Sharon Mann DVD

I have seen her on FitTV, where I discovered Cathe and love her enthusiam. She has a DVD set out now,, has anyone tried it or heard any feedback? Any information would be appreciated. I always try to mix it up with Cathe, just curious. Thanks.

All I want in life is LOVE and PEACE.....;)
I have 2 of her DVD's. I LOVE them!!! Almost as much as Cathe! I've found though that programming from her DVD you can only put in 1 warm up, 2 cycles (your choice of aerobic, strength, etc) and 1 cool down. Though the combinations are endless a whole workout is only 30-35 minutes. What I've done is programmed a whole work out and taped it through the second cycle, stopped the DVD, programmed another workout (you have to program all 4 sets), taped one more cycle of cardio or strength, stopped the DVD, programmed again and taped the cool down. This measures to about 45 minutes and that's the max I can do. One set I taped I did the workout as I taped it, don't remember the amount of time I actually worked out, but I did three 4 cycle sets with a short breather in between to reprogram the DVD. I now have 2 45 sets of Sharon Mann and can mix these with the 30 minutes and other DVD's I have.

I have a few of Cathe's DVD's and Timesaver by far is the best IMO because of the premixes and the 48 minutes or less time.

I also do the FIRM, 45 minute or less. I'm on a time constraint so my rotation has a wide variety.

I had no problems ordering Sharon Mann's DVD's and they reached me in about 7 business days. I'd like to see her come out with more.

i have sharon's the works cardio and the works sculpting them thru cheaper than her site. i do like them well.

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