<---she came in through the bathroom window

<-- wasn't going to get an OAL shirt, but after the other day with Evily's photos...
<-- is currently reconsidering
<-- is about to do B&G in place of P90X legs and back
<-- would love to hear and see Ms. Cathe again
<-- has missed her for the past 3 weeks
<-- realized just now that that ^ means it's rest week!!!! :D :D
<-- should be doing a lot of work today
<-- hopes to accomplish even just a small amount instead ;-)
<-- needs some luck and some leg and ab day love (<-- hasn't done Ab Ripper X except maybe once in the past 3 weeks! :eek:)
<-- hopes you are all doing wonderfully well and all that jazz
<---tells Ame she MUST get a tee shirt
<---sends Ame all the leg and ab day love she can
<---is glad to see Judy and the Parental Units survived the party
<---thinks superior wine helped with the successful party
<---waves to the birthday girl and tells her when she's done building her dad a garden, she can come build one for me
<---wonders what Janie's travel plans are for this year?
<---has only 70 min left at work, but who's counting?
<-- will order asap per Mme Robin's insistence ;-)

ETA: <-- will order asa<--getpaidFriday per Mme. Robin's insistence :p
<--has finished the gym workout
<--has finished the Jari Love workout
<--has carried home 3 bags of salad veggies
<--is in desperate need of a shower
<--still needs to do her homework and process all the veggies before she can rest
<--is thinking about another movie tonight
<--wonders what everyone else is up to?
<--waves to Nance
<--just cleaned car, after eating way to much crap at bday party
<--still needs to do Wo
<--has to clean barn and feed horses first
<--is lacking in the motivation dept a little
<--wanted to run, but the sun is gone and it is chilly now
<--has alot to do tomorrow that <--doesn't want to do
<--is trying to think of a place to run away to tonight but is coming up blank
<--is so down for the Albany GTG
<--will just drive down and kidnap Robin for the weekend
<--says that technically means she isn't "planning" a trip
<--wants some of Nancy's fresh veggie stuff
<--should get going <--but doesn't wanna
<--says nevermind,<--'s DH came home so there is <--motivation to leave

