S& H Rotation?


Just saw that Cathy had her baby so I copied and pasted my question hoping that someone could answer this question for me.

I know that you recommend that we do S&H on a 3 week rotation, but is it really necessary to get the results that you obviously have in mind? or can one do this on a 2 week rotation, or, even sometimes doing it weekly. Sometimes after 2 weeks I'm ready for a change, but I can do another week if this is what is going to give me better results.
I did not see any results from S&H until the third week, but I think this is an individual thing. If you see results after two weeks, then S&H has benefitted you! I guess my advice is just see how it goes and make your adjustments! Good Luck!
I think that if you can only muster the mental focus for 1 or 2 weeks, then that is a perfect rotation. I would suggest doing a PS rotation or another strength rotation for maybe 2 or 4 weeks after S&H before going into an endurance rotation. This will still allow you to see strength gains, if you don't see them right away with the 1 or 2 weeks of S&H. Whatever you do, have fun!

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