


I'm new/old to Cathe. 20 lbs later, I'm trying to get back on track. I'm looking for shoe recommendations for aerobic work outs and running. Ryka used to be big w/Cathe workouts but there are a million styles now. it's so confusing. I need a good running and aerobic shoe w/high arch support that feels light and cushy if that combo is even possible. Doesn't have to be Ryka. I'll take any suggestions.

Feels good to be starting again, but it's tough.

My personal favorite are Asics running shoes. The ones I have now were about $150 but totally worth it. I think in the end it just depends on what brand works well with your feet. For instance, I simply cannot/will not do Nike with my feet.
Another Asics fan here, although I have a $150 pair and a $70 pair that my feet like equally well. I'd suggest going to a really good local running store or, if you already know a lot about your strike and how/whether you pronate, the on-line tools at Road Runner Sports are great, as are their prices and customer service. In fact, it may be Tracy who turned me on to them. They'll help you if you call, too, and have good prices and great sales.

Finding shoes is hard and I spent over a month earlier this year trying different shoes because the style I loved was discontinued. I hope your search is easier...good luck!
I second the "go to a good local running store" suggestion! I didn't realize I was wearing shoes 1/2 size too SMALL until I was properly fitted. They observe your gait, the way your foot pronates and the fit of the shoe. For someone who spends at least 5 hours a week exercising in them, it is well worth it!

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