Scared to do Only PS in Week


I was told on another thread that PS is intended to the only strength training workout for the week. I had been doing three Firm/FitPrime AWT tapes each week. I was going to do PS and MIS each week in order to work each body part twice a week. But am I really okay only working each body part once a week? It seems like most rotations mix PS and MIS and the success stories I've read usually inquire 2-3 strength training days a week.

I'm supposed to do MIS tomorrow and I think that I'm up to it but was wondering if maybe I should do Weights First instead (lower body is a huge concern of mine).

What do you guys think?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-02 AT 08:21AM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe REALLY knows what she's doing, and she designed the PS series so each tapes needs to be done only once per week. I certainly think we can take her word for it.

I have not idea why there is such a big push to add MIS or Power Hour to the PS series other than that people think more is better. It's not necessarily so. More is better if you have a stubborn area, like triceps for instance. If that is the case, THEN you could work your triceps an extra time, but only with about 3 exercises, like dips, triceps pushups, and kickbacks - that would really be sufficient.

Keep in mind that no rotations posted on this forum are written in stone, and you are free to do whatever you want. Many of the rotations I've seen I would never do because they are way too intense.

But that's just my opinion, which is not worth the price of a cup of coffee at any cheap diner.
I am in the process of trying to figure out which rotation would be best for weight loss and would appreciate your input:

M - PS CST/CTX cardio
T - PS BBA/CTX cardio
W - PS Legs
TH - Spinning
S - 60 mins cardio
Sun - Off


M - PS CST/ CTX cardio
T - 60 min cardio
W - PS BBA / CTX cardio
TH - Spinning
F - PS Legs
S - 60 mins cardio
Sun - Off

Also, I know that PS is strength and CTX weights are endurance but could I still substitute the CTX LLA for the Ps Legs? I don't care for the floor work on the PS tape.

Thanks for you input!
I like to do a lot of tapes because I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Now I'm asking myself why I even bought MIS! I see what you're saying. I think that I got a great upper body workout from PS this week and I probably don't need anything else. But lower body is my problem area so maybe I'll do Weights First today (and buy LL) that way I work upper body once a week and lower body twice a week. Which sounds logical given what Cathe says in PS Legs about how most women can't go as heavy as they should on lower body because we can't lift enough weight over our head so she adds a lot of endurance work for lower body.

It feels so weird to workout LESS than I was before but I'll take Cathe's word for it.

So how do I fit MIS into this? I was thinking that maybe I'd do the only PS thing for 3-4 weeks then do an MIS rotation? Good idea? MIS can be done more than once a week, right? It seems like a lot of people do MIS then PH then MIS each week with cardio in between. Too much? I don't have PH so I'd probably replace with a Firm/FitPrime.
Honeybunch is right (again). I've gotten better results using PS & S&H once per week only than I did when I'd tack on MIS or BodyMax. I think this would be especially true if you're moving from a Firm type workout where one uses lighter weights.

I've kept some of Cathe's rotation suggestions, & sometimes she'll suggest a 2nd total body workout with the PS series but that's after a long rotation on PS alone, S&H alone for 1-3 weeks, & then finally PS again with MIS.

Trust Cathe.

Everybody's body is different, so only through experimentation will you find what works BEST for YOUR body.
Through trial and error/experimentation, I've found that with endurance based workouts (PowerHour, BodyPump, MIS) 3x/week gives me increased weight loss benefits, now, once I get to where I just want to maintain my weight, I'll drop endurance workouts down to 2x/week in whatever rotation I do.
Heavy weight work (PS Series, S&H), I do just 1x/week using the HEAVIEST weight I can. I've found that as long as I lift heavy and continue to challenge my muscles, that 1x/week is just fine for my upper body, but I'll add a 2nd lower body workout during that week such as LL, PS legs, or even MIS legs.
Experimentation is how I found out that I didn't need to work my legs 6x/week (lower body solution method) to get results. It is how I also found out that 6 weeks is the maximum for me on a rotation, my body responds to the first 6 weeks of whatever rotation I do, then anything beyond 6 weeks I see no improvements, I just sort of stall out.
So keep a workout log and it will allow you to chart what works for you and what doesn't. And each week is a learning experience, even if a rotation doesn't work for you, you learned not to waste your time on it, so it wasn't a loss after all, you learned from it, now you know what works for you and what doesn't! :)

I believe that if you lift *very heavy*, once per week is enough, but if you are using the series with lighter weights maybe you should try adding a total body workout in the week. That is just MHO.
I think it's whatever works best for you. I like to break my body in first. Just to get the body used to the new workout rotation. I have been doing PS for over 2 months before I added PH and BMax's shldrs,biceps and triceps...I also subbed S&H Legs for PS legs.
I found that in 2 months PS done 1x/week will change your arms but adding PH and BMax does speed things up if you're impatient like me although I listen to my body a lot and skip one if my arms feel tired that week. I subbed S&H Legs because it is easier and shorter and I am currently happy with my legs right now. I would stick to the rotation longer if S&H Legs was in it instead. This is what works for me.
I have to agree with Mariela. Now, just to make your head spin -you could do PS as heavy as you can and then, if you really wanted to - do a Firm tape with lighter weights. that way you would be exercising each body part twice.

"Just a suggestion - take it or leave it". Cathe Freidrich - (I forget which tape she says this in.)

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