Safe & Effective Ab Exercises during pregnancy?



I am looking for safe and effective ab exercises to do during my pregnancy. I am currently doing Cathe's kickboxing workouts (KPC and Kick Max), as well as her weight training workouts with modifications (exercises that require laying flat on the back modified to incline or on a stability ball). I'm not at all coordinated, so I'm not doing any step exercises.

I am especially looking for exercises that work the lower abs. What are some alternatives to the reverse crunch or bicycle move? I'm looking for any and all ab exercises that are safe and effective (since this is my biggest problem area). Also, is an inclined bench enough to eliminate the reduced blood flow problem, or should I do everything on the stability ball since it has move give?

Thanks for your help and suggestions!

Teresa :)
I have been doing all my ab work on the stability ball...except for a few exercises for my obliques. For the lower abs I have been "laying" on the ball, and I lift one bent leg up at a time until my knee/thigh is parallel with the ball. I guess it is like a modified reverse crunch using just one leg at a time. (does that make sense??) I also have been doing basic pelvic tucks on the ball bringing my pelvis towards my rib cage. All very s-l-o-w-l-y...

hope that helps a bit!

27 weeks - twins!

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