Safe (non-toxic) air freshner


My office at work smells terrible, old and musty - the building itself is very old with very few windows. I want to freshen it up a bit but I don't like scented candles (plus those are not safe for our work environment) I don't like the plug-ins either, too many chemicals. Is there a safe alternative? Could I use some essentials oils, like orange, lemon or peppermint? If so, what could I do with them since I can't really heat them? Ideas? Thanks in advance.
The essential oils with the wicks are good. Body Shop has some good ones. I like Caldrea products - all natural and yummy smelling!! Very fresh, too - nothing cloying. (
Have you ever tried Smells Begone? It's non-scented, non-toxic, non-aerosol. I think it's charcoal-based.

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