Runners Check-in Thurs May 4


Good morning fit runners! DH's allergies turn into sinus infections too sometimes. I'm glad mine don't!

Kathy..I am sure a run would be tough right now, but you will recover well and you have time before August to take it a bit slow now..:)

Mattea!!!! What a cool DH! It is so fun to get new Cathe's in DVD!..and Thank you...:)

Elaine...thank you too...:)...I think you girls will have fun in that half! So Big Sur is sometime in the future...right?...:)

Barb...I do take meds as my allergies just got worse and worse. I take the ZyrtecD every morning and a regular Zyrtec in the afternoon when they are real bad...I have never associtated allergies with any food yet...

Anne and Barbara...nice to see you 2 here...:)

I'll be doing PLB standing legs a 5 mile run and pilates.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning all, I'm finishing up here at work and will be heading home soon for a nap, then I'll probably do IMAX 3 (my fav!) and some corework
Carole- I know you're on the same time period as me, you sure start early! Hope the allergies are under control. Everyone here is sneezing!
Elaine and Karen- I think we're all racing on Sat. How exciting...
I'm doing a Half and of course Sunday is the big M for Sarah.:eek:
Elaine- you're 10K sure sounds challenging...good luck!
Mattea- you must be in heaven now with all your new Cathe vids! My favorite tempo run is a speed ladder on the TM . After a warmup of 6 mph 5 min, I go up to 6.5 mph, 7.0, 7.5 for 2 minutes each, then a recovery at 6 mph for 1-2 min, then another ladder 7.0,7.5,8.0, recovery, then a third set 7.5,8.0,8.5 mph, 2 min. each.
Gayle- In addition to being one FAST runner you are also a push up champ--- what was it 37-38?
Hope everyone has some great workouts and runs! you are a fantastic and supportive group of ladies!
Good Morning ShellyC and Carol. Hope you all have amazing workouts today.

Today I did a 30 min 3 mile easy run, and then I did an upper body tape called Armed and Dangerous. It's a high rep tape using a 18lb body bar. It was nice to dig that out and give that a go for a change up. Then I finished off my workout with 20 min of yoga.

Carol- Tomorrow I am going to take your advice and do either pilates or a nice long yoga. I have Kathy Smith's New Yoga Challege which I haven't done in some time but it is one of my favorites. Thanks for stearing me in the right direction for Sat. Oh my Gosh Oh my Gosh Oh my Gosh. I'm so excited..

ShellyC- that is and excellent tempo run. I am going to print that out and incorporte that into my training. Have fun with Imax 3 today.

I found a pair of running shorts yesterday. I'm so excited. I have two pair but like I said when they go I'm screwed. Hopefully they won't ride up.
Good morning wonderful running ladies!

Oh, wow - only a few more days until Sarah's marathon! And Elaine and Karen and Shelly are all racing as well! I'll be cheering y'all one! How exciting!

I'm out west as well, and my allergies are acting up. I'm trying to take as little medicine as possible and still function. They do wear you down (or is it my adding running to P90X?).

I'm going out for a 3 miler this morning. Then I'll come back to Bryan Kest's Energize Power Yoga. I love running in the morning.

Enjoy your days everyone!
Hey Karen - good luck with your shorts. I'm going to try mine again this morning - hopefully the last time was a fluke (?)...
Good morning ladies!

This week has been horrible with DH being out of town all week and both kids sick and not sleeping well. I have not been able to keep up with the check-in. Guess I have some reading to do.
Yesterday my intention was to run 4 miles, but only was able to run 2 instead. My new shoes were causing my heel & knee on my right leg to hurt. So today during my lunch I will be taking them back and trying another pair. At least I am finding out early in my training what shoes will work and what won't. I'll let you know when I find one that actually works. I'll catch up with you all later.

Have a great run today!
Hi Everyone,

Today is a recovery run for me & MM upper body done in push-pull style. I am less sore today after a Tempo Run yesterday than I thought I would be, so I am feeling happy.

Carole -- good that you don't have any food irritation with allergies. I never knew I did until I started paying attention to "mouth burn" and found that I needed less meds seasonally with some food management. I am very allergic to rag weed and some vegetables grown near rag weed during certain seasons get my whole allergy-symptom-cluster going! I used to go out for runs wearing shorts in allergy season and my legs would explode in hives. Now I don't wear shorts until the Pollen count goes way down around here.

Christine & Karen-- I like Bryan Kest tapes too. I have the sweat-tone series, but haven't made time to do it regularly. I like a.m. runs, too. I feel much better if I run and am done before 8:30 a.m.

Shelly C, Elaine & Karen -- good luck Saturday. Karen, Finding the right clothing is key -- good luck your new shorts.

Kristi -- I think of Life with Kids w/o DH as nonstop IMAX..I keep jumping high and get out of breath faster than I think I should. At least you ran some distance and you're taking care of your kids, which is a good thing. My DH was gone at the beginning of April and I found it more exhausting than any exercise routine. Good luck with your shoes.

Onward to the day.


:) :) :)
Morning Runners,
I was so tired this morning I couldn’t get up when the alarm went off! I’ll slog another 4 miles out this evening when I get home. :) Wow, it always hits me mid-week…I don’t know why!

Carole – I hope your allergies get better! Ugh, I have sinus problems and suffer from sinus infections so I know it’s no fun.

