Well, I've been working out for a year and a half now, and lost about 30 pounds. I'm 5"2.5 and went from 168.5 pounds to 135 pounds. I started strength training with Cathe's Pure Strength and I plan on starting the slow and heavy series very soon. My husband and I want to have a child and I'm thinking of getting off the pill (orthotricycline) in August. Here's my problem, I recently saw pictures of myself when I was almost 170 pounds and thought, I don't want to go back to that look. I'm 38 years old and I don't have any children. I worked so hard to get all that weight off and the idea of being pregnant and gaining 30-50 pounds really scares me. I know with proper eating and exercise, I should be able to gain and lose it after the baby, but what if it doesn't come off. I mean some women say that they have exercised throughout their pregnancies and still gain anywhere from 50-70 pounds and it takes months sometimes years to get the weight off. I just don't want to get fat again. I've struggled with my weight all my life and for the first time I feel great about how I look and feel, and I don't want to undue all the hard work I put into getting in shape. I hate to sound superficial, however, I was so unhappy with all that weight on my body, that the very idea of coming close to that image terrifies me. I've put off having children and now, I'm at an age in which I can not put it off any longer. Besides, my husband really wants a child with me. He has 2 older sons from a previous marriage, but, he wants another child. Deep down inside I want one as well, but I can't get pass the weight issue. Should I try to lose more weight before I get pregnant or is it better to just have the extra weight on now, so I won't balloon up or beyond the weight I was before I lost it all. Some one on the post stated that the smaller you are the more likely to gain more weight when you are pregnant. I'm confused, I need some encourgement and advice. The biological clock is ticking.....