Caroline Knorr
I just did S&H Legs and Chest and Back today and while I definitely feel the burn w/chest and back, when I did the legs (and when I've done S&H legs in the past) I just do not feel the burn like when I'm doing Power Hour, Leaner Legs, and MIS. I started into S&H again because so many people reported great results, but it's weird, it's not like it's *easy* but it just doesn't feel as hard as LL or the leg portions of PowerHour and MIS. I did the squats with 40 pounds - which is way higher than what I do in other tapes. My question is: do you think it's still working even though I'm not feeling totally maxed out? Should I up my weight? Going higher scares me and I'm not sure I could lift a 50 pound barbell over my head! I may try going to 45 pounds. I think Cathe uses a 50. Any ideas?
I just did S&H Legs and Chest and Back today and while I definitely feel the burn w/chest and back, when I did the legs (and when I've done S&H legs in the past) I just do not feel the burn like when I'm doing Power Hour, Leaner Legs, and MIS. I started into S&H again because so many people reported great results, but it's weird, it's not like it's *easy* but it just doesn't feel as hard as LL or the leg portions of PowerHour and MIS. I did the squats with 40 pounds - which is way higher than what I do in other tapes. My question is: do you think it's still working even though I'm not feeling totally maxed out? Should I up my weight? Going higher scares me and I'm not sure I could lift a 50 pound barbell over my head! I may try going to 45 pounds. I think Cathe uses a 50. Any ideas?