Scott Cole

Debra L

Scott Cole's Millenium Stretch has helped my recovery from some pretty hard core training (century training, 1/2 marathons, Mt. Whitney). The video has gathered a bit of dust (it's a full hour) until this weekend. Tamilee Webb's stretching videos, some yoga & Pilates have stepped into the void. But the hip flexors were a bit tight this weekend & I knew that nothing in my video collection would loosen them up as well as Millenium Stretch. Which it did.

So who do I see pictured in today's Wall Street Journal? Scott Cole! I didn't know he was the "Abs of Steel" guy. The article in WSJ's Personal Journal is highlighting Qigong & other fluid, gentle exercises & Cole was their cover guy.

Admittedly, Scott Cole is very easy on the eyes. But so I don't seem too shallow: His cueing & personality are up there with Cathe's. I'd love to hear some reviews if anyone as Cole's new DVD's.

I don't have a review, but have you checked They are sure to have a review on the DVD. Just click the reviews icon and then go under new reviews and scan through them. I have found this web site very helpful in the past.
Hi Debra!

I was just thinking about either this video or Kari's ALC. I only have a few stretching videos and I like their 1/2 hour length. But, no video seems to get my quads much. If Scott's gets the hip flexors I'm thinking maybe it would get the quads too. I'm also thinking an hour long stretch would feel good... I didn't know he had a new one.

Kathy you're right, I should go over to VF & try to track down some reviews of Cole's newer DVD's. He's also got a book "Athletic Abs" that I'd like to learn more about.

Andrea, the big difference between Millenium Stretch & my other stretching videos is how long the stretches are held. I end up grabbing a Tamilee Webb or a Karen Voight most often because they're 30 minutes or less. But as someone posted here long ago, you feel like butter after Millenium Stretch.

I really like Kari Anderson but can't figure out why I like ALC. I feel relaxed after it but not really stretched. Isn't ALC II supposed to be better?

Have you run your season opener yet? How'd it go or when is it??

I'm up to 5 min run w/ 1 min walk. Had a few weeks where I didn't get more than 1 run in so I haven't progressed all the way through your walk/run program. Got to keep on stretching so I don't have to halt & restart running again!


I checked the reviews at VF and Scott actually has quite a few videos! I'll probably get Millenium I. Not soon though I'm sure.

Have you had any problems while building your running back up?

Yes, I ran my first race of the year (5k) last weekend. I felt like I did so much better than last year and came in 8 seconds slower! Oh well. Dh got me a coolmax tee for Mom's Day and some power gels to try. My bday is the 20th so my gift for that is a 10K next weekend.

Did I tell you I'm gonna train for the AZ RocknRoll Marathon in January? I really hope I can make it. I've realized I have to just focus on improving one thing. Running is it for a while. My strength, spinning, videos, will have to just stay at their current level. Any tips are welcome!

Did you ever get a Spinervals? I now own 4 and love them. It will be great cross training for my running since it's zero impact.

This got way off the topic. We're still trying to plan a trip your way in June. Dh's Dad has been in the hospital for over a month, and we don't really know where that is going.

RE: Debra

Hi guys :)

Just wanted to let you know that this thread came at a perfect time :). I have desperately been looking for a good stretch tape, ESPECIALLY for the hip area. I have hurt each hip flexor once in the last 5 months, and I think it may be due to lack of flexibility in that area. I am afraid to start running again, because I don't want to hurt myself anymore :( But I just ordered this tape, hoping it will help. Now I need to sell a box of yoga tapes that I have that I didn't take to very well to help pay for recent purchases :)


Sara, isn't it funny that most people have to worry about hamstrings & the 3 of us are worried about the front of the leg & hip? Hope Millenium Stretch works for you.

The current issue of Runnersworld has a little snippet on Yoga for Athletes (not the Rodney Yee version) from It's supposed to have a runner specific program. I need to post over at VF & find out if anyone has tried it.

Hi Andrea!

I posted but it disappeared x( !

Sounds like you ran a fine 5K! Hope your boys were there to cheer you on. How exciting to train for the inaugral Az Rock & Roll! You'll do great because you research, plan well & listen to your body.

While every winter I am tempted, I don't have any Spinervals. I haven't had any problems since I resumed running just time constraints. We have a house in escrow in L.A. county & our current home is on the market. Looks like this will be a functional fitness summer - packing, painting, yard renovation.

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Hope you get get news soon.


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