Seasonale--follow up

I understand. When a woman uses the pill, it's the same difference whether she has withdrawal bleeding monthly or 4 times per year and it's not a period because the cycle is surpressed during the duration of use of the Pill.

Regarding iron, my favorite nutriton book states that, worldwide one in seven people don't get enough iron (it was published in 2001 so the stats most likely have changed.) And yes, in the U.S., children and women of childbearing age are the people most likely to be deficient. Overall, it's not likely that any of us outside those groups will experience deficiency since we eat meat and everthing is fortified, therefore supplementation should be discussed with your doc and getting more than the RDA is not a good. Eat Drink and Be Healthy by Walter Willett. I love that book. Willett states that if our storehouse is well stocked, excesses pass right through but the iron in meat "seems to slide under this mineral radar and add to the stockpile even if your body already has plenty of iron. This could be a problem , as some researh has shown, iron acts as a powerful generator of free radicals." He also reiterates what you said about the risk of heat disease being weak along with a similar hypothesis for cancer but, "the jury is still out". I think its best to err on the side of caution. And I think the free radical, exercise and anti-oxident discussion belongs in a different thread. I have suspected anemia everytime my body gets out of whack but my levels always to turn out fine as have my hormonal levels even when I was convinced I was perimenopausal. Maybe I am just insane! ;)

Who are you who are so wise in the way of the female reproductive system? :) What about the safety of synthetic hormones which is really what piques my curiosity most. We shouldn't be having so many cycles so supressing them is a good thing but are these hormones as safe as what our bodies can produce or are we forced to trade one set of risks for another? Stay on the soapbox. Women's issues are key to our taking over the world! LOL! Having choices and knowing what makes us tick is the only way that's going to happen. There's so much to learn and even if I have never found the Pill to my liking, I have two teenaged daughters. I want them ready to rock the world with no regard to gender and this is what it's all about.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

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