Hi everyone. Don't know if anyone will see this...but I'm probably going to be rambling anyway!!
What a crazy weekend. Jameson has had a cough for about a week -sounds just like me. No fever, though. Saturday he said he felt sick. He went and laid down and his fever went up to about 103. Called the doctor, she said to watch him, if he got worse to call back. Well, he was just miserable. Didn't want to get out of bed, eat, nothing, not even watch TV. About 10:30 he threw up and couldn't stop shaking. I just had a bad feeling about it, I've never seen any of my kids so sick. Took him to the emergency room. By the time we saw the doctor he was actually feeling better. Doctor said his throat, ears looked fine and his chest sounded clear. Probably just a virus. We get home, he goes to bed. Half hour later he throws up and temp is 104.5. He's been in bed all day, just miserable. Hasn't eaten a thing in two days. I called his doctor again today and asked her why they didn't test him for flu. She said it's a state mandate that they only test for swine flu for people who are hospitalized. If they would have given him a flu test, insurance wouldn't pay for it and we'd be billed for $800. How crazy is that? She said some kids have really bad side effects from the antiviral flu medication, so there really wasn't a reason to give the test since they wouldn't do anything different. How is the state tracking swine flu if they only test people who are sick enough to be hospitalized?
Today was Caitlyn's birthday. We were planning to have family over today, but cancelled it since Jameson was sick. I gave her the present from us and took her out for ice cream. She kept saying she wanted this Texas donut for her birthday. Well, I go to the donut place and they don't have any. Someone had come in that morning and bought about 10 of them. They gave me the address of their other place about a half hour away. I called and they had one, so I drove over there to get it. Craziness!! She did appreciate it though. I took a picture - I'll post it if I ever transfer my pics to the computer.
In the middle of all this craziness, DH decides this would be a good weekend to put a new roof on the garage. He had Jameson up there for awhile Saturday morning, but he finally convinced DH he was sick and went in. Ian was up there for eight hours. Today DH's sister and brother came over to help and they finished it. DH get extremely shall we say "crabby" when doing any type of projects. I was about to push him off that dam* roof! JK, of course.
We do not work well together.
I'm still coughing, but feel better. No workouts this weekend since I planned not to Saturday and didn't get any sleep last night. Back to Insanity tomorrow.
Sorry I'm all about me tonight, just needed to vent a bit I guess. I'm hoping no one else gets what Jameson has. Especially Caitlyn for her party next weekend.
Off to bed now...night everyone!