Running in cooler temperatures...sorry...long


I live in the Norheast and the mornings here are getting quite chilly.

Monday I went out for a run and wore my usual running gear...Nike shorts and Nike racerback tank. Now I was quite chilly the first 5 minutes, but after that it was just like any other run. By the time I got home, I was dripping w/sweat. It was actually one of my best runs....I felt awesome and when I returned home I tackled PS: Back & Biceps.

So, the next day I wake up sick with a cold and I'm wondering if I should have dressed warmer and then peeled the layers as I warmed up. The problem was I didn't want to deal with peeling layers, and tying things around my waist. I wear my ipod on my arm, so having to take off a jacket mid-run was going to be a problem. do y'all dress for runs this time of year. I'm committed to running on a regular basis.

Also, does anyone run during the winter months? If so, how do you dress for that and do you wear different sneakers?

Thanks for any help,

Tammy (sick w/a cold)x(

I'm sorry you've come down with a cold! Bummer! Feel better soon!

I run every morning also, but I live in the southeast. It's just now getting to the point that I can stand it. It has been so hot this summer, that most mornings when I go out at 7am or earlier, it's already close to 80 degrees. The last week or so, it has been around 68 when I've run. Of course, it's 68 with humidity, so I'm still dripping with sweat when I finish, but it sure feels good compared to mid 80's with humidity.

I'm not good at peeling layers either. I don't like tying things around my waist, so I'm like you, when it cools off, I still go out in my shorts and workout bra, endure the first few minutes of cold, and then enjoy it the rest of the run. What is cold for you? Your temps are probably already in the low 50's, right?

When it gets below about 50 here, I resort to my treadmill. I have issues with my ears getting cold and causing severe earaches, so I don't run in cold, cold weather. Do you have a treadmill? It might be the answer to keep yourself from catching cold in the chilly weather as the winter progresses!
Thanks JeanneMarie,

When I head out in the morning the temp is in the mid-to-low 50's. Herein lies the problem...I don't have a treadmill and it doesn't look as if one will be showing up at my doorstep anytime soonx( .

Tammy (still sick:-()
Hi Tammy....sorry about the cold..:(...I wouldn't think the running in cold would have caused it. I also don't live where you do but I have run in some chilly temps. Low 20's have been the worst, but normally where I live in Calif it is in the 30's or possibly 40's mornings for most of the Winter. Shorts I can wear now and for a few more weeks but I will soon be wearing long sleeve shirts and then switch to running tights when it gets cold. I don't wear more than 2 layers on top and rarely take one off. I will run with a jacket when it rains and if it stops I might tie it around my waist but I don't mind running warm as I get cold easily. I run in the same shoes. I think it is that has a good line for running in colder temps. Hope this helped some...:)...Carole
Hi Tammy,

I live just outside of Boston and run year round in rain sleet and snow. I'm not always pysched to start but I remind myself of how ownderful it is to be outside everyday.

A simple fact of outdoor running life is learning how to dress and taht usually means layers sometime from Oct.-April. Inevitably, as you mentioned as your HR elevates your body temp. rises.

It does take some tweaking especially if you are starting a running routine. But it comes to the point where you look at the temp. outside and weather conditions and you know exactly what to waer.

Stick with it!

Oh, and take it from a medical professional, a cold is rarely, if ever, caused by cold. Simply a virus and coincidental timing.

Thanks for the help ladies. My son has an underarmour shirt he used to wear for outdoor soccer tournamants that occurred in the late fall months. I will definitely dig it out.

I guess this outdoor season will be a learning experience for me.

Thanks for all of the suggestions!

The rule of thumb is to dress as if it is 20 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. So, if it is in the 50s outside, you would dress as if it were in the 70s because you will warm up so much after you get started.

I don't layer either, but I will peel off my gloves and fleece headband in the winter once I warm up. Right now, I wear capri tights and either a sleeveless shirt or short sleeves. I love running when it's around 30 degrees with no wind! Oh - in the winter, I wear long running tights, my regular running shoes and usually a polarfleece top with fleece gloves and a fleece headband. When it's really bitter outside, I wear a pair of winter running tights and I wear a wicking undershirt under my polarfleece shirt. I wear my regular running shoes, but if it's icy I just don't run.

I agree that your cold wasn't caused by being chilled during the run - just a coincidence.

Hope you feel better soon!

I live where you can barely differentiate between winter and summer so I don't have to deal with this issue. But I got this from one of The Golden Rules Of Running from Runner's World:

"The 10-Degree Rule

Dress for runs as if it's 10 degrees warmer than the temperature actually reads.

To put it another way, dress for how warm you'll feel at mid-run-not the first mile, when your body is still heating up. This means choosing the right apparel.

Here's a cheat sheet to help you dress appropriately. This chart factors in the 10-degree rule but doesn't account for a significant windchill. On very windy days, you may need to dress warmer."

Temp Basic Apparel
above 70 lightweight/light-colored singlet and shorts
60 to 69 tank top or singlet and shorts
50 to 59 t-shirt and shorts
40 to 49 long sleeve shirt and tights or shorts
30 to 39 long sleeve shirt and tights
20 to 29 two upper body layers and one lower body layer
10 to 19 two upper body layers and one lower body layer
0 to 9 two/three upper body layers and one/two lower body layers
below 0 three upper body layers and two lower body layers
Elaine, that is cool! I have never seen that before! Thank you for posting it. Of course, I don't have to worry about how to dress below 30 degrees because I will not be out!

I do agree that it is not the running that caused the cold, too.

I live on the Canadian prairies, it gets very cold and lots of snow. I run outside all winter long. I uusally wear broomball or sponge hockey shoes to run in and they are made for on the ice.

I live in Michigan so I can totally understand the cold weather and running dilemma!!

I find that layers are definitely key. But, when it starts getting below 40 degrees, I have to have some kind of hat/headband on to keep my ears warm... that makes a big difference in the tolerance factor of the frigid temps.

Also, I found that on the windy days, wearing either sunglasses or even ski goggles makes a difference too. Minimizing those cold gusts blowing into your face and eyes makes the experience much more tolerable.

I usually don't like to run when its below 30, but I will if it isn't too windy and the ground is dry. I think I have had some of my best runs ever on the chillier days..DEFINITELY more invigorating! :)

Take care, Lynn M.
Thank you so much, Tammy, for posting this!!!:* This is something that I have started to think about, it can get pretty cold in Ohio. However, there are always those "freak" days in January when it hits 70!!!

All this wonderful advice is making me want to run in Anartica!:7 I don't need to do there, it will come to me in February!!
This time of year I will wear either or. I will wear pants with a short sleeve top for the most part b/c I know I will have to take my coat off.Very rarely will I wear shorts with a long sleeve shirt but the girl I run with does. I agree that this time of year is best for running.I always come back feeling great.:)
I won't run outside in the winter monthes though b/c the streets are never really cleared here and my feet get really wet and cold so I just keep it inside.
Well, you've gotten so much great information here, I just wanted to add one teeny thing. I now live in NC, so it never really gets very cold, and the trouble is running in the summer. It's just now getting tolerable for me again, as I NEVER work out in the morning, NEVER!!!

I have to run in the evening, so there are about 3 months when I just DON'T.

I used to live in Michigan and Nevada (Tahoe) so when it gets below 30, I wear a fleece headband, or even ear muffs!!

I also wear gloves inside mittens if it is really cold, like 10 or below. Because my body warms up but my ears and hands need some help. I sometimes wear a turtleneck too and end up putting my mouth inside it to warm the air. But that was just running across windy icy sidewalks in Michigan in January!.

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