Saturday - the "You've Got All Day" Check-In


Well, some of us have all day, so I'll qualify that. I have all day, so I want to get a lot in.

1. Some kind of Imax, maybe 3 plus some of 2; maybe a short walk later. Forecast is high 60's and sunny today - since day for a walk with the XM MyFi radio.
2. Push-ups - did not do enough earlier in the week
3. Chin-ups - if not today, then tomorrow for sure

Then to the donuts, and the rest of the Dick Cavett DVD with Mel Brooks and Bill Cosby

Happy weekend, Cathe-ites!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
RE: Saturday - the

Sorry! I didn't know I should have labeled this "Daily Check-In". Really it's the same thing.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
RE: Saturday - the

I am going to rent that "Dick Cavett" DVD when the kids are older and I have some time to myself. Oh, that is a long time. I will have grown a white beard by then. Wait.....I cannot grow a beard. I have the wrong hormones. Hmmm, I guess all that cardio I have been doing is making me a little crazy.

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