<--- also misses the certifiableness(?) of the "<---thread"
<--- has really missed my dear Sis
<--- does enjoy her hate thread, though, and has come to really appreciate those girls
<--- thinks there are many fine people on the Cathe forums
<--- says her brain would be completely fried if she had to do everything you do
<--- has no friggin clue how you manage it all
<--- has no idea what time the call will come
<--- knows what time his plane is supposed to leave Rome but isn't sure exactly when DH will call
<--- says he has a long layover in Rome
<--- fears she is babbling incoherently
<--- wonders if Nance made partner
<--- thinks it's either that or she's pregnant:7
<--- edits to say she cannot wait until those %*%(* donuts are no more!!