Runners Check-In Thursday May 25


Good Morning.

Mattea...I did see your post from last night. I had checked out also but I wanted a beginner yoga dvd since I've never done it before and it doesn't appear that the one deepdiscount offers is for beginners.:-( I've ordered from deepdiscount a few times and have never been let down!

So I am looking to get a work out in but will have to rush in order to do it so I'm not sure that it's worth it. I've already worked out 6 days in a row so technically today would be a rest day. I intend to run tomorrow as well. Saturday I will rest though for sure as I will be away for the weekend. Maybe I'll nix the work out today and add in weight/ab work before my run tomorrow that way I get everything in and don't have to go nuts today!:)I was gonna do BootCamp today too...for the first time in AGES...looks like I've talked myself right out of it!;) :p
Hi, Wendy! I think you'lll be fine taking a rest day. I know they're hard to take sometimes, but they're good for you! When does your weekend officially begin (this is the weekend where you and DH are going away, right?) surprised me with their prices. I simply couldn't resist getting the 3 DVDs that I got. AND free shipping. I'll have to remember them in the future. The 3 DVDs I got were Mr. Yummypants, OF COURSE, then Christi Taylor Solid Gold Step and Totally Cool Step. I've been checking them out for a while now, but I wasn't sure. I have been wanting to step more on my cross training days, but wanted something different than the Cathe steps I've used to death! LOL We'll see. for workouts. Last night, I got a second workout in again. The kids came with me to the basement while I ran. 5.5 miles, with 7 intervals. Then Stretch Max segment #3. This morning, was lower body. I used Muscle Endurance....leg press premix, then lower body premix, then extras like plie squats, calf raises, leg extensions. Added on abs from ME as well. FEEL GOOD! Getting psyched for Saturday's 5k.


Good Morning Runners-
Thanks you for the advice about working legs and getting the running in. I will need to try different combinations. I did L&G and golfed on Tuesday and my 'Wed. run' was slow. Today, I will do upper body and yoga. And hopefully tomorrow, I will have a better run.

Nest week I may try to do some legs after my Monday run and see how My run feels on Wed with 48 hours rest for my legs.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning everyone. Today is a speed interval run for me and then Bryan Kest Energize.

Wendy- I think a good rest day is just what you need. With tomorrow being your first outdoor run I think it will do you a world of good.

Gayle- 5k on Sat. Sounds like a goody. Did you ever get your training for the marathon written down. If so can you pm me. I am trying to go off of some of the ones on the web sites but I am not sure if there is enough cross training in there. What do you recommend?

Judy- My golf girl. What is your handicap. Hubby is getting ready to go see Michelle Wee (sp) I'm not a golfer but he is pretty darn excited just to walk the grounds at the LPGA tournament.

Good morning to all who follow. I must now jump in the shower and get ready for my busy day. I need to get to Target, and the girls gymnastics and a bunch of other stuff. This is called busy mom day.
Hi, Judy and Karen.

Judy-I really like doing a run and then follow that with the lower body weights. That's what works best for me, but the schedule doesn't always allow that!

Karen-I am STILL working on putting something together. I just can't find the time right now to sit and concentrate on all the papers I've got floating around......yes, busy mommy syndrom here too! LOL I'm using a few things to guide me...runner's world program, Hal Higdon and the program from Marine Corps they sent me. I promise to get it done SOON and I'll let you know when it's together!

Gayle: My weekend away starts tomorrow...some time around 1 we will be leaving I guess!:) I considered running on the boardwalk on saturday morning if I can get my butt out of bed early enough but I don't know if I should...I guess I can see how I feel after tomorrow's run and take it from there. Nice leg work this morning! OMG, if it were me I'd be DYIN' tomorrow!}( Good luck on Saturday!

Judy: My DH is going golfing for the first time this weekend! We are going down to Atlantic City with my mom and her boyfriend and her b/f is taking Sal golfing on Saturday and my mom and I are getting massages! Aaaaaaah!:D I have wondered how to effectively work my legs w/o interfering with my running abilities as well. Good luck finding a pattern that works for you!

Karen: I just talked myself into working out tonight while I was in the shower. Now I have to go and talk myself back out of it since it's probably wiser if I rest up for tomorrow!:p I'm going to Target too. Want to go together? ;)
Good morning runners

Wendy...good job yesterday! Glad you were able to run despite some soreness. Great, you will love the massage! I hope you have fun whatever you plan today...:)

Way to go will love Kest...YP!!! Wow! Killer leg workout today...and a 5K coming up... can be hard figuring out how to work the legs with running. Might be better to work them after a run..:) got in a good workout yesterday as I do so like GS workouts! For your 800 question try this site:,,s6-51-58-0-1000,00.html Plug in your 5K time and distance, click on calculate and the last thing is what your 800 pace is and I think it gives a bit of explanation about 800's. Hope your busy Mom day goes well..:)...I LOVE Target... had a good warm run Tuesday! Sometimes breaking in new shoes can be tricky...yes everyone can benefit from massages...:)

Thanks Jess....:) DO deserve a massage...anytime! I bet you are having a very nice visit with your Mom. The Pyramids are great and much better than any FIRM! You will LOVE GS!! P90X is a great Investment. Definitely tough upper body and just a different style than Cathe. Ab Ripper will kill your abs. Plyo is a very tough cardio but good for runners. Core Synergistics works your whole core and you will be lucky to complete all the exercises the first few times. Yoga is way too long but it convinced me Yoga is very important for strengthening your body. I have done about 4 rotations as it was the only rotation I could ever stick to.

