S&H Triceps and Biceps....


Ok, I did this today and now tell me......

Who in the heck can stick those tricep kickbacks after those tricep extensions?????!!!!! I have trouble with the 5's for the kickbacks, I can barely lift me arms up!!!! My gosh, after the 10's on the extensions my poor arms just won't move!! I think this must have been a poor order for the exercises cuz it just ain't happening!!!

I am getting good results though so something is working!!:)

Janice, were you shakin' like a chiuaua? I for one, think it is almost crazy to put a set of kickbacks immediately after the slow dips in Push Pull. Especially when you're doing the 3 sets premix. Yowza! At least it's a 'hurts so good' kind of pain!

I can do it, but you are right, the 5 pounders feel like medieval hammer anvils! It's a real mind over matter moment! But I never had such upper body strength as afetr a three week rotation with S&H.

Gotta love it! What a pump!

I replace the kickbacks with lying extensions because I can go heavier on them and get better support from the bench at the same time.
Hey, I know what you mean. I have been doing the push and pull 3 sets premix twice a week and those biceps curls trying to stay heavy and keep that stability ball still are tough. The first few times I was falling all over the place.
Diane Sue

Do you use your typical weight for the stability ball segments? Have you tried doing hammers while seated on the ball?

Yes I am using the same weight I started out with. The first couple of times I dropped back a few pounds. I hadn't thought about sitting on the ball. I am getting better though. Actually I always think the hammer curls are easier than the regular biceps curls.
Diane Sue

Me too! I always go 2.5 - 5 lbs more for hammers. I feel so strong. But then the concentration curls of Supersets humble me and I have to drop back quite a bit.

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