
<--wishes <--would be in Norfolk so <--could meet Robin
<--says that if Robin goes to Norfolk next year, <--will be not far away because <--will be moving to Annapolis this coming spring :)
<--was just telling DH that <--is hoping for a roadtrip this coming summer because <--will be pretty close to Cathe :)

Cath :)
<---tells Cath that SIL lives in Norfolk, so we visit quite often
<---lives in north central PA, not too far from upstate NY
<---thinks distance is all relative
<---also hopes for Roadtrip
<---wants to meet Cath, Shelley, Pinky, kassia, Terri, Tammy, Millie, jes, Bobbi, Debbie, DebbieH, Sandy, Kali, Dana, Wendy etc, etc.
<---oh yeah, and Cathe too!
<---spent a weekend at Annapolis and loved it
<---thought John Paul Jones coffin was pretty creepy though
<--tells Robin that <--also has relatives in Norfolk (and other spots in VA) so <--will probably be there a lot next year too!
<--thinks we'll have to plan something :)
<--agrees that distance is relative
<--is happy to hear that Annapolis sounds like a neat place!
<--thanks Robin for advice to avoid creepy coffins..heehee! :)

Cath :)
<--- tells Cath that she lives about 40 minutes from Buffalo:)
<--- tells Robin that, yes, she lives on top of a rock
<--- also tells Robin that parts of the Bruce Trail are less than 5 minutes from her front door and <--- runs it regularly
<--- feels very blessed to live in such a beautiful place as this
<--- also hopes for a Road Trip next year
<--- is starting to save NOW:)
<--- has to take dog out for a stroll while the rain is stopped and then pick up Miss Sophie from school
<--- will be back!
<---says howdy again
<---quiet time while a boyb is sleeping
<---might go somewhere later, who knows
<---sometimes makes up the day as goes along
<---wants to me all you lovely, lovely ladies as well
<---who knows about the road trip happening for me
<---thinks one day at a time over here ;)
<---is kinda sleepy today
<---quietly hums "you are my sunshine" which <---frequently sings to boybs

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--has had a stressful morning and is glad it's over (for now...)
<--wishes <-- was as creative as Pinky
<--can't wait to see decoration pictures
<--wants to climb a mountain and stay up there
<--did GS Legs this morning (one of my favorites!);-)
<--isn't sure <-- will be able to go to the next RT but is considering it
<--hopes each of you have a good day (what's left of it!)
<---vows to use the word "escarpment" in a sentence today
<---will have to climb about 4 mountains before Rainier to train and will keep all posted
<---has been climbing for 4 years and just now feels <--- is ready for this challenge
<---can't believe people are DONE Christmas shopping already
<---is enjoying a rainy day inside and resting up for the 2 hr BL finale which <--- will spend on her precious Nordic Trac with core work on the commercials. Or just popcorn!
<---wishes everyone a good one!

<--thinks this big ol' world is pretty small :)
<--hopes Laura's stressful day gets better
<--is off to try an interesting looking yoga DVD <--borrowed
<--bye for now all :)

Cath :)
<---just got done googling Bruce Trail and thinks it looks lovely
<---will put it on list of places to go someday when DS is in residence and DH and <---have a life
<---lives near a nice little state game lands that has no waterfalls, cliffs or vistas, but has nice little ponds with beaver and some interesting waterfowl
<---enjoys cross country skiing on game lands, and used to run there before back and knees got too old
<---wonders what beautiful places other people live very near
<---stops in says hello to all the wonderful Catheites
<---had a great HECTIC day at BB&B
<---was there for 5 hours, felt like <---didn't do a thing
<---cannot wait to meet Robin, Wendy and Dana. <---wishes everyone could come
<---hopes Shelley feels better
<---hopes Terri is drinking coffee
<---thinks Pinky is the next Martha
<---sends hugs to Laura and Shelley too
<---doesn't feel like eating and wants to throw up
<---things are getting worse and worse when will it all end???
<---did not work out today which is probably good since <---only had pretzels and a South Beach bar and LOTS of coffee
<---hopes Wendy had something better to eat
<---says HI to Jes & doing great today on the NO EATING OF CRAP!!!
<---is listening quietly to Debbie hum you are my sunshine and wants to cry

