Shape up and Sail out

Hi I am the new kid on the block. I am also a beginner. I want to lose weight and build muscle tone. The problem is I get bored and don't know what to eat to be healthy. I see people making protien and whey shakes. I want to be healthy but I am not sure what is what with weight products. I want to lose 100+. I need advice. How did you get started and stay started. I workout once or twice a week. I know I need to exercise for health but I don't have the motivation. I see great looking people and say I want a body like that but then I exercise and get bored....For the motivated inclined what do you do to stay motivated? For the healthy eaters what is healthy? For the sucessors how did you get there? :(
Hi faithfulfriend and welcome to the forums! This is the place to be if you're serious about following the path to a healthy lifestyle. I am grossly inadequate to tackle your questions, but there are many here who have been exactly where you are and I'm sure they will be pleased to share their wisdom. Good luck on your fitness journey! Posting on the boards is a great start.

Welcome! We're glad to have you here! So many of the questions you ask, we all struggle with on a daily basis. I'll give the answers as I see them, but as this varies for each person, someone else may have answers that better fit your circumstance.

Healthy eating = clean eating. It's actually a fairly simply idea, but can be tough to follow through. You want to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans, and lean meats. Try to avoid processed foods - become a label reader - and be diligent about that. I am also an 90/10 follower, meaning that I eat clean 90% of the time. Sometimes the urge to have those potato chips is simply overwhelming. So, I give in occasionally, but I try very hard to keep the portion within a single serving.

Motivation is tougher in that we each have different things that get us going. For me it's that I need a challenge. If I have a goal and a structured plan for obtaining that goal, I do much better. Logging on to the boards helps as well. If I'm feeling wishy-washy about exercising, I log on and read what everyone else is doing, and feel that I really should be out there working out. And when you start to see/feel results (100 pounds takes a while, so you won't see results right away, but you should start to feel them) that motivates you like nothing else. Also - find something you like to do. There are so many fitness programs out there, and so many choices that if you are not motivated by one, try another.

You'll get tons of responses - I hope we help you further your quest for fitness - good luck and keep in touch!

Sounds like you're getting there...meaning you sound ready to make that exercise and healthy eating commitment.

As Michele posted, I don't usually come across making much sense when trying to provide the advice you've requested. But please keep checking your post, keep bumping it up, and it will be responded to by the people who have accomplished the goals you have, and you will get some excellent advice.

As far as motivation, I just keep picturing what I want myself to look like and when that unhealthy eating desire pops up or I whine that I don't want to exercise today, I keep that mental picture of what I want to look like forefront in my mind. I also know I cannot look like someone who I am not, in other words, my body may not be genetically programed to look like someone whose body I dream of having.:)


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