Salve for a Wounded Heart


A wise, newly-single friend of mine told me that if a man ever says (a) he's not good enough for you, or (b) you deserve better - BELIEVE IT!

I'm so sorry this didn't work out for you.
I am also sorry things didn't work out for ya. Christian Carter has some great dating advice. I get this flyers sent to me..not sure why since I don't remember subscribing to anything like this, but if you do a google search for Christian Carter, he has some great advice. I read the flyers anyhow and you can only gain more insight into the mind of men. I hope it might be helpful for you if you are dating.

Hi Laurie,
You've gotten some amazing (and right on!) affirmations of how gorgeous, kind, fun, and sweet you are, but I wanted to add my own cyber {{{HUGS}}} and just say that I agree, this was the wake-up call that your heart had needed. Just think, now that you know you're ready to explore being in a relationship with someone, you're ABLE to explore being in a relationship with someone and that is really a wonderful gift from this man---who maybe, in awhile, could be a friend.
Actually, as sorry as I am that this has upset you, I'm probably equally as excited that you get to start this journey:D

Good luck cheetah!

(*Disclaimer-I apologize for anything that sounds too cheesy in the above post;) )
Oh Laurie, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you posted and gave us an opportunity to help bear your burden and to show you just how special and wonderful you are. You're articulate, witty, funny, and just as beautiful on the inside as you are outside. Please be very, very picky. We don't want to share our Laurie with just anybody;) .

Now, as for Suz's idea--no way I'm doing group cardio--lol! I'll be the water girl:p
I'm sorry this didn't work out for you. Believe it or not, I met my DH in a bar, my dear friend pointed him out to me, and I asked him to dance, and well, 21 years later. My point is, I don't think there's a "wrong" place to meet people. I've met interesting people out walking the dog, in the grocery store, at clay class. Granted, I'm not looking for a partner, but you never know when the opportunity may present itself, so hang in there, and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation! Cuz you never know where it might lead. Just my 2 cents... good luck to you.

Blow this guy off! I know it's easier said then done but really. He's not treating you fairly. Walk away...I am big on staying friends but I think you need to rid your life of this one totally.


Feel better soon!
Hi Laurie,

((((Hugs)))) your way.

It will be fine, just don't worry about it. Have a positive mind, things will turn out the way you want them to. Keep living and doing good things for yourself. Enjoy life as it is, and when it changes.

In the mean time, put your pros and cons on paper of what you would like to have in a mate. Not only his personality, but also his physical way about him. And tweak it every so often, because as the days go by, you change, and so will your list. Do other lists also, like jobs, friends, kids, vacations......

That is a lot of fun. When I was single that's what I did, and I got what I wanted.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Sorry you got the 'let's be friends' talk from someone it seemed you really clicked with. Maybe as a 'friend,' he can introduce you to some of his friends?

If you're ready for love, it's important to be out where you can meet someone who is also ready. Join groups that interest you (not just to go looking for a partner, but a group that you can enjoy, whether it's an environmental group, a reading group at your local library, a church group, a hiking or biking club where you can meet people with similar interests. Including maybe the next mr. right...or a sister or friend of someone who will be that mr. right).

Im so sorry-I wish I had the right words to say but I do believe you have someone better waiting for you.

{{{{{{{{{{EVERYONE!}}}}}}}} Thank you all so much for your thoughtful and sincere comfort and advice. Gosh you all are so wise, compassionate and a great resource for anything from wounded hearts to.....well ANYTHING! I am so blessed to have found this place and to be able to draw on the seemingly limitless well of your collective knowledge and kindness.

I got the heck out of town yesterday to see an old friend and indulge in a little retail therapy which was very good for me. I'm definitely on the mend but very aware that it's time for me to stop wishing for a partner and to get proactive and make it happen. I put myself up on a dating site (my finger was on the 'submit' button for a while before I took the plunge and pressed that sucker) and have had a few responses. I need an 'on-line dating for dummies tutorial' as I don't know how to acknowledge the responses:+ I'll be posting about my 'new adventures in dating' so keep your fingers crossed for me please :)

Take Care
Laurie... good for you! I did want to tell you some happy "on-line dating" stories. My brother divorced in 2000 after his ex-wife cheated on him repeatedly. He met his current wife on line and they are PERFECT for each other. She is like a sister to me too!

A friend I work with ended a 28 year marriage due to problems on her spouses' end with alcohol. She had a VERY VERY rough time for a long time but finally put herself on a dating service and now she is MARRIED to a wonderful man. As far as I'm concerned, there is something to these on-line matches. I've seen it turn out beautifully twice.
Laurie, I just wanted to say, I am really sorry for your pain. I hope you feel better with everything soon.

I met a lot of men online. Some good, some bad, a couple that were probably relationship material (if I wasn't still so hung up elsewhere). My other suggestion would be to join some activities or take some classes in interest areas to meet others who are like you. Who said you need to just meet men? Other women might know just the guy for you. :)

Good luck!
To add to what Jane said, my stepson and DIL met on an online dating service in 2004 and were married in 2005. They are like two peas in a pod.

Can't wait to hear how it goes!

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