Seasonal Affective Disorder & Light Therapy


Has anyone tried light therapy to beat winter blues? If so, what kind of lamp did you buy? There's so much contradictory info about the best type (full vs. broad spectrum vw. bluewave technology). Any insight would be appreciated before I make this big purchase.

Thank you!
I need to make this same purchase, so any info form those in the know would be more than wonderful!

Have you considered a tanning salon? I go regularly for my psoriasis, but I hear tanning beds also work wonders for SAD.
I WOULD love to go to a tanning salon, but my dermatologist would probably have me involuntarily committed. ;) Light therapy lamps screen the harmful UVA and UVB rays, supposedly offering the benefits of sunlight on mental state without posing a risk to skin. I'll still be butt pasty white, but hopefully a little less gloomy.
No sun beds for me. It's just too undergraduatey. And nothing looks more false than a tan in Winter in Michigan!

Clare ;-)

I have been diagnosed with SAD & have been able to combat it with exercise & light therapy using grow lights. If the light can give a plant what it needs to grow, it can help humans with their deficiencies, too.

This bulb (from has this description

"Grow Bulb $10.95 e1478

Full spectrum 60 watt replacement bulb for use in our Grow Light Kit or any standard fixture. Lasts for 3000 hours. Great for bonsai, orchids or all houseplants."

Remeber "full-spectrum" lights are targeted at us poor suckers with something that will make us "grasp" for almost any help so they jack up the cost of the bulbs. When in reality you can purchase them right in your Home Depot lighting department.

Though I did find this site, that has bulbs for as low as $6 if you buy a case of 12.

And of course, if you want the tan, go for the tanning bed solution. It is also said to work.

Good luck with your SAD.
I am really terrible in getting out of bed in winter... it's so dark, cold and feels like it's the middle of the night. So I bought a Lumie alarm clock, it wakes me up with light, simulating the sun coming up and it works like a charm, I always wake up without that terrible feeling I used to have. Unless I've been up all night for whatever reason, then I'm just tired.

It doesn't really answer your question, but it is used in light therapy.

That's interesting Dutchie...I've wanted to try one of those for years but never got around to getting one. Where did you get yours?

I have a S.A.D lamp. It cost about £200. Does it work...errr, no. Not on me anyway. Sigh. I hate the dark winter months so thought this was a good buy. It really is very, very bright, but did nothing to help with the S.A.D. Save your pennies.
I think I'm going to get one made by Apollo with "bluewave" light. I think I can use my pre-tax flexible health care spending account dollars since I got a note from my doctor. And Costco sells it for $149, which isn't so bad in pre-tax dollars. I'll let you know how it works.
Hi Frances,

I also get the winter blues if I don't get enough light (which can be difficult at times living up in the Pacific Northwest). As somebody who has studied lighting design, however, I can tell you that studies have proven full spectrum lamps do not help any more than regular incandescent lamps. So buy whatever kind of fixture and lamps you want--incandescent, fluorescent, or full-spectrum because studies have shown that it doesn't make a difference for SAD. Most people just don't use bright lamps consistently enough to make a difference. I've found that making an effort to turn on the brightest fixture every time I enter a room when the weather is grey (even in the middle of the day) is all it takes.

I bought a light last August and I've found that it's made a big difference in my mood and general ability to cope with these dark months and depression. Google "Northern Light Technologies" .. it's a Canadian company that has a variety of light therapy devices and although their products are a bit expensive (even with the exchange) it's worth checking out. They also have some informative web links too.

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