serious vs. fun


Hi guys!
I'm one of the newer ones around here, pretty much have been using Cathe for almost a year. I actually started out with the Body Max and Cardio Kicks dvds, then waited and got the HardCores. I've been doing them pretty regularly.
Recently though, I convinced myself that I can rationalize buying BootCamp & Muscle Endurance CD.... and I have to say, WOW is Cathe SO interactive in this DVD!! She seems to joke and laugh and converse with us audience more. I love Hardcore and the other two I have, but this seemed to me like a side of Cathe I hadn't seen yet. I love these workouts now, and actually am starting to feel that tie to Cathe that I noticed all of the older Cathites around here have.
Are there any other DVDs out there I can get where she is that lighthearted throughout them?
OR, is it just me, and now that I'm getting more used to her workouts, I can enjoy them more. But I really do think she's more serious in the HardCore workouts.
Hi ruppie,

If you want a relaxed, chatty Cathe, check out the Body Blast Series. Cathe was truly having a blast when she made that series.

She's great in all of the Intensity Series workouts, too.

In the Slow & Heavy series, there is a lot of rest time, which Cathe uses to chat a lot. She's very friendly and relaxed throughout all those workouts.

If you want a fun thread to read, so a search for threads called something like "favorite Cathe sayings". A number of threads have happened where people have compiled their favourite Cathe-isms.

Thanks Sandra! Although it IS going to make me justify buying even MORE Cathy DVDS!

I really think the difference is worth it though.. it makes such a difference to laugh a bit during a workout!
You'll have them all before you know it! Cathe's personality is certainly a big part of the appeal of her workouts, I agree. Happy exercising!

I really like her in Imax 2 (just did it yesterday) she seems to know when you are beginning to yelp. And she does this little dance after (I think one of the final blasts) I always giggle, I feel like she is here with me.
If you like chatty and a less serious approach, but a tough workout, you may want to look into Mindy Mylrea. She's a hoot and gives a great workout. She drives a lot of people nuts, but I love her funny chatter.

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