S and H


Hi, I have the slow and heavy series on tapes, but have just ordered the DVD so that I can pre-program the exercises in different orders. My question is, has anyone tried creating a total body slow and heavy workout for a rotation. For example, one option would be to pre-program the following:

Lower body warm-up
Static lunges
Bench press
Shoulder press
Tricep extension
Bicep curls

In another rotation, different exercises could be chosen, eg lat raises instead of shoulder presses. If in a particular rotation, you wanted to emphasize a lagging body part, you could do all the exercises for that part, then pick one exercise for each of the other major muscles.

Any thoughts or experience?
Ooh--makes me want a DVD player! I think this mix looks perfectly fine. In the spirit of offering suggestions though:

For me personally thow, I'd replace the deadlifts with the one arm rows to get a bit more upper back.

If your arms a bit tired after the shoulder presses, you could put the bicep curls before the tricep extensions.

YOu could also alternate upper and lower--squats, chest press, static lunge, shoulder press, deadlift... to give your parts a bit more recovery time if you needed it.

Looks like fun! ENjoy! Jeanne

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