Running and circuit training


Active Member
Hi Cathe,
I've been a big fan for years and have many of your workouts. It is great to see you on FitTV. Congratulations!

My question is, I've recently started running and am about to increase my running time to 30 minutes. I run 3 days a week. Would I gain strength and muscle defintion if I cross trained with some of your circuit workouts? I have BodyMax, the entire Intensity Series, CTX series, and Muscle Endurance. I am interested in doing the circuit workouts because they combine cardio and weights both. I will soon be adding Push & Pull/Supersets DVD to my collection.

My goal would be to drop some fat and add some muscle. I do eat clean.


:) :)

be aware that if you are about to take up your mileage, you should let your body adjust to the new demands of the increased distance and pounding on the joints before thinking about which Cathe cardios to add on. By all means add weight training, but probably only one lower body session per week, or you will overtax the muscles of the legs and the glutes. You don't want to overtrain.

Running will give you great legs, you won't have to worry about it.

After you have run for a couple of months, add lower body weight training, and then think about adding one or two sessions max of cardio training from Cathe's workout collection.

Until you get used to it, running alone will build strength and endurance for the lower body. Let it do it's job while you watch and concentrate on building a strong upper body. A strong upper body wil help you stop fatiguing early during long runs, and will stop your body looking too lean as you increase mileage later on.

Thank you Clare :) ,

My mileage isn't actually increasing, I'm just taking out the three minute walk time in between running 2 15 minute segments. I have worked up to running this very slowly and must say that most of the time I'm loving it! The other times I dread it, no in between!

I will start doing PUB and the CTX upper body workouts on my off days. I also try and ride my bike on the days I don't run. I get my heart rate up, but I don't push too hard.

If you (or anyone else) have any good suggestions for me on a rotation that includes running I would really appreciate it!

Thanks again!
Hi Kay38!!
I'll tell you what I like to do with the CTX series. I'll go for a 30 min run and then come home and do a weight section from one of the CTX's. On one day I'll do just legs and no running.
I'm actually doing a rotation right now with CTX and the Timesaver DVD.
When the weather is bad I'll do the cardio from TS or CTX, but when its nice I'll go for my run and then come back and do weights from both. Like both of the chest workouts for example. I'm already warm from my run, so I'll just come home and get busy on the weights. Now the abs I only do one or the other on. Like either TS abs or CTX abs, not both. Not enough time. I've got an hour and no more. This just makes it more interesting for me.
Ok, just wanted to share;-) .

Hi Amyfit!

Thank you so much for your input. Do you hit each muscle group more than once per week?

I also do Pilates, used to go three times per week but am scaling down to once. I also like to fit in a yoga class once per week to really stretch.

Thanks so much for your reply!!

Have a great day!
Not right now I don't. When I can get more time, I'll do each group twice per week. The only excetion to this is, I'll do say, Power Circuit on Wed. all the way through and then back from TS. Then on Sunday I'll do either Leaner Legs or Legs and glutes. I don't go real heavy on Wed. though. I just do 35lbs, like Cathe:) .


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