Sagging belly skin


I recently gave birth to my 3rd child and he was huge. I carried all out front. I got HUGE and now I have a little bit of sagging skin at the bottom of my tummy, will this shrink back up?
Hi there. I noticed your post & I was hoping someone would post who had more experience than I do. I gained all in my belly (and face) with my pregnancies. I do have some soft skin below my belly still, but it has improved drastically over time & with core/ab workouts.
Hope this helps. Congrats on your new "huge" baby. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Rachel. Congratulations on your new baby. I wish I could help you and tell you that yes it will all go away but I can't, not yet anyway. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I gave birth to my baby girl (third child) 7 weeks ago and she was 10 lbs 7 ozs. I've lost all of my pregnancy weight but still can't fit into my jeans or tailored pants bucause of this lower belly pooch and sagging skin. I guess it's just a combination of my belly being stretched so far, the c-section I had, and possibly the tubal I also had during my c-section. Very depressing! I asked my doctor about it at my 6 week checkup because I don't remember it being this bad with my other pregnancies and I actually gained alot more weight with those pregnancies than I did with this one. She told me that it should mostly go away with diet and exercise (ab exercises) and she said if it doesn't get better that's what people get tummy tucks for. Now I'm not recommending you go out and get a tummy tuck I'm just telling you what she said to me. I try not to be discouraged about it and I'm doing what I can to get rid of it. I've started Cathe's November rotation this week and I've joined Weight Watchers. But just remember what Melanie said, it just takes time and even then you may still have some skin but just look at your beautiful baby and it makes it all worth it.

My third is 18 months old, I carried WAAAAY out front too. I did WW beginning when he was about 7 months old, and lost 20 lbs fairly easily, all that I needed to, but as I did it the wrinkly skin beneath my belly just got worse. At my OB checkup he said the skin/collagen was damaged and everyone is different but it might never ben the same. He also said "that is why some women get tummy tucks". I think that the tummy tuck scar would be worse than what I have now...all so that I can wear a bikini a handful of times per year. I doubt I will ever do it. I plan to get so ripped and buff everywhere else though, that it will be only a minor "inconvenience". :)

At the beginning postpartum, I wasn't so sure it wasn't stretched muscle and fat...but as time went on, the fat dropped off, the muscles tightened...and I still had that damaged saran wrap look below the navel. Not pretty. Oh well. If I had a high waisted two piece suit (are those even in style?) it might look ok....maybe swim shorts and a bikini top some day.

Thanks ladies, you all have definately made me feel better. It is not so bad that I need a tummy tuck (thank goodness)
I like the idea of being rock hard everywhere else and that bieng a minor inconvenience.. ;-)
Also remember Rachel that it took 9 months to stretch out your belly- to expect it to shrink back and firm up in 6 weeks would be a miracle! Don't be discouraged- it will take some months to get back there (according to my family and friends).
If it doesn't firm up, just tell yourself you earned that little bit of extra skin. Think of it in a positive way instead of negative. The third child definitely changed my body in a permanent way (unless I starved myself which I refuse to do.)

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