Running in Warm Weather

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-02 AT 00:35AM (Est)[/font][p]I certainly agree that I can get an excellent cardiovacsular workout on my treadmill and lose no ground in my cardio conditioning when I train mostly on my treadmill. Also, I never use my treadmill at less than a 3% incline. I've become too used to running hills as I live at the foothills of the Smokies. However, running on a moving belt that helps propel you forward is different than having to propel yourself forward on pavement or trails. Too, most treadmills are designed to absorb a certain amount of shock (wouldn't it be nice if they would do this with pavement?) If you are simply interested in getting an excellent cardiovascular workout, but you don't really care to run outside, then training exclusively on a treadmill is fine. But, if you enjoy running outside it would be wise to include outdoor runs in your training program.

Incidentally, Alberto Salazar has a good treadmill training book, "Precor Presents Alberto Salazar's Treadmill Training and Workout Guide". He has spent many post injury and marathon training hours on a treadmill.

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