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

<---is all for an Albany GTG
<---thinks if we time it right, all 3 boys will be away at school...we can send DH away for the weekend and we'll have the house to ourselves
<---loves sex on the beach but never drank one
<---sends birthday wishes to Janie
<---says it is DS#1's birthday today
<---had cake
<--tells Tammy: I didn't mean to invite everyone to your house! :eek:
<--was thinking we could meet in a restaurant
<--thinks Tammy is a doll if she's serious about offering her house as a gathering spot
<--would love to meet Tammy, but really wants to meet Robin too, and thinks maybe we need to wait till next year?
<--thinks we need to start working on Robinella for THIS year }( }(
<--knows Michele would never come this year, though :(
<--is LOL at Tammy's beach comment :7
<--wishes DS#1 a happy birthday
<--is finally showered and needs to work :(
<---waves a gloomy hey to all
<---feeling tired and glum
<---maybe the weather and being too lazy to work out today
<---is going to WA for a week in May, VA and NC for a week in July, road trip in August and Niagra Falls sometime in the fall
<---also has to visit mom a couple times in VT
<---doesn't see Albany as doable this year
<---could put it on calender for next year
<---tells Maeghan we have a spare room and it's probably only about 5 hours from you
<---wierd, someone just tried to buy my road trip
<---gotta go eat pizza
<-- is glad you are all planning an Albany GTG... without.... <--....
<-- is teasing, pretty much :p ;-)
<-- hates B&G
<-- kept groaning and yelping during the w/o LOL
<-- is such a wimp!
<-- should probably never try the 4lb ankle weights again, LOL
<-- tried to walk in them and <-- was surprised <-- was *ever* able to even walk when <-- was 50lbs heavier!!!
<-- hasn't accomplished much at all today :+
<-- hasn't even planned tomorrow's bootcamp, much less the week! :eek: :+
<-- is going to the dollar store with DH soon
<-- is glad to see Doods can skedaddle when necessary
<-- is very sad to think that she needs to skedaddle in the first place
<-- is jealous of FN's veggies and salad
<-- is glad FN could do some Jari and some gym
<-- cannot imagine doing 2 things like that in one day; doesn't that qualify as 2 workouts??
<-- forgot everything else <-- intended to post
<-- apologizes!!!
<---tells Nance <--- is serious about a house party
<---wonders if Dr. Michele ever has to come to NY?
<---thinks we may be able to catch Robin on her way to VT
<---hopes Nance doesn't work too hard
<---tells Ame she must come too
<---thinks Spring '08 sounds good, eh?
<---wonders who tried to buy Robin's RT
<---says dryer is calling
<---will BBL
<--says gooooood evening
<--wishing <--had a vacation itinerary like Robin
<--is comprised of camping in 1964 Scotty trailer (small)
<--Congrats to Phyllis' college choice and good luck to DS
<--tells Meg could have done Sex on the Beach yrs ago -not now
<--out of practice
<--impressed seeing girls put GTG "together" in front of <--eyes
<--up at 7 AM
<--busy planting 100 little persimmon trees with Dad DH and DB#2
<--says would have rather been doing a Cathe wo inside;)
<--cannot seem to get <--bag of veggies cut up at one time
<--thinks Nancy's wo routine seems tough WTG!
<--Robin is correctamundo on the Pgh Zoo
<--Lovely time had by all
<--many docents in the monkey house!
<--says zoo is just what the doc ordered:)
<--baking a pizza tonight
<--after while
<---waves hi to all
<---seems to have missed out on a lot of fun today
<---did have fun out in the yard though
<---tells Meg that <--- has a barn to tend to as well but wouldn't mind pitching in with a pitchfork some day
<---is utterly appalled that Shelley had to run in yucky, cold, pouring rain
<---sometimes kind of agrees about the city dwelling idea...
<---but then gets the heebie jeebies, just thinking about neighbors being so close
<---will continue to dwell in the country
<---happens to agree with Ame about B&G this weekend
<---did the Leg Blast premix and just about died
<---Had a big yard day - weeded, mowed, weed-ate (with the weed eater), hauled a wheelbarrow full of manure from the barn and added it to flower beds
<---also weed-ate self
<---advises youse not to try that
<---says it hurt like &$&%$%$$##&!!!!!
<---assures all that it was not intentional
<---plans to have a nice slow evening and cook a decent dinner
<---may or may not bbl
<--asks Ame: who the heck excluded you??
<--says sorry, no way are you excluded }(
<--would never see Ame as a wimp in a million, trillion years
<--tells Ame and Swifty (your new nickname, swiftwind :p) it was just Get Ripped, which, despite Ame's protests, IS easy compared to a Cathe WO or Slim 'n Lean
<--says mind you, this is NOT Get Ripped 1000, just the first one
<--is working her way back up to S&L :(
<--says the gym WO was 100% cardio, no strength
<--is glad Judy's DD is doing well here in NYC
<--wants some of Swifty's homemade pizza
<--is sure JJ is showing all those other 56-yr. olds how it's done }(
<--hopes JJ has fun in the mountains
<--still has to chop and dice veggies :-(
<--will be very glad when that's over
<-- just bought $20 worth of bootcamp toyz at the dollar store }(
<-- will have to think of when to use the 72 easter eggs for workouts }(
<-- thinks we'll have some Easter egg fun on both Friday and Monday }(
<-- spent 35 minutes cleaning out <--'s bootcampmobile, f.k.a. <--'s car
<-- is very depressed right now
<-- doesn't know why
<-- thinks all the Jaris are difficult
<-- has never thought to put them in order of which ones are hardest
<-- admits to being a little baffled over ^^
<-- has only one class tomorrow!
<-- doesn't have the ERISA class this entire week :7 :7 :7
<-- is supposed to be working on the presentation in paper in lieu of attending class }(
<-- expects you know what <-- is acutally doing instead :p
<-- just bought DH his easter present!
<-- says it is sheets so it's <--'s present too :7
<-- says DH discovered the LLBean flannel sheets and he is hooked; no more Costco sheets for us!!!! :7
<-- has to come up with 72 activities to do that can be described on a piece of paper and performed without instruction
<-- didn't realize that 4 X 18 was 72 until it was too late, LOL
<-- is sleepy
<-- needs to go be a negotiating genius for a few minutes in preparation for our negotiations in "legal issues of startup businesses" tomorrow
<-- does NOT apologize for the novel because <-- know you all secretly LOVE them!! :p }(
<-- hopes to bbl
<--just came back from seeing Terabithia, it touches your heart
<--we ate like pigs today
<--setting up to do Gym style legs, really need it
<--two gardens per year is my limit, but would do one for Robin anytime
<--hope everyone is at home and enjoying the rest of the day


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

<---just finished GS Legs and can barely walk
<---says GSL seems so much harder than the other GSs for some reason
<---went to the grocery store today
<---actually loves to go to the grocery store with DH and twins
<---is eating right now, and not cleanly!
<---sweet dreams!
<-- is ROTF because <-- just caught <--'s fave quote of the day around here that <-- missed earlier
<-- thanks Robin for it ^^
<-- will repeat it in case you missed it too:
"Ursula looks like a chewer"
<-- has to agree 100%, LOL
<-- is going to have gorgonzola ravioli for dinner soon :9 :7 }(
<-- ixnayed the mushroom ravioli and told DH that we should save the mushroom ravioli for a day that <-- did not just do B&G and <-- do not have a sore um you know
<-- is going to go now and make a salad :9 :7
<-- hopes to bb tomorrow not tonight
<-- sends out xxxx's and ooooo's

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