of jars, of course!

My niece, who's only about 5'2, asked me the other day "Aunt Patricia, what's it like to be so short?". I replied "Closer to the ground!".

Hi mom23dolls! I haven't emailed you in quite a while. How are you & everyone in your family? I'll email you later, Kathy
Lately I have been extremely frustrated with not being able to find a wedding gown. I am 5' and gowns are designed for people who are 5'5" and up. Most bridal stores carry 6 and higher. I fit into a 2/4. I have tried on over 30 gowns. Only 3 have semi-fit. All the rest need to be pinned and how the heck can you make a decision about a $500+ gown when it is pinned up the wazoo!

The other thing that gets me so mad are motorcycle seat heights! My inseem is a 28. I have been riding for a few years now and want a faster, better bike and I am so limited in choices. The motorcycle market is for boys age 18-28 who want to ride down the freeway at 180+ miles per hour.

My conclusion is that the world is just not short friendly (at least the US. My fiance says I need to go to Japan or Hong Kong to get a petite wedding gown and a motorcycle! Most of the time is isn't too big of an issue, and the wedding dress thing will go away after the wedding, but motorcycling will always be an issue with me.

I'm about 5'5 and can't seem to find a pant length to save my sole! I bought a pair through Spiegel. They fit perfectly, but were about 3 inches too long! And that was their average length,so they told me. I must be short legged or something cause pants seem to run long and I end up in the petite section. My mom is about 5'2 and as my hubby says "One hot Momma for a 65 yr old". I used to wish I too was as tiny as her. I saw her over the weekend(1st time in almost 2 yrs!) and couldn't believe how great she looks. Tiny, sweet and sassy. She exercises daily, works, and eats healthy. She has been a great role model to me. Susan
RE: Hey 5'00' girls, I have a question

I am 5 nothing too! What do you find is your best weight? Mine was 105.....which has been long gone!

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