Mattea...I could never stand up in front of a class and talk about sex ed...[/img] I usually use about 55lbs for S&H and start my pyramids with 50lbs, but I take longer rests between sets than Cathe. did an awesome hard workout yesterday!!!

Elaine..I am doing a modified P90X rotation, as I add legwork and running.

Okay...just for the record...I am NOT a Christi Taylor I have none of her workouts....:)

Pamela...I think that Yummypants DVD is also a great purchase. I think you will like it..:)..good job on running a bit faster as you felt good!

I am doing PLB standing (I skipped it tues), a 6 mile interval run and some Yoga after...

Have a great day...
Hey girls - only two more days of school left and summer will officially begin for us!!! :) DS is very excited and can't wait to be done.

Me on the other hand will be moving my office for the summer to another room while they do some ceiling work - UGH - so today is pack up and get moving day for me. I will probably have to do most of the other three offices, too, because one is pregnant with twins, one is at her other office in another town for the summer and my boss isn't much for "that kind of work", I don't think, but I might be surprised. Let's just say he's not even going to be here on the "moving day" next week x( But, that's OK - I'll take the hard work over a desk job anytime.

Yesterday I had a great step class and tonight is the last one. I want to do something fun for the last one, but can't think of anything. We've been doing walking lunges and they just "love" those }( . Any ideas????

Have a great day - I'll be back later.

Hi Everyone,
Quick check in to say thank you to all who voiced support for the sex-ed awkward dilemma (Carole, Mattea, Elaine, Sarah, Wendy, Karen and Gayle). It is definitely humorous in many ways and in about 3 and a half weeks, it will be even funnier.

Things are going better -- it seems that part of the issue is that the teacher is in her mid-60s and kind of new age-y. (Did anyone see the skit on SNL with Molly Shannon where she is this new agey-lady who says "I love it, I love it, I love it and kicks her feet up while sitting in a chair? The teacher is something like that character: silk scarves, wild prints and "silver sneakers".)

So I think she is using slang to say "You dudes might hear this kind of talk out on the streets, but this is what it means." I don't know what I'd do in her position -- and like you, Carole, I'm glad it's not my job. The other thing is this is suburbia we are living in and the kids aren't talking like this to each other. At this point, I'm trying not to overreact, since my kid is fine (at least he is finding this all pretty amusing) and this is one class in his 7th grade day -- and have of sex ed in school is surviving the embarrassment of sitting there hearing this kind of info while sitting next to your friends.

Things on the homefront are calmer! So yahoo!!!!

Today was a speed run for me today 5 miles, slideboard, PUB abs and ankleweight work from L& G. I have workmax later today, so I have to be brief and not say hi to everyone one by one!

I'm glad everyone who was struggling has finally gotten over their obstacles to being enabled to buy Bryan Kest DVDs aka Mr. Y.P. (Thanks for the discountDVD webiste, Mattea! )They are a worthy purchase. I haven't tried Christi Taylor, but might have to in the future. I must say I am looking forward to trying the P90x tapes after my race.

Have great workouts today everyone and a great day to boot.

:) :) :)
Barb- What an awesome workout you got going on there, on top of the workmax.

Marcia- How about some Low- ends just so they will remember you until the next session starts up. I know they wont' forget those.

Carole- Thnaks for the info. I am going to plug the numbers in there tonight when I get back to get a better take on what I need to do. I did this speed interval run Sarah gave me a while back and today I actually added on to it by adding two more intervals to it. I think I'm started to see marked improvement in my endurance.
Hi again runners!
Yoga is done. What is this yummypants? is it a highly recommended yoga DVD? I have not read every post, I admit.

KarenV. I do nothave a good handicap, ubt really enjoy the game. I didn't take it up until mylate 30's, the after a few hopeless years of golfing right handed, I switched to be a lefty golfer and have seen improvement. I am left handed in everything else I do.

Wendy have agreat weekend and a very nice massage!

Carole- I am going to try to do legs after my run on Monday. (Unless I golf!) I'll be thinking of you!

