Here goes, I'm relatively new to CATHE, (and still in the newly wed stage of bliss which from what I'm reading never wears off!!!) I've been doing PH or MIS on MWF and sometimes Sat. and RS on T,TH,SAT. When I don't work all muscle groups every other day, say I wait four days, then I seem to go through the "aching" stage. I'd love to buy S&H series, but how do you work that in without waiting on a muscle group for more than two days. I'm afraid if I do L&S on Mon. and C&B on wed. and T&B on Friday, by the time I get back to L&S, I'll have to go through that "major pain" again. And to do all three on one day would take, what 3 hours?? That's the one reason I didn't do the Bill Phillips plan exactly, if I waited four days to do upper and lower, I'd ache all over again. (Cathe is much more fun anyway). I seem to do well when I do them every other day, but I'd love to gain more Cathe Muscles and it looks like S&H might be the answer. Any suggestions, sorry this got long.