Hi there,
I was reading over some posts and noticed that there are some expert runners here. I am just starting a running program and am doing my first 5K next Saturday. I'm a very slow runner - it took me 30 minutes to do 2.75 miles today on the road. My question is this...I'd like to set a reasonable goal for myself to keep myself running - as of yet I still don't really love it! I was reading about a half-marathon in November in New Hampshire along the coast line that looks like it might be fun. It is supposed to be a "mostly flat course." Is that a reasonable amount of time to be able to train for a half-marathon? I'm in fairly good shape now, working out around 5-6 times per week anywhere from 30-90 minutes, mostly with Cathe workouts. Sorry this is so long. I just need some advice.
Can anyone recommend any reading I should do about running? Thank you!
I was reading over some posts and noticed that there are some expert runners here. I am just starting a running program and am doing my first 5K next Saturday. I'm a very slow runner - it took me 30 minutes to do 2.75 miles today on the road. My question is this...I'd like to set a reasonable goal for myself to keep myself running - as of yet I still don't really love it! I was reading about a half-marathon in November in New Hampshire along the coast line that looks like it might be fun. It is supposed to be a "mostly flat course." Is that a reasonable amount of time to be able to train for a half-marathon? I'm in fairly good shape now, working out around 5-6 times per week anywhere from 30-90 minutes, mostly with Cathe workouts. Sorry this is so long. I just need some advice.