S&H work um in when???


Here goes, I'm relatively new to CATHE, (and still in the newly wed stage of bliss which from what I'm reading never wears off!!!) I've been doing PH or MIS on MWF and sometimes Sat. and RS on T,TH,SAT. When I don't work all muscle groups every other day, say I wait four days, then I seem to go through the "aching" stage. I'd love to buy S&H series, but how do you work that in without waiting on a muscle group for more than two days. I'm afraid if I do L&S on Mon. and C&B on wed. and T&B on Friday, by the time I get back to L&S, I'll have to go through that "major pain" again. And to do all three on one day would take, what 3 hours?? That's the one reason I didn't do the Bill Phillips plan exactly, if I waited four days to do upper and lower, I'd ache all over again. (Cathe is much more fun anyway). I seem to do well when I do them every other day, but I'd love to gain more Cathe Muscles and it looks like S&H might be the answer. Any suggestions, sorry this got long.

Why do you "ache". I am not getting this. Usually the longer you wait between weight workouts the stronger and better you perform. So, I am assuming you are referring to delayed onset muscle soreness. I guess VERY delayed??? Be careful, because if this is the case, you may not ever be letting your muscles fully recover. You might need to go through that "ache" whether you like it or not, in order for your muscles to grow. And usually this kind of soreness goes away after your body gets used to weights. Unless of course, you present it with a new stress, for example, lifting heavier or a different type of workout. Maybe your body needs some more adaption time.

Does anybody else have this kind of soreness?? I am sorry Briee, I am not trying to tell you you are doing something wrong, I just have never heard of this logic. To work out again with weights before the soreness from the last workout sets in. Any elaboration you can give me on your routine would be great. As far as your problem goes, I was thinking kind of the same thing the other day, and I guess you would only be able to do S & H Mon, Wed, Fri and you SHOULD rest all weekend. From weights that is. You should be able to......Janice
I am referring to the muscle soreness after a workout. I don't seem to encounter it as much if I lift weights (do PH or MIS) consistantly every other day, but if I wait a few days like more than three or so I have LOTS of muscle soreness again that sets in approximately 12 hours after the NEXT workout. Does that make sense. Of course I'm a little more sore if I increase weights, which I expect. I'm definitely not an expert in the weight department, that's why I'm asking how to use S&H. I hope this makes sense. It just seems if I let a muscle group rest too long (more than 3-4 days) then it feels like I'm starting over again next time I work it and I get really sore. I have a lot to learn about this subject. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Are you a weightlifting beginner?? Again, what poundages are we talking about?? Do you want to build muscle or is that not a goal of yours?? I think I get what you are saying, but my answer on what you should do is going to depend on what your answers are to my questions. Basically though, I would say S $ H MON, WED, FRI and NO weights on the weekends. You will just have to tough it out. If your muscles are responding this way to MIS, I really question whether you are ready for S&H. It is bound to make you more sore than MIS. I know soreness sucks, but for the sake of muscle repair and to get bigger, you NEED to go through it. It is your body telling you something. If you know you inevitably are going to be sore from a workout( DOMS, apparantly 48 hrs after your workout) you need to wait until ALL the soreness from that previous workout subsides. Working your muscles again, before the essential soreness hits, is counterproductive. Then again, you would be working only two bodyparts a day with S&H, so you might not feel the intense soreness that you feel now, working total body 3-4 times per week. Plus, by the next time you work out, you will be working different body parts and not the same ones again. It might be good for you.

I would say doing MIS so often you are not allowing your muscles to fully recover. Obviously your body is telling you it is tired. You may benefit with S & H if you do the M-W-F thing BUT lift pretty light at first. And DON'T lift on the weekends!!!!!! You need that rest!!!! I hope it works out for you......Janice
Sorry, read your post again. My educated opinion is that you are in fact working your muscles too soon after your last workout. I think S & H will benefit you. You are taking quite a bit on for a begginner. That is the problem. DON'T do that extra Sat. workout. It is doing nothing for you other than tearing down your "Cathe" muscles. You need lots of recovery time right now, so I think total body every other day was too much. Slow and Heavy should be right up your alley.....Janice

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