Running check-in


Hi everyone!

I've been out of town for a week, so I'm catching up here on the forum. How was everyone's runs or run/walks? Didya get some mileage in?

I got about 28 miles in last week. Did an awesome 12-miler yesterday, although the last 2 miles were tough. But I did 'em!The weather is so gorgeous right now! Got a bunch of races coming up in the next 3 months, so I'm doing speedwork 2x/week. Would love to PR for my upcoming birthday :)

Let me know what you guys have been up to. I'm back doing S/H for weights. I cannot go too long without this series!

Hi Marnie - you are a racing fiend! Hope you accomplish a PR for your birthday and do well with your races!

I got in 4 run/walks last week @ 6 miles each. My runs are kind of boring to report since I am not doing anything different - I just run when I have the opportunity and/or the weather is good. Last week was tough because my kids were home for spring break and I had to get up really early to run before my husband left for work. Spring running is great, though!
I'm doing S/H also - definitely my favorite strength work!

I have a question for all the running moms out there - did you run when you were pregnant and, if so, for how long? I am 5 months along now and feeling good, but sometimes I get pain in my lower belly and have to stop and walk until it passes or I just go home and do a nonimpact activity for cardio. I am guessing it is just my ligaments stretching? Also, I notice that my legs get really sore now after running and I am running much, much less than I did before I knew I was pregnant so that doesn't make sense to me. I would love to hear anyone's experiences about running while pregnant!!

Hope everyone has a great week!


Last week I did 2 interval runs on my treadmill (30 min. each). I read recently about the benefits of interval training so I'm doing more of it. I also did IMax but I think 3 interval workouts a week is tops for me because of my knees! This weekend I got up at 5:00 am on a beautiful day and went to the biggest hill around (almost like running up the side of a cliff!) and ran/walked it for some more interval work. It was nice since I caught the sunrise at the top of the hill. I was sore the next day! I may try to do that once a week on the weekends. I hate when the alarm goes off to get up early (have to be back from my run by 6:15 am so dh can get ready for work - kids wake up at 6:15) but I LOVE how I feel after an early morning run.

Erica - all I can say is TAKE IT EASY when you're pregnant. I exercised while pg with my son and he came 7w early (he's fine - now 2 1/2 yrs.) It was very scary. The Dr.'s said it wasn't because of exercise, but they couldn't say why it happened. I can't help wondering if it was, since although I was careful I did exercise a lot - but I'll always wonder about this. I did not exercise while pg. with my daughter except for walking my son in the stroller, and she was born full term. I was afraid of getting jiggly thighs while pg - so with my son I may have overdone it for that reason. (After he was born preemie I remember thinking that having jiggly thighs would be a small price to pay for a healthy baby.) So please be careful and really go light! Running is high impact and in my opinion too scary to do while pg. Go for a good walk and call it a day. You will be able to get your body back in shape after the baby is born. Just my 2 cents - take it or leave it but good luck to you either way!

Marnie - thanks for the link. It didn't work, but I did find lots of info on running while pregnant at the Runner's World website that I will sort through when I have time.

Candice - thanks for sharing your experience with me. It's interesting - I post in the running check-in at VF and someone there had a similar story to yours where her baby was premature. Definitely something to think about. I am running pathetically slow, though, and taking walking and water breaks during my run so I feel like I am taking it pretty easy. I hate to give up running now when I am feeling good, the weather is beautiful, I have lots of time because my kids are in school, etc. but I also don't want to do anything to hurt the pregnacy either.

Thanks again to both of you for the info - I appreciate it!

Hi, Erica, I ran while I was preggers until that belly got too big and I got too uncomfortable then I walked and did low impact aerobics right up until I delivered. I know of a runner who did a fifty miler just before delivering her son but she was used to doing ultras so that's not for us mere mortals! Don't be afraid as long as you feel well and your doctor says it's ok.

Racng has killed my training. I have been doing so many races my recovery days have eaten into my workout days and I am going back to a 1 race per month plan (or two if I can get two weeks rest in between). I did the Sabino Canyon Sunset 7.4 mile run on Saturday. It was beautiful and fun but, man, was I tired! My time was 1:04:11 and that was disappointing because my best time was 1:01:06. But it's silly of me to be disappointed that I am not as fast as I was in 1999 because that's what I focused on--running-and now there's the strength training, the stretching, yoga and all that good stuff! I think I need to increase my weekly mileage if I am to get faster but I have been doing too many races and I have to rest because my body is 39 but my feet are 78!:) So, I am planning on having a bang up year NEXT year as a forty year old! Yikes! The Race For The Cure is Sunday and the following Saturday is another 5K. Then I'll do the Cinco De Mayo 10K on May 5. After that a brief retirement while I strategize for the fall races. The nice thing about living in Tucson is the racing season ends in June. I am voluntering for the last race of the season, not running! I have been getting in about three days of running after a two day recovery period. I am madly in love with my Aerobic Yoga tape which is a beautiful crosstraining tool to balance out my love of pounding the pavement and the path! Just to be on the safe side, I am having my sister Melody( who keeps talking me into all these races) committed. She has obviously lost the capacity for rational thought. My guess is it's th oxygen debt from too many races that has done her in! LOL

Good luck on your races, Marnie. It sounds like you are training well and that's the way to go! When's the Bay to Breakers?
Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Hi Candice,
I know how you feel to worry and wonder about things you might have done wrong during pregnancy or shortly after. I wish I had breastfed my son and will always wonder if my "not breastfeeding" might have led to some of the challenges he has had to face. I wish so badly that I could go back and start all over. It might have made his path a lot smoother.
Don't ever beat yourself up for things you could have done differently!! It won't change a thing. Be positive and look forward. Figure out what the best thing is to do now. Look back just enough to learn from your mistakes. I breastfed all four of my kids. The first one for 4 months, while battling breast infection after breast infection. The second one for 2 weeks, after my first severe infection, I gave it up. The third for 8 months and the 4th for 10 months. The three who were breast fed for more than 2 weeks all required ear tubes. The one who only got 2 weeks of breast milk was by far the healthiest of all of my kids, and the one I breast fed the longest was sick for most of her first 4 years with every viral illness that came down the pike. There is no telling what causes problems for kids. I believe the studies that show that breast milk is best, but don't feel guilty about what has already passed.
I am glad you responded -bfeeding is such a sore spot for me! Since my son was born early the breastfeeding did not work out and I too always wonder if I should have tried harder at it. I tried really hard for 3 weeks, pumping every 3 hours (day and night)at the hospital, and was pumping nothing, and he was not able to suck at the time. When we introduced the bottle, he really caught on and started eating a lot and gainig weight, so we stuck with it. Then when my daughter was born (full term) I was determined to bfeed again, but this time it hurt so much and I could not get any good help, and remembering our success with the bottle with our son, we opted for bottle again. I still beat myself up over it. I know if I have a 3rd it better work out! The truth is that bottle-fed babies thrive just as breast-fed babies do. I am sure your son's challenges would be the same, breastfed or not. But I know exactly how you feel - my son is in speech therapy now (for a mild disorder) but I refuse to believe bfeeding could have prevented that!I won't let myself go there.

Anyway, thanks for responding. It's nice to know I am not the only one who has these worries!
Hi Frostyjan,
I just read your post too. Thanks for sharing your experience. I guess there is not much we can do except to try to do the best thing at the time!


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