<--scales and clocks just can't be trusted

<--- wishes she were on a phone call
<--- is not sure she'll be able to keep her eyes open much longer
<--- has been trying to amuse herself
<--- thinks August must've gone out to find a donut:7
<---has been peeking in the hate thread
<---thinks you guys are certifiable
<---misses this thread
<---needs to pump up the certifiable aspect of the "<---thread"
<---also needs a shower...<---forgot to to do that
<---is a bit brain-skeedaddled lately]
<---wonders if sis has any idea what time that call is suppose to come in
<---would give blood, money and other property for a pumpkin spice donut right now
<--- also misses the certifiableness(?) of the "<---thread"
<--- has really missed my dear Sis
<--- does enjoy her hate thread, though, and has come to really appreciate those girls
<--- thinks there are many fine people on the Cathe forums
<--- says her brain would be completely fried if she had to do everything you do
<--- has no friggin clue how you manage it all:eek:
<--- has no idea what time the call will come
<--- knows what time his plane is supposed to leave Rome but isn't sure exactly when DH will call
<--- says he has a long layover in Rome
<--- fears she is babbling incoherently
<--- wonders if Nance made partner
<--- thinks it's either that or she's pregnant:7

<--- edits to say she cannot wait until those %*%(* donuts are no more!!
<---begins a new post rather than editing
<---loves ya sis but <--must get the forgotten shower and...sleep...has...energetic...boys waiting...to pounce...early...AM
<---hopes "the call" comes soon
<---will say a prayer before snzzzzzzzzzzing
<---edits to say <---sees sis posted
<---still wants a donut and will look for food before going to shower and bed
<---has to pee again:p
<---edits OMG it's 1:25AM and <---is dirty!!!!
<---:* sweet dreams:*
<--- was wondering what that smell was:eek:
<--- scrubs Sis's back and puts her to bed
<--- schnugs her up with a warm blankie and gives her a kisshie
<--- thanks her for playing with <--- tonight:* :*
<--- can't wait to see what devilment Sis was up to in Hateville
<--- is also thinking about going to bed now
<--- says there's really no point in forcing herself to stay awake for a phone call and she is sure to wake up when the phone rings
<--- says g'night to Sis and hopes she sleeps well

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