She has a name!!


My littlest one now has a name!! Her name is Olivia Katherine and will be called Katie :)

I know it seems like we have a lot of time left but I have been stressing about this so much. Both of my other children were named before they were conceived and I have been panicking over this like you wouldn't believe. I even had a dream that they wouldn't let me take my baby home because she didn't have a
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
RE: Awwww!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-01 AT 01:31PM (Est)[/font][p]ALLI! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Olivia! Awwwwwwwww! I just couldn't pick it because it rhymes with my last name (Olivia Villa is pretty mean to do to a kid! LOL!).

How sweet and exciting!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
This is so not my business but how come you are using the middle name as the 'call' name? Olivia is such a beautiful name, so is Katie though. Just being nosey! Congratulations, that is so cool you know the sex already. That is pretty much unheard of around here unless you have an amnio.
Love the name Katie... fact it was one of our choices we were to have a girl. Unfortunately, we still don't have a name for our little guy due in January. It's a lot tougher than I thought!!

Katie is perfect!
Congrats on both your little girl and your name choice. Olivia was going to be my choice for a girl too. I've loved that name since I was a teenager! However, we found out that we're having a BOY and we are having a terrible time deciding on a name! At least we have a few more months to decide! :)

Take Care!

Wendy G.
EDD 3/2/02
That's okay. Actually hubby and I both go by our middle names and then when Zachary came it just really ended up that way. After that is when I decided that if Jason, Zachary and I were going to go by our middle names then the next baby (who was supposed to be our last) would or she might feel like an odd ball. Then of course we decided to have Katie and for the same reasons that Jillian goes by her middle name, Katie will. Just in case your interested, here's all our names.

Charles Jason
Deborah Allison
Charles Zachary
Victoria Jillian
Olivia Katherine

Just one of those odd things as a parent you think about :-rollen
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Congratulations! We are having our first baby in December and after much thought are naming her Katherine Anne, but will be calling her Katie. Just LOVE the name!

My first name is Deborah too by the way.

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