Self motivation

Go heavy girl....... You'll feel like Arnie, but you won't look like Arnie.

You have to remember that body builders spend 2-4 hours lifting weights nearly every day and on top of that their diet is very restrictive and high in protein (I read that Arnie has 15 or egg whites or eggs for breakfast), their intention is to bulk up whereas we are going for endurance and strength.

I haven't noticed myself getting bigger at all! If anything I have slimmed down.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-02 AT 11:31AM (Est)[/font][p]Go heavy girl....... You'll feel like Arnie, but you won't look like Arnie.

You have to remember that body builders spend 2-4 hours lifting weights nearly every day and on top of that their diet is very restrictive and high in protein (I read that Arnie has 15 or so egg whites or eggs for breakfast), their intention is to bulk up whereas we are going for endurance and strength.

I haven't noticed myself getting bigger at all! If anything I have slimmed down.


Oooops. Double post, triple even...
Go heavy girl....... You'll feel like Arnie, but you won't look like Arnie.

You have to remember that body builders spend 2-4 hours lifting weights nearly every day and on top of that their diet is very restrictive and high in protein (I read that Arnie has 15 or so egg whites or eggs for breakfast), their intention is to bulk up whereas we are going for endurance and strength (or in my case going for maximum calorie burn and nothing reves up your metabolism like weight lifting).

I haven't noticed myself getting bigger at all! If anything I have slimmed down.

Take it easy though and don't jump too many weights at once or you'll injure yourself. Take it a 1kilo at a time.

I am my aim to lift 22lbs for back and legs and 15 - 11lb biceps, triceps 8lb for shoulders (will go heavier but my shoulders being my weak area will take longer) that will be the heavy end of scale and go for lighter depending on reps and whether I am doing endurance and strength.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-02 AT 04:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Yen, I am with you being frustrated with people who don't exercise, and them seem to find fault or excuses or what have you. Conversely, having done just gym, just home, and a combo of both as life circumstances have allowed, I believe that for some people it IS that hard to exercise. Some have never found a form of workout they truly LIKE; for some people working out HURTS (overweight, back issues, joint issues, etc); for many it seems like a futile effort when every diet they have ever tried has failed them--"If I don't try at all, then I won't have to admit failure again." Sometimes those flip comments are masking deeper hurts, fears, or failures.
Plus, many people who regularly attend classes see it as more than "group fitness." I have been taking classes with some people for over 8 years. They miss you when you are gone, they notice when you get your hair cut--complement that new outfit!
For me, I do what I can when I can because I have to. My metabolism is crappy, I've worked out my whole life, and been from a size 6 to a 16 in my time. My motivation comes from a picture I keep of me at size 16- I felt and looked miserable. Sometimes I wanna kick-box in my underwear, and others I want to go whoop and holler and work out with my friends in Spin or step class.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-02 AT 07:22PM (Est)[/font][p]It really is hard to motivate yourself to workout. Luckily I found Cathe who motivates me very much! :)

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