S&H - not feeling the burn?


Caroline Knorr
I just did S&H Legs and Chest and Back today and while I definitely feel the burn w/chest and back, when I did the legs (and when I've done S&H legs in the past) I just do not feel the burn like when I'm doing Power Hour, Leaner Legs, and MIS. I started into S&H again because so many people reported great results, but it's weird, it's not like it's *easy* but it just doesn't feel as hard as LL or the leg portions of PowerHour and MIS. I did the squats with 40 pounds - which is way higher than what I do in other tapes. My question is: do you think it's still working even though I'm not feeling totally maxed out? Should I up my weight? Going higher scares me and I'm not sure I could lift a 50 pound barbell over my head! I may try going to 45 pounds. I think Cathe uses a 50. Any ideas?
Hi Caroline,
I have only done S&H legs a few times cos I could never feel anything either. I started back this weekend cos of hearing positive stories from the crowd out there. Anyway, I could not even feel that they had been worked the next day. When I do Leaner Legs or PS Legs I always feel it. I also have a hard time getting more than 40 lbs over my head so that's my limit. I also miss deadlifts in this one as I truly love getting my hamstrings to scream. That's funny that you mention the burn for chest and back for S&H upper body, it's the opposite for me, I really feel it in my shoulders and triceps and a little in my biceps and that's it.
Thanks for your reply. I was reading a lot about other people's experiences with S&H last night and everyone says it works - you just have to stick with it. My butt is definitely sore today, but my quads are totally fine. I did some step-ups after S&H legs with 12 lb weights just so I could feel *something* so I don't know if it's from that. I think I am going to stick with S&H and try and up the weight. Needless to say, my chest and back are totally sore!
I started a new S&H rotation this week, and the Chest/Back made me VERY sore, but the Legs/Shoulders didn't make me sore at all. I upped the weight by using a 50 lb barbell (the most I can put on my shoulders), and wearing two 5 lb ankle weights strapped around my waist, for a total of 60 lbs. That's the most I've ever done (I usually use 45 for MIS and 40 for PowerHour to give you a reference point). Today, I did Biceps/Triceps, and I'm sure my triceps will be sore, based on how tight they feel right now.

I guess we need to up the legs weight even more to get a good workout with so few reps? I always feel very worked with PowerHour,but then again, it's an endurance workout rather than a muscle building workout. I read on the VF forum about using weight vests or backpacks with weights, but some posters were questioning the safety of that. I guess the real answer is to get a squat rack, but that is not feasible for me!

Sandi M
Hmm, never thought of ankle weights, mine have those loose weights that slot in so I'll have to see if that will work, does it matter where you position the weights? I'm still wondering, does that really help, as I think that sounds like a very good idea.
Mine have those loose weights that slide in, too, but I just hook the two weights together with the velcro, making sure the flap is at the top, and then velcro the entire thing around my waist like a belt. One weight section is at my stomach, and the other is over my rearend. I'd like to get heavier weights that go up to 20 lbs each, but they are very expensive.

Sandi M

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