Shameless Addictive Behavior??


Hi folks -- Okay, true confessions time. What has been the craziest thing you ever did to squeeze in your Cathe workout?

I'll start, seeing as how I just topped my own personal best this weekend. My DVDs came late last week but I had a jammed schedule and got only a 30-minute treadmill on Thursday and NO workout Friday, although I did a little previewing late Friday night.

So here's my shamelessly addictive behavior. I confess that I spent Sat. & Sun. maniacally trying to squeeze the new Cathe series in between soccer games. Alex has moved up to "select" soccer this fall and this was his first truly competitive tournament weekend. The tournament was being played at fields that are about 25 minutes from my house, and we had two games each day plus Ken and I had field marshalling duties between games. And then we had a family social engagement later in the afternoon & evening on Sunday that was 90 minutes from our house, so I knew I was going to be out of pocket with NO workout time from about 3:00 Sunday on.

Well, I must have looked like a witch to everybody at the fields, because to the complete astonishment of my indulgent family (who just doesn't "get" this at all :)) I basically sprinted in a frantic triangle among car-workout-shower-car-workout-shower all weekend. When I had a two-hour break at the soccer fields I would race home, and then all I had time to do at home was yell "HEY SWEETIE!" to my pooch as I whizzed by, open the door for the dog, grab some water, hit the DVD player, happily do my workout, race through the spray, comb my wet hair, grab the same (increasingly wrinkled) shorts & shirt, kiss the dog, close the dog's door, and jump back in the car.

I squeezed in Power Hour and two of the three S&H series. Wowza. :-jumpy

I must admit that periodically a teeny weeny voice in my head would say "Uh, Kath, HELLO??? ANY RATIONAL LIFE FORM HOME HERE???" But I ignored him/her, seeing as how he/she couldn't POSSIBLY understand how much I'd been looking forward to these DVDs. And it made me happy and I'm setting a fine fitness example for my children, right?

Well, I feel better now getting that off my chest. ;-) Okay, who can top that story, I ask ya????

Kathy S.

P.S. I'm sending out rotations tonight after work to all of the 64 (I think) new requesters who've asked for them. Never fear!
RE: No shame there, woman!

Other truly negative addictive things I have seen people (myself included on some of these, sadly) go to great efforts to "sneak in" that you could have been doing, but weren't:

1. Having an affair;
2. Drinking alcohol;
3. Binge Eating/shame eating (stuffing that Twinkie in hiding);
4. Smoking (legal & illegal);
5. Doing drugs;
6. Gambling;
7. Compulsive shopping.

So, do I think your behaviour was shamefully addictive? Nah, I think it is healthfully exhuberant and am glad to hear you enjoy your fitness routine so well! It was a great read, as well! :)

(Note I have great sympathy for those with addictive behaviours, being one myself. Just saying be grateful your "compulsion" is a healthy one!) :)
Well, I must admit that I lead a pretty "routined" (see boring!) life sometimes and last Friday I REALLY wanted to work-out, but my girlfriends were meeting for Happy Hour and I really wanted to see them. I knew if I stayed home to do a video, I'd wind up with a very exciting night of exercise (highlight), cleaning my house and the boob tube - which I do 9 times out of 10. soooo... I donned my work-out gear, my walkman and ran the 3 miles to the bar they were meeting at. Got there -- managed to visit w/my friends, drinking water for the first 1/2 hour, then have a cocktail and walk home.

I think that might count as borderline obsessive.....

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