Sept 11 th and starting over.


Hi all, Its been a while since I posted and or read the posts, I lost my brother-inlaw a NY Firefighter, in the WTC, Ihad a hard time dealing with it and my MD put me on Paxil, with this med I gained 25 lbs. I recently went off of it, still anxious and upset, but the weight gain made it worse. I have all of Cathes tapes and need to get back into my routine, I went from 2 hrs a day right before Sept, to zero, Please help me in deciding what to start with, and any suggestions for meds or natural vitamins etc to help with the anxiety. Thanks, Denice
Hi Denice,
I am so sorry that you lost your brother-in-law in the WTC.
I don't really have any advice about the anxiety, but I would definitely recommend starting slowly back into an exercise routine. Maybe that will actually help with the anxiety as well.
Again, I am very sorry about the loss of your brother-in-law.
Thinking of you,
Denice, please accept my sympathies on the loss of your brother. And kudos to you for wanting to get back to your health and exercise program after such a bitter loss.

If you have all of Cathe's tapes, I suggest you start with the Cross-Train Express series, and limit yourself to one hour a day max. You'll get your cardio in, and get back into the swing of strength training and muscle conditioning as well. Also, you may want to bring yoga, Pilates, or other "mind-body" sessions into your program. Do what you can consistently for about 3-4 weeks, and go from there in terms of what to add, change or reduce. I think if you try to go straight back to your former schedule right away it will be too much for you.

I also think that you should focus on exercise and eating good nutritious foods as the way to manage your anxiety. I'm biased in the issue of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication: I think they are vastly over-prescribed, and mask the very real and very sane responses to profound existential, real human anguishes. I think they can also delay the emotional healing process by masking the pain and sorrow inherent in that process.

Just my $.02. I'm glad you're back with us. Please let us know how you are doing.

RE: Denice, I apologize

In my post above, I gave you a sermon about anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications that you neither asked for nor deserved. Please know I apologize deeply for that.

I do stand by my suggestion that you focus on rebuilding a well-rounded exercise program and focus on a good, "clean" nutrition program before searching for other sorts of supplementations. One danger with vitamin supplementation is over-dosing on that particular substance, which can have toxic physical and psychological effects, as well as cancelling out the vitamin and mineral benefits of other substances. I don't think the scientific jury is in yet as to what vitamins and minerals are effective and safe, and in what amounts, to assist in coping with a profound life / heart crisis.

I do suggest limiting simple sugars and caffeine, especially when they're present together (like in chocolate, the universal comfort food), especially on an empty stomach. Those can send your blood sugar levels through the roof and then create a physical and mental crash.

Again, I apologize for my unnecessary comments in my previous post, and I hope you stay with us.

I'm so sorry!

I am so sorry for your loss!! Please give yourself permission to take your time in getting your fitness level back, okay? The CTX series, although shorter, is very high impact, and it may be overwhelming at times IMHO. Remember that ANY exercise you do is a wonderful thing! If you can only make yourself do 15-30 minutes, that's okay. I would suggest that you set a goal of 30 minutes, but don't beat yourself up if you don't get there right away. When you start feeling dissatisfied with 30 minutes, and you will as you start feeling better, then start extending your workouts because it's what you WANT, not just what you know you "should" be doing. :)

In terms of vitamins, B vitamins have been known to help with depression that is hormone related. I don't know if that is a factor in your situiation, but it certainly couldn't hurt. When I'm feeling down as my period approaches, I take a B-100 complex that I get at Walmart, and it helps immeasurably.

Hang in there! I know it feels like you're going to feel this way forever, but you really won't. It will get easier. You'll always be sad when you remember your loss, but it won't always be this overwhelming. You're in my prayers!

I am so sorry for your loss. I wanted to share with you that I recently got back in the swing of things in terms of exercise, and I can't tell you how much it has helped me. I was on Zoloft about 1 year ago, and I have to say that maintaining an exercise program helps more than the meds. Just take it slow and you'll be back to where you were sooner than you think.

Love, Evelyn
Hi Denice!

I agree with everyone here about starting off easy as you ease back into a routine. I think exercise can be the BEST medication! I am sooo sorry to hear about your special relative you lost. Know we are here any time and it is so good to see you back. Keep us posted. My thoughts & prayers are with you! Sending a BIG hug your way. {{{Denice}}}

jYour-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie!

Physically I would say I'm fully recovered from the miscarriage. Emotionally takes some time, but I'm getting there.
I'm taking it one day at a time. There are good days and not-so-good days. It helps that I have so much support everywhere I go. Great people like you and the other wonderful folks here make all of life's bruises easier to bear. :) Exercise has become something I'm doing because I want to again, not just because I should.

Thanks for asking and for just being there!

Hi Evelyn, Thanks so much for your concern and reply, Can I ask you a question, Are you still taking the Zoloft, and if so how are you doing on it, and what were you takink it for???? Denice
Denice, I really admire your strength and courage. This is something that will take a very long time to heal. But exercise will most definitely help. I'm not a doctor, so I won't give any advice regarding meds or natural vitamins. This should be between you and your doctor, in my opinion. But as far as cathe tapes... what was your favorite when you were doing 2 hours/day? What tape did you go for the most? Start with that one. Forget what was most challenging, or the longest, or what worked your glutes the most... just go for the one that is most fun, that brings you joy and that all-day "Yeah, I did it!" feeling. That's the one I'd start with. For me, it would be cardio kicks for cardio, and MIS or S/H for strength.

Whatever you do, take pride in knowing you are moving forward with your life and with your health. You are doing something wonderful for you and your famiy. And know you can always come to the forum for help, advice, encouragement, sympathy... or whatever!

RE: Denice, I apologize

Annette, You DO NOT have to apologize I so appreciate your advice, I am seeing a nutrionist every week, and i am off the Paxil and taking B12 and a antioxodent, we will see how it goes, I started with the xtrain epress. on monday, I cant believe i felt so out of it, what a difference from 2 hrs a day feeling great to 1hr dying, but I know it all takes time, Thanks again. Denice.
RE: I'm so sorry!

Thanks so much Erin, as a matter of fact I emailed my nutrionist earlier and she also suggested vitamin B how funny Do you have ESP Ha Ha, well your right I will take it slow, as I did the xtrain, I had a hard time getting through the whole tape, but I will go slow, Thanks,, Denice.
RE: I'm so sorry!

Erin, I just resd the post regarding your miscarridge, Im so sorry and thoughts and prayers are with you. Denice
RE: Hi Denice!

Thanks alot for your thoughts, and how cute is that waving smiley face, my daughter who is 2 sitting on my lap is laughing saying, look Ma he is waving at me. Thanks again. Denice.
Hi Denice. I'm new here, but want to send my condolences for you and your family's loss.

I'm glad to hear, though, that you are starting up an exercise routine again. Take care.

It's very hard to imagine what your family must be going through....we certainly want to extend our condolences. This whole situation has been a nightmare.

As for your exercise, I would not want to do too much at once...since I assume you have the CTX series, I would line up those buggers and start doing them. Don't get all hung up with rotations, just dive in. Do them on a 4" step if that's what it takes to get you through them.

Good luck to you and your family!
My deepest and most sincere condolences to you. My warmest thoughts and prayers are sincerely directed your way.

As for workouts, I absolutely agree with Marnie: what were the workouts that you were enjoying the most? I would reach for those now. Give yourself time to ease back into it. Those endorphins really help in the healing and grieving process; I know this from experience. Just let them do their magic, and give it time. If the old favorites aren't doing it anymore, try new things: yoga and meditation tapes can be greatly useful. Or live classes, if time and your schedule permit.

Godspeed to you.:)

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