<---say a little prayer for you


<---hopes Catherine sees this and knows <--is praying for today's surgery
<---will include other OALers and Catheland friends in prayers too
<---hates that so many are going through tough times
<---puts on her stylish rose-tinted glasses and heads out to face the world
<--Waves good morning to all
<--has a bit of a hangover
<--wishes she could hang in her bed for a while longer:confused:
<--sends Catherine and everybody prayers and hugs!
<--is also off to face the day
<---waves good morning to Robin, Amelia and all who follow
<---thinks Robin should market the her stylish rose colored glasses as <---could use a pair
<---is thinking of Catherine and her BIL this morning
<---tells Amelia to drink lots of water for her hangover;)
<---is taking DD to the doc today as her asthma is acting up
<---hopes everyone has a happy hump day
<---waves hi to Robin, Beth, and Amelia
<---is lol at Amelia's hangover
<---asks Robin for a pair of those glasses!
<---will also be praying for Catherine's FIL's surgery today
<---hopes it did not get rescheduled again
<---is sorry that Beth's DD's asthma is acting up :(
<---actually ran last night
<---managed to do a good steady state 3 mile run
<---knows that isn't all that impressive, but did keep the speed over 5.5 mph, so wasn't walking
<---hopes you all are having a good hump day!
<--- wanders in, coughing, hacking and sneezing
<--- should probably exchange her black glasses for some of Robin's rosier ones
<--- is sending lots of positive energy Catherine's BIL's way
<--- sends Amelia some hangover-be-gone dust
<--- is sorry to hear about Beth's DD's asthma
<--- congratulates Liann on the run!
<---will happily send rose-tinted glasses to the OALers
<---wears them while working out and is amazed at how much fun squats can be
<---forgets to wear them while eating though
<---should look at veggies and fruit with rose-tinted glasses and use Shelley's black ones for the chips and chocolate
<--- is praying like mad for Catherine's DBIL
<--- would like a pair of those rose colored glasses, rimless please :)
<--- also hates that so many are going through tough times
<--- agrees with Amelia that bed is THE place to be and plans to hide under the blankie today
<--- hopes Beth's DD is feeling better soon
<--- ^^^5's Liann on her run last night!! <--- thinks it's VERY impressive. <--- could NEVER do that ;)
<--- sends healing vibes to Shellers
<--- is also coughing, hacking, and sneezing
<--- rips the black glasses off Robin's face and makes a run for it
<--waves good morning to the OAL
<--is sending positive vibes for Catherine's BIL surgery
<--thanks Robin for the rose colored glasses
<--definitely needs those today
<--seconds the recommendation about lots of water to Amelia
<--BTDT on the hangover front
<--hopes all goes well for Beth and her DD at the doctor today
<--tells Liann 3 miles is fantastic! Please don't belittle your accomplishments
<--sends Shelley cold-be-gone vibes
<--tells Miss Lee to behave and give Robin her glasses back!
<--don't make <--come back there!

<-- has on GREEN glasses just because
<-- has a yucky conversation coming up in the next few minutes
<-- needs vibes
<-- was thinking last night:
<-- thinks we need Team OAL shirts
<--- waves a hearty HELLO to everyone
<--- hasn't been here in ages
<--- hopes Catherine sees this & knows we are all thinking of her
<--- sends lots of positive thoughts & vibes to her BIL & hopes all goes well
<--- definitely wants some of those rose tinted glasses if they make LB work fun
<--- hopes Amelia's hangover is gone by now
<--- also hopes Beth's DD's doctor appointment goes well
<--- high-fives Liann on her run & thinks she did great
<--- sends Michele & Shelley healing vibes & hopes they feel better soon
<--- wonders if Anne will need to return to run interference for Michele & Robin?
<--- sends Ame mucho vibes for her yucky talk & hopes it goes well
<--- is still jobless & searching... & hoping... & keeping her fingers crossed
<--- got a little depressed for awhile & even stopped working out
<--- started eating more (unhealthy stuff) at the same time, unfortunately
<--- is back on track now, though, & hopes to stay that way
<--- thinks checking back in here regularly might be part of the answer
<--- is off to do some housework now but will try to BBL

<--- runs back in, blinks, & looks around
<--- wonders where everybody went?
<--- hopes everyone is having a nice afternoon...

Kel :)
<--is sending good vibes to Catherine's bil
<--is SOOOO ready to go home and it's only 2:17pm
<--did a KPC premix and GS legs this AM
<--tried to mentally prepare for tomorrow's run workout by seeing <--running around that track like a mad woman
<--pokes head in and looks around too ;)
<--sees the usual suspects and some new faces too!
<--says YEAH! it's the day before the day before friday!
<--says sorry that I am delinquent in posting in OAL thread due to dealing with sibling issue :confused:
<--think that situation has calmed for now, and <--hopes it stays that way
<--would like Rose, Blue, Green and Purple colored glasses... like Elton John!
<--definately needs the clear glasses today though with this last family crisis as to not cloud the issue
<--cheers Liann for run... thinks that's quite an accomplishment..
<--only wishes <-- could Walk that far without dying
<--has a serious case of calf DOMS from mondays GS legs w/o still!!! blasted calf raises anyway! must say that liking the results though, but
<--almost fell on the floor this morning when <--tried to stand and get out of bed! OUCH!
<--found a really "cool" peppermint hand/body soap that helps WAKE <--up in the morning!
<--not sure what's on the w/o agenda for this afternoon... definately no LB work for me!
<--likes Amy's idea (BTW is it AMY or AME???) for shirts!
<--says WOOHOO to Kim... <--did the same exact workout last night (less the calf raises!)
<--will check in later to see if any update from Catherine
<--says bye for now :)
<--hasn't read all of the ^^
<--wanted to say thanks and is seriously teary eyed at the thought of having such good cyber friends
<--got home about an hour ago
<--will copy a post from another thread with an update:
It looks like it was a blood clot. The edge of it looked funny. So they had the pathologist look at it. He wasn't sure. So they got another pathologist, up the street, look at it. He said it was not cancer. As a precaution they are sending it out for more test. They are also gonna do more tests on him to try and determine why he had a bleed in the head in the first place. Meantime he is in recovery waiting on a bed. It has been a looooong day. I got up at 3:30 :confused:
<---sticks her head in after a very long and busy day of work
<---feels sick
<---runs out to hurl
edit to say that Catherine posted at the same time as me, so I saw her news after....wants her to know that hurling has nothing to do with her! I'm sending lots of hugs and good thoughts to you.
Last edited:
<--comes back in to tell Ame that <--'s KBs are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow!
<--must hide them from DH
<--also ordered Lauren Brooks KB w/o
<--seems like it got good reviews
<--can see <--breaking the ceiling fan whilst swinging KB!!!
<---sticks her head in after a very long and busy day of work
<---feels sick
<---runs out to hurl
edit to say that Catherine posted at the same time as me, so I saw her news after....wants her to know that hurling has nothing to do with her! I'm sending lots of hugs and good thoughts to you.

<--is lol at TeTe's edit!!
<--hopes she feels better!!
<-- glad today is over for Catherine and hopes there is good news to come
<-- is still trying to get the hang of this
<-- bought ff ice cream and sugar free fudge topping trying to trick myself into believeing it's ok to eat
<--thanks Kim
<--has been eating like crap the last several days
<--is stress eating
<--needs to get a handle on it :confused:

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