>After spending 11 hours at Pilly Airport,arriving in Atlanta
>at 1:45am, lost luggage, it was still worth the trip seeing
>and meeting everyone this weekend. Kim, the pictures came out
>great. Thanks a million!!!!! Barbara,Tracie,Tammy,Kim,Sami and
>Jana I don't know what i would have done without you all. Next
>roadtrip, i will be driving to Glassboro,NJ. The time i spend
>at the airport, can be spend in New Jersey.........
>If anyone is close to Philly Airport, can you please go by and
>pick up my luggage and mail it to me. I will pay for
>shipping...JUST KIDDING.....
DJ, sorry to hear about your crummy trip home. It was great to meet you...you are sweet as could be.