Scott Cole's Millenium Stretch has helped my recovery from some pretty hard core training (century training, 1/2 marathons, Mt. Whitney). The video has gathered a bit of dust (it's a full hour) until this weekend. Tamilee Webb's stretching videos, some yoga & Pilates have stepped into the void. But the hip flexors were a bit tight this weekend & I knew that nothing in my video collection would loosen them up as well as Millenium Stretch. Which it did.
So who do I see pictured in today's Wall Street Journal? Scott Cole! I didn't know he was the "Abs of Steel" guy. The article in WSJ's Personal Journal is highlighting Qigong & other fluid, gentle exercises & Cole was their cover guy.
Admittedly, Scott Cole is very easy on the eyes. But so I don't seem too shallow: His cueing & personality are up there with Cathe's. I'd love to hear some reviews if anyone as Cole's new DVD's.
So who do I see pictured in today's Wall Street Journal? Scott Cole! I didn't know he was the "Abs of Steel" guy. The article in WSJ's Personal Journal is highlighting Qigong & other fluid, gentle exercises & Cole was their cover guy.
Admittedly, Scott Cole is very easy on the eyes. But so I don't seem too shallow: His cueing & personality are up there with Cathe's. I'd love to hear some reviews if anyone as Cole's new DVD's.