Running check in


Hi everyone!

Did you guys run or run/walk this week?

I got 25 miles in! I had a terrific 10-miler on saturday. I was in a running zen! Just didn't want to stop. This morning I did hill repeats for 20 mins... oooh I know my hams are gonna feel it tomorrow :) I have a 5K coming up in a few weeks. Would like to run it in less than 25 mins.

What tapes are you doing in addition to your runs? I'm doing Power Hour after a long break from it. My only complaint about it is that there's no warm up. I don't care for that. And not much of a stretch at the end. I tack on 10 additional minutes of stretching, especially legs.

Happy running!

This week I did a 40-min. steady pace run and a 40-min. interval run, both on treadmill. For more cardio, I also did IMax and some of the CTX cardio. I am looking forward to nice weather so that I can run outside in the evenings after the kids go to bed(when dh is home). For now, I run on the treadmill during their naptime but you can only take so much of the treadmill! For weights I did the S&H series.

Today I just finished Rythmic Step but I still didn't like it (4th time I've done it). For one, it wasn't hard enough on my heart rate - I think I've gone up a notch from running - and second, all the tricky moves were really pi--ing me off! I think I'm gonna shelve that one for a while :) Anyone else not care for this workout?

Have a nice week everyone!
Marnie - great week!

Candice - I like Rhythmic Step a lot, but I find my mind kind of wandering by the end and I am definitely ready for it to end.

My running week stunk due to the weather and this week doesn't look much better. Ever since Spring arrived, we've had snow, wind and ice!! I did get in 2 run/walks @ 6 miles each and was grateful to do those. When I am not running, I generally alternate between using my spinning bike and doing Cathe videos for cardio. For strength I have been using Cathe for upper body and Firm workouts for lower.

Hope everyone has a great week!

I started out last Sunday with a 10 miler with a 9:06 pace. It was chilly and I felt great.
I did an easy 5.6 on Tuesday and 4.5 on Thursday. I ran the Sundown at the Pass 5 mile race on Saturday afternoon and it was so hard. We ran up a 2.5 mile grade that was much steeper than I thought!Downhill for the second half, thank God! I did the 5 mile race in 43:36 and came in 3rd in my age group, winning two free tickets to Old Tucson (where John Wayne filmed alot of his Westerns! My sis was the Overall Master Winner and won $100. with a time of 39:36! She's so fast! We had a ball! I did PS twice and also one very short low impact workout and Cathe's Kickbox. I was wiped on Sunday and even a little on Monday. On the 6th of April, I am running a 7.4 miler up a mountain again and this is even harder! I am scared and wish someone would talk me out of some of these races! Just gotta get those shirts!:)

Bobbi Chick's Rule!

I haven't been on the forum the last few days... just catchin' up... and all I can say is


And no, I WILL NOT talk you out of racing, 'cuz you and I both know how darn fun it is!!!! :)


Happy easter


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