Seaweed instead of lasagna noodles??


I so miss veggie lasagna--I haven't made it in so long b/c it's so hard to find whole wheat lasagna noodles around here!!! Today I had a thought--could I use the sushi-grade seaweed instead?? I was just thinking that it has the same chewy texture when it's wrapped around sushi and it would be much healthier. I wonder how it would withstand the time in the oven. Anyone ever thought about this or even tried it??? Just curious............I may be on my way to a new yummy recipe!!!:9
I will eat just about anything to be healthy, but this one, you're going to have to try first, and then let me know!! x(

You can make your own whole wheat noodles. It's not worth it with anything but lasagne, but I used to do it. If you're interested, I'll mail you a recipe.
never had sushi

but I have used eggplant slices instead of noodles and my unsuspecting DH didn't know the difference (or at least wouldn't admit it!)
sorry I have no input on the sushi substitution though
julie :)
RE: never had sushi

I've also had GREAT success with using zucchini slices, roast them slightly in the oven first to get out some of the excess water. It's delicious! And a great way to use up the fall zucchini excess!
i had to crack up.....i am just recovering from food poisoning...and this sounds super disgusting right now!!!!! i will re read this when i am;-)
Oh your poor thing joanna. I hope it wasnt from trying any of the recepies on this forum LOL!

Ashley.........Hmmmmmm not sure about the seaweed idea, but if you try it and its really good, I would be interested in giving it ago.

Love seaweed, love veggies, love lasagna, so why not!

I can second the zucchini idea though. Yum

I like seaweed: dulse (especially smoked) as a snack, nori wrapped around rice and veggies, etc. but seaweed lasagna? I'm not sure about that one. I suggest trying it out with a small recipe, and being willing to compost the results if it turns out inedible. I'd be worried that the seaweed would become soft and mushy. Sushi is very dry compared to lasagna with all that sauce.

I have seen a recipe for lasagna substituting sliced, sautéd portabella mushrooms instead of noodles.
sorry for grossing yall out!!! I just love the texture of seaweed, but like Kathryn said, I don't know how it would hold up being baked with the sauce--I'm sure it would get mushy and that's not what I'm going for at all!! I love the eggplant and portabella suggestions, though. I suppose that if you got a long, thin eggplant and sliced it thin lengthwise that it would be a lot like a noodle. A cross b/w lasagne and eggplant parmisan--yummy!! Thanks alot. I'll save the seaweed for wrapping around other stuff.;)

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