My son is 2 and 1/2 and I opened him a college savings 529 for his second birthday earlier this year.
First, I read "529s and other college savings plans for dummies" (which I still have an no loner need -- if you want it, PM me your address and I will ship). My father, who is the smartest man financially that I know, also sent me some articles from Smart Money magazine.
I live in Virginia, but I ended up opening an account with UESP - Utah Educational Savings Plan ( I believe). At first, it felt so silly to be a Virginia resident and have a Utah plan. However, at the time when I opened it, this plan had the highest rate of return, and the lowest maintenance fees. His money is doing really well right now.
Any money in a 529 account can be used at a college, university, trade school, anywhere that will accept financial aid basically. If your child still decides to go nowhere, you can always take out the money and take the hit (I think you lose about 10%), or you can roll it over to a family member.
I have been really pleased with the plan I decided to go with. However, it was a very difficult decision with lots of different, confusing options to choose from!