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/144/.png[/img] [/url]

<---is back from a loooong morning and early afternoon
<---didn't get any shopping donex(
<---'s hubby had to get his car's tires realigned so she had to play chauffeur to both her boys
<---is now feeling the urge to take pictures of decor and upload them:eek:
<---tells Jes she can go crazy at Michael's
<---and she hasn't even been to Hobby Lobby yet}(
<---or Joanne's}(
<---tells Jes to get a big greeting card and wrap a soft, wide, wire ribbon around long end of card about 6-8 times, cut it, loosen the ribbon from the card, squish the center, and tie it there with a twisty wire; spread ends out and fluff out 'til poufy(sp?)
<---there are other variations but that's the simplest she can think of
<---would also love to meet all <---threaders
<---thinks with all this mountain climbing talk, maybe we should all meet somewhere one day to climb a mountain
<---or a hill
<---sometimes has a fear of heights:p
<---doesn't live near anywhere pretty but hopes to one day live by the sea
<---is off to take some Advil for this creeping headache

ETA: <---tells Kali she thinks Martha's projects are too frou-frou and meticulous, but she loves the styles of Christopher Lowell and Vern Yip
<---tells Kali her eating has been really good since she got back to Dallas and thanks Kali for the inspiration;-)

<--- is back from her errands
<--- is feeling chilled
<--- is wondering what to make for dinner
<--- is feeling overwhelmed at the thought of Christmas and all its attendant "stuff"
<--- must surrender computer to the munchkin now
<---hugs Kali, hands her a klennex and makes her some hot tea
<---hopes she drinks tea
<---will try the bow tactic. thanks pinky!
<---is watching White Christmas
<---had popcorn and finished workoutS
<---has a very grumpy dh thanks to FIL
<---is doing very well on eating
<---had her first ever chocolate pb protein shake
<---is sorta sleepy

<---hugs Jes back, thanks her for the wonderful tea
<---is feeling a bit better now
<---had some brown rice and salsa
<---wonders how the chocolate protein shake was<---never had one yet either.
<---has to buy a blender at BB&B to make shakes and smoothies
<---hopes Jes's DH cheers up
<---is just skipping working out today
<---is going out for a bit in horrible windy rainy weather
<---should stay in, but needs to get the hec out of here
<---hopes everyone is having a nice evening
<---will be back

http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/144/.png[/img] [/url]

<---finished White Christmas
<---tell Kali the shake was yummy
<---still hasn't made dinner cause there is no one to eat with(dh is working late)AGAIN
<---thinks we need a vacation
<---is hoping to go skiing in the spring
<---has never tried salsa on brown rice but thinks it sounds good

<---waves hello to everyone in CatheLand
<---thinks Jes really loves xmas
<---thanks Pinky for the bow making tip
<---Thinks that if <--- had Pinky to do the decorating and Jes to do all <---'s shopping, wrapping and card mailing, <---'s xmas woes would be over:7
<---sends happy thoughts to Kali
<---hopes Shelley feels better
<---looks forward to this thread everyday

<---is sending stay-strong vibes to Kali
<---you're welcome, Jes and Tammy
<---would love to decorate for Tammy:)
<---also looks forward to this thread every day
<---is hungry but doesn't know what to eat
<---hopes Shelley got to rest today
<---also hopes Amy got some studying done
<---enjoyed this rest day and is looking forward to cardio tomorrow

<---peeks head in after not being around for hours.
<---has sooo many posts to read! :eek:
<---is going to cheat and not read a thing!:p
<---hopes you all had a nice evening.
<---was at MIL's for dinner with DH and DS.
<---is home now and very very sleepy.
<---thinks hitting the hay early tonight is a must!

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