Sappy 4th of July Story...Sorry


Gotta tell someone. Two years ago, I was (as many of you know) hospitalized in a psych unit for anorexia. I was there during St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day. That is how I measured time, in incriments of picnics and parties with scary food that I would fortunately be missing. On the night of the 4th, 1999, the patients were all excited. The visting room's window faced the state capital, where a huge fire works display was to take place. There was also a big display near the river, on the other end of our ward. The patients ooed and awed over the beautiful pops of color. They ran down the hall from window to window watching sparklers fly both east and west. I watched and actually got excited too, something I didn't feel often. I ran to the other window to catch a glimpse when a nurse grabbed me and protested, "You can't run! You are on exercise restriction! Go to bed!" That ended my 4th of July festivities. Last year, I bought a cake to bring to a picnic, at it all in the car on the way there, drove home, threw up, and went to bed. But this year - I did CTX 10-10-10 in the morning, went to a baseball game, and watched fireworks. And ate like a regular person. I had cake, but only one piece. I smiled, laughed, and felt like a normal human being. This is a completely boring story, I am sure, but I am just so happy that I had to share it. Thank you Cathe for getting me out of my unhealthy lifestyle and thank you to all of the forum friends I have made for listening to me and supporting me. God bless.
Thanks so much for sharing that Jillybean. It should make us all more appreciative of the health we have. I am so happy that those experiences are behind you and pray they will never return. Best wishes for you staying on the road to good health.


Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate the 4th the way you did this year. You have overcome a lot and I congratulate you.

That is quite the amazing story.It is great to hear you are doing better.I hate to break it to you though.You are a normal person.You just may not eat like normal people eat.But you are a normal person.Normal people have things that bother them and things that they do not like.ANd normal people have problems...may it be stress..or what ever else that occupies our minds.But it must be a great feeling that you know you can put those issues in the back of your mind and come to terms with the fact that food is not the enenmy.It gives us pleasure , energy ,comfort and sometimes uncomfortable
YOu are turly an amazing women who as beaten the odds and didn't become a statistic.Your a live, well and happy and that is all that truly matters in this life.
God Bless You and may he continue to help you through what life brings you every day....
Thanks for sharing that. I have an eating disorder in my past, too, and know what a bizarre situation it is. You've come a long way and should be proud of yourself.
This was not a boring story at all! You should be so proud of yourself.

I know from where you come...I too had anorexia many years ago, so I know what a huge hurdle it is to overcome.

You have come a long are truly an inspiration...

That is neither a boring nor a sappy story. Eating disorders are, I think, some of the most pernicious and challenging problems to overcome, because we all need to eat. As a person who had a pretty virulent case of bulemia nervosa as a teen in the late '70's, before it even had a name, I find your story incredibly uplifting!

Thank you very much for sharing your personal Independence Day with us!

Jillybean, that's not a sappy story at all, it's a story of courage of the sort that most of us are not called upon to display EVER in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing with us -- not just this story, but also all of your participation in this community. We are all very proud of you!!!! [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]
Jillybean what a beautiful post - thank you for sharing. You have inspired me. I am still struggling with disordered eating patterns but I hope I will be as strong as you one day.
Great story - definitely not boring at all. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm a former anorexic/bulimic/binge eater who still struggles with food issues and I know what an accomplishment it is to have a great day like you did. You are definitely on the road to recovery!!
Best wishes for many more "normal" days and events!!!
RE: Wonderful 4th of July Story

Jillybean, thanks for sharing your wonderful story. It seems that the worst demons can be those carried within. I can't imagine how you were able to summon up the strength to overcome the obstacles. You are an inspiration to us all.

Hopefully, the highest hurdles are now behind you. May the rest of your days be filled with sunny skies, shady trees, and trails that lead safely home.

Thanks for sharing that great story. You must feel real proud of yourself for becoming a strong person.
P.S. I agree with you-this really is a great forum!
Jillybean, that's a wonderful story. You are obviously a very strong person both emotionally and physically. Thank you for sharing. It makes me feel good to read that you triumphed over Anorexia and took your life back... happiness won out in the end. :)
no apology needed

What an inspirational story & this is the perfect place to share it. Quite a road you've traveled Jillybean.

It's more a like totally uplifting, beautiful story.
My heartfelt best wishes to you, and congratulations.
I'm misty-eyed.
Jillybean, I'm so glad for you that your story had a happy ending. Not sappy at all. You are a very courageous person.

Jillybean, that was a nice post. It gave me the chills. I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday, and HERES TO MANY MORE!!:)

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