S&H Chest & Back: what's missing??


Can anyone tell me what exercises are missing from the Slow & Heavy Chest & Back workout on FitTV? The VHS is no longer available. The commercials have to take up some of the workout because in the chest portion the only exercises are chest presses and flys. I'm convinced there should be more than two exercises.

If anyone can clue me in, I would appreciate it. I do not have a DVD player for my workout area and I already have the other two S&H tapes so purchasing the DVD with all three is not really an option.

If anyone has the VHS and is interested in selling it, I'd be interested in buying it!

Thank you!!!!

Hi Melissa,
I just did S&H chest on Wednesday and I believe that Cathe has you do bench presses and flyes on a flat bench. Then, bench presses and flyes on an incline bench. THEN, slow push-ups! I was absolutely fried at the end!

Hope this helps! :)
Hi Melissa,

Here's the break-down:

bench press
chest flys
incline bench press
incline chest flys
push-ups (S&H style) Oh boy!}(
dumbbell rows
dumbbell pullovers

I had to print this out awhile ago when I did Fit TV's version. Thankfully, I now own the DVD!


Thank you Kara. I'm beginning to wish I didn't know what was missing! I did it last night and I'm sore just from doing the flat bench presses and flyes!

Melissa :)
Thank you Dallas! Funny how they kept all of the Back exercises in and left out so much of the Chest. I guess they have to cut something out.

Thanks for the response, I appreciate it!

Melissa :)

I'm using the FitTv version also, and I was wondering how many push-ups? Is it still 3 sets of 8? Are they all 2 count down, and 6 count up? Thanks for any assistance you provide!


Also, I'm using the S&H fit tv version for triceps and biceps. The biceps section has 1 set of barbell wrist curls, and then it moves to abs. I know reverse wrist curls are also included, but are these exercises still 3 sets of 8 reps?


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