

Another suggestion someone had told me was to just have a small goal like a page a week/2weeks and before you know it, you'll have a bunch done by the end of the year. I can relate to feeling overwhelmed. I have tons of pictures that still need to be organized. Good luck with your scrapbooking!

I do! When I can that is. I stopped obsessing about getting every photo scrapbooked, however. Now I get photo albums that have a little writing space by each photo slot. I can jot down the who and when of each photo. Then I feel free to chose what photos I really want to do something special with to scrapbook. The photos I do choose I often like to get in larger sizes for the scrapbooks. It is fun, but I keep it simple. I really like the pages I see in Simple Scrapbooks magazine.

As for adhesive, I use both double-sided tape and glue. The glue I use is Zig brand. Love it. I tend to use tape for photos and glue for everything else. Glue dots are nice for heavier items.


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