Second Visit to Nutrition Consultant


Okay, I saw the nutritionist again last night.

She asked me to describe my meals in detail, and I was relieved when she said that my breakfast is "perfect" and my lunch is "lovely" (I think that was the word she used).

I told her that I was having trouble with 4:00 cravings for coffee and a Luna Bar. Guess what! She said the dressing on my lunch salad doesn't have enough oil! I had switched to low-fat dressing because I was only supposed to have 1-3 tsps. of oil for lunch, and I thought I needed low-fat in order to have enough dressing to cover my whole BIG salad. But she said she doesn't mind if I exceed 3 tsps. It would be better than having too little. So I have to increase my fat!!! <happydance!!!> Who knew? All kidding aside though, I wonder if I can do it? I'm still so afraid of fat.

Also, I'm now supposed to buy a fruit salad when I go out to buy lunch, and eat it at around 4:00. More food! :)

I told her I gave up diet Coke completely, but can't seem to give up coffee, and guess what?!?! She said she has no problem with coffee. 1-2 cups a day is fine. So here I am happily drinking my morning coffee. (See smilie below).

She also approved of the stir-fry dinners my husband and I have been making without rice, but said I could use more variety. She recommended that I buy a George Forman grill, and grill my poultry, fish and vegetables. I think I'll try it soon.

I told her I'm not hungry before I go to sleep, but I have all this emotional comfort eating going on around that time, which for me means Healthy Choice Chocolate Chocolate Chunk ice cream in superhuman amounts. She said to relax, take a hot bath or do whatever relaxes me, and make myself a cup of fruit herbal tea. My assignment is to go out and buy a variety of fruit herbal teas that look good to me. She said the whole ceremony of making the tea for myself will be a kind of nurturing, comforting experience, which the ice cream experience really no longer is because of the emotional pain that it causes me. She said that large dose of sugar that I eat at night is causing me to feel miserable in the morning, and I'll start to feel much better by substituting the herbal tea. This will be a tough one, and I don't expect to change overnight, but I did eat a little less ice cream last night.

I do beleive that my night eating indicates some sort of emotion that I probably need to look at more closely and find a solution for.

Regarding Coral Calcium, she said the brand doesn't matter, as long as the calcium is calcium citrate. It's the only form of calcium that is completely absorable. She recommends GNC Calcimate Plus 800 because its other ingredients are in just the right amounts, but there is nothing magical about the GNC brand.

Whew! I'll be back with more as I remember it.

Very interesting...

Did she say anything about the popcorn? I am ashamed to say that it has become a nightly ritual for me:eek:


Hi Nancy! I'm so very glad of all of your successful meetings w/this nutritionist. Your right on the money w/everything that your doing for a healthy lifestyle. Also in place of the 2nd cup of coffee try to drink a cup of green tea instead. Its much better for you & it acts as a fat burner too. Instead of using the oil or Pam when cooking up your stir-frys try using virgin coconut oil from the Philippines. This too is a fat burner. I have a George Forman grill & LOVE it! I use mine every night; its so easy to use & the clean up is a snap. I'm going to buy those calcium supplements that you mentioned. Thanks a lot & keep up the great work! Kathy:7

Came back to say that you haven't tried my Shannycakes recipe yet. There easy to make & pack up. You can eat 1 at 4:00 w/your green tea & this will hold you until you get home for dinner later. I know there not a luna bar but you can put a little bit of Splenda in the recipe to make it sweeter. Just a suggestion. HTH
Hey Nancy!

Thanks for checking in with us after your second visit! Sounds like it went well! Your nutritionist must have been proud of the progess you've made, and it must have been nice to have her give you the good 'ole pat on the back for a job well done.

Oh, and thanks for asking about the Coral Calcium. Appreciate it! Did you happen to also ask for book recommendations? If so, I'd be interested to hear what she said. And how about that soy milk vs. skim milk question? Did you get around to asking about that?

Thanks again for sharing your experience with us!
>>She also approved of the stir-fry dinners my husband and I
>have been making without rice, but said I could use more
>variety. She recommended that I buy a George Forman grill,
>and grill my poultry, fish and vegetables. I think I'll try
>it soon.

The George Forman Grill is wonderful, easy and quick!! I do a lot of chicken and veggies on it.

Thanks so much for sharing.

What she says sounds pretty close to the Zone way of eating. Did you find this to be so?

I know Sarah! I didn't get to it. I think I was afraid she would come up with alternatives, and I'm just not interested. I only eat popcorn once or twice a week, and I didn't want her to put the kabash on it for me! I'm too busy trying to cut back on ice cream for now. The popcorn stays! :)

I thought my session would be for an hour again, but she had scheduled me for a half hour as a "follow-up" visit, so I focused on the things that were more important to me. Therefore, I didn't get to everything. My feeling is I don't think she would approve of soy milk. My diet plan specifically states: "MILK: Skim milk is best; skim plus is fine; 1% is good". If soy milk were acceptable, I think the list might say so?

Sorry I couldn't get to everything. Alison, you really should get a recommendation for someone in your area and go. You will love it!!:7
Interesting question. Doesn't the Zone require certain proportions of protein, fat and carbs at every meal? My dinner is very low carb (just vegetables), but my breakfast and lunch have a lot of carbs. I'm not all that familiar with the Zone, so it's hard for me to compare.

The biggest change for me with this diet is eating all natural all the time. If I were on the Zone, I'd probably be eating Zone bars all day (if that's allowed)! But eating REAL food has forced me to slow down and have a REAL life! So it's like a whole lifestyle change.
Thanks for all your comments Kathy!

Your cakes sound absolutely delicious! I can't imagine when I would make them during the week, though, and are you sure they are easy to pack up?? With the bananas for sweetness, it doesn't sound like they would need the Splenda. They sound perfect for weekend breakfast, so I will try them then! :D

Hi Nancy! When you make up the batter in the blender let the batter sit for a few minutes; if you don't I discovered the batter to be too thin. I make my pancakes on Sun. wrap them up in Saran Wrap individually & pack them in my lunch bag. My friends also turn them into muffins which I'll try on Sun. I think they might travel a little bit better than the pancakes. Please try them. Their soooo YUMMY! Kathy:D
Nancy Yes you'll definitely need the blender to mix up the batter. Just using a whisk won't make it smooth & creamy in texture; it'll remain lumpy b/c of the cottage cheese. Oh no another kitchen appliance has to be purchased!LOL Kathy;-)

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