Judy, that is not unheard of. My father writes with his right hand but when it comes to golf or really any sport he was always a lefty. My dh shoots relatively in the low 80's but his two brothers shoot in the low 70's . Needless to say they don't have any children and can get on the course more than him. But dh is pretty darn good. Mr. Yummy Pants, is code name for Bryan kest.
Quick post from me! Just got back from a 3 mile hot & steamy run w/ my 5 & 2yo's in the double jogger. Wow- we had a big thunderstorm last night & it is sooo humid today. I am so sweaty I look like I just stepped out of the shower!!! :eek: I was going to take today off, but my dh is going out of town for 2 days & I have an appt tomorrow so I knew that would be 3 days in a row w/out running!! ;-) I'll do some Pilates later to stretch out my muscles!! I'm actually not as sore as I thought from the PLB!!! Woohoo on the running making my legs strong, now I'm working on some definition!!

Karen-another run program from Sarah? Care to share this one as well???

Hi, everybody. Sorry I can't comment to you all right now. Just finished the grass and need to get DS ready to go to his friend's house!

Good morning everyone!

Today, I have on my schedule, a 5 mile run and PLB. The run will be at a comfy pace since I have a 5 mile pace run scheduled for Sat and a 10K on Sunday. The 10K on Sunday is the first race I have ever run in, 13 years ago. Before that I ran a few miles a couple of times a week and did my Jane Fonda and Kathy Smith workouts at home. When a guy from work mentioned that he was running the 10K I told him "Oh, I could do that easy." Well, when I went into work the next day he told me he had signed me up!!" So, I ran it having only logged three slow miles as my toughest run since my 20's. Needless to say it was NOT easy! I think it took me over an hour to finish it! The thing about this 10K though is I have a weird block or something. To this day I am always *incredibly* nervous before I run it. It should be the opposite though considering it is what got me interested in what this running thing is all about!

Wendy, Have an awesome vacation! Be sure to let us know how the outside run goes.

Judy/Karen, My DH golfs in the low 80s too. He'd be much better if he didn't have this dang family that likes to see him every now and then!!!:7

Gayle/Carole, I definately prefer to do my weight work before I run. If I wait until after the cardio then I don't have much engery. Gotta hand it to you guys who can do it after.

Barb, Great description of the sex-ed teacher. The image in my head fits perfectly with yesterday's story!

Jess, Double jogger! Good Lord woman!!!:7 :7 I bow down to you!

Marcia, I'm looking forward to the end of school too. I love, love, love summer time.

Good morning to all the rest, Amy, Thomasina, Christine (all three have been MIA) Sarah, Mattea, Shelly, Pamela.......

Have an awesome day everyone!!
Sounds like a great plan Elaine. I can't wait to hear your results on the 10K.

Gayle- This the run that Sarah gave me Oh!!! back in Jan. I love this run. Now you can repeat the fastest interval 3 to 5 times to make this a 30 min or 35 min minus the cool down. Today I did the 8 repeat interval 5 times and then with the cool down it came to about 40 min of pure sweat.

Warm up 5 min
7 mph- 4 min
5 mph- 1 min
7 mph- 4 min
7.5 mph- 3 min
5 mph- 1 min
7.5 mph- 3 min
8 mph- 2 min
5 mph- 1 min
8 mph- 2 min
5 mph -1 min
8 mph- 2 min
5 mph- 1 min
Cooooolllll Down. Now like I said you can repeat the last interval with the 8 repeats two more times.
While rummaging through a cabinet last night I found a disc with pictures that my friends in Utah gave me after running St. George last year. I added some of them to my picture trail if you want to take a peek.....
Good morning all! It's TTOM (for me TTOQ but I'll explain that in a moment). I forgot how badly this wipes me out. I want to eat everything in sight (as long as it's highly fattening, obnoxiously bad for me, or contains even a speck of chocolate), and I have enough energy to get out of bed and make it downstairs to sit on the sofa, oh and to cook the aforementioned food - but that's it. I'm on the pill - taking 4 packs straight (get TTOM every 3 months - so it's That Time of the Quarter for me). If I don't, I'm like this every month and can get nothing done. If I go off it completely, I'm like this for 2 weeks every month. Seriously... It's been only in the last 6-7 years that it's been like that. My OBGYN says I'm perfectly fine in every other way... I know, I know - Too Much Information. But, I wanted to explain why I did not check in yesterday. I did do P90X Back and Biceps, and Core Max premix #2 (Complete Core) yesterday. Today I'm counting myself lucky that I got out of bed. But, this too shall pass, and I'll get my butt in gear soon. I promise. As Sarah say - no excuses - just get out there and do it!

And on the bright side - I did buy a pair of pants a size smaller than I normally wear! And they fit! Even with the bloating, so I'm doing something right!!!

Elaine - I'm not sure yet what I'm doing for the Half. DH told me last night that he thought I should just go and make a girls weekend out of it (spend the time with y'all). So, maybe we should get rooms in the same place and plan a fun filled dinner and such before the race. What do you think?
Quick howdy doody to everyone!

Like yesterday, I’m really swamped at work today, but I wanted to login quickly to say hello so I wouldn’t be MIA today! LOL Hopefully later on I’ll be able to post some comments. Elaine, I did take a quick peek at your St. George photos – Loved the photos and it’s really cool to have your kids support ya. Oh, and you look like a cheetah too… dang cheetahs..... :p
Talk to you all later…


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