Good luck to all our racers this weekend….Shelly, Karen, Karin, Elaine, and marathon Sarah!

Mattea – I love new DVDs. I think my favorite part is previewing, lol! Guess that’s why I have so many but mostly do only my Cathe’s. I’m itchin’ for her new ones when she feels up to it.

Shelly – Yikes, that’s one heck of a tempo run…uhhhh, I’ll put that one on the back burner for now. ;)

Awwww, Kristi….I hope the kiddos feel better soon. It’s so hard to have them sick. It’s great that you’re still able to fit in workouts, though.

Barb, tempo runs are really tough. They’re deceiving at first….ya feel great when you finish, then you wake up the next morning and can barely move!

Christine & Karen – here’s a link to Race Ready Shorts. I LOVE the Easy fit distance fit (they don’t ride up) and the material is awesome. It’s so light, you hardly notice them.

Oh, here’s a link to pics of the marathon. I think I may order the third one on the top, near the finish line (where I look like I’m actually running, lol!)

Kathy G
Good morning!

I'll be doing PUB and running 5 easy miles today. I want my legs fresh for the 10K on Sat. My legs should be fine but for about 4 days until yesterday my diet has been pretty bad!! I hope that 3 days is enough time for that crap to leave my body and not feel so sluggish anymore..... I bought stuff that I don't normally eat for when DH friend was here. He didn't stay long enough so there were leftovers....... :7

The lottery for St. George has been drawn. Now I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for the results. Makes my heart beat a little faster when I think about it. I CANNOT wait to start training with a definate focus and get out of this state of limbo about which marathon I'm going to run.

If I don't get a chance to check back in later here's wishing you all a wonderful day.:)
Good Morning Everyone!
Carole-Yes, it was particularly nice of DH to suggest the Cathe videos, which did get here yesterday and necessitated rearranging my entire DVD collection for space issues. Oh, what a chore;-) BTW-have you ever tried green tea and stinging nettles for your allegies? DH has wicked allergies and these have both helped him tremendously.

Shelly-Great luck on the race this weekend! Boy I really need to get my hands on a treadmill to try some of these tempo runs. I do have a week free coupon for a local gym and may use it once the semester is over:7

Karen-Isn't that the second most important thing about running shorts? First, that they don't chaff, and second that they don't ride up, then they breath, maybe even have pockets, and then how they look:p What kind did you end up getting? And, oh, SATURDAY!!!

Christine-Love Bryan Kest, but am afraid of the more advanced videos:eek:

Kristi-Sorry that your week has been so crappy, but at least you'll know for the future what works for your feet. I hate breaking in new shoes, but love the period when they are "perfect", that is if I ever manage to really find the perfect pair!

Barb-HI! I don't think that I've "talked" to you yet, so it's nice to start:7 I've never done the MM upper body push/pull style, but I've recently begun shaking up the upper body routine, so I'll keep it in mind!

Kathy-I know exactly what you mean, mine went at 5:45 this morning and then only 5 min. later I was doing Leaner Legs, then 6 min. later I was thinking I can't believe I'm up at this hour doing LL! LOL! Oh well, at least the sun was beautiful coming up:D

Elaine-I remember the first time I referred to 5 miles as short and then "easy", I remember it very well actually because it was, um, recent...;-)

Sarah-So its what, less than 100 hours away? Dun, dun, dun!!!

Today was LL then GS Legs Floorwork and the Abs from LL on the step, aka-the Aquajock method-Except that I subbed brief but intense cardio intervals for the calf raises. Hammer punch lunges, plie jacks, plyo jacks, etc. It was a nice change and helped to keep the HR higher.
Have a great day!
hello everyone,

I forgot to check in yesterday. I took yesterday off as a rest day. Today I will do my treadmill workout. Its tough. The cheetah fast workout. I have only done it once and it kicked my butt.

Who all has races this weekend along with sarah? I cant wait till her marathon. she will do great!!!

carole, I feel for ya with the allergies. I am allergic to just about everything outdoors.

well hope everyone has a nice day!!!:) :)
Just a quick check in, I'm off to gymnastics with my three girls.

Laura- Have fun running with the cheetah's

Mattea- I got the Nike Dri Fit with one pocket on the side. They kind of look like the shorts Cathe wears in Supersets. I like them but don't love them. When I wore them they crept up under my rear like boy shorts and stayed there. I didn't have a problem pulling them out of my butt, I just wish they would have stayed put on the leg. So I'm off to the website Kathy G suggested. I like to run with fitness shorts instead of the running shorts. Maybe I should give the running shorts a shot since what I bought didn't turn out perfect. They were not to bad though.

Elaine- I have to say that since I had this focus on the 5K Sat. I have really been more mindful of my eating because I have a goal to set out for. It really has been good to have something to focus on.

Kathy G- Thanks for the website on the shorts. Do you have any recommendations on anything you have purchased from there? Also I can't see your pictures from the link. What do I do after I push the website. I went to view photo's but nothing. I really want to see them.
Good Afternoon Gals!:)

Carole: I'll pilates will feel great after the rest of your work out today!

ShellyC: IMAX 3...OOOOH! I still have a hard time with that one!}( Have fun!!!

Karen: Hope your new running shorts serve you well!

Christine: How was your run?

Kristi: Good luck with the shoes! I hope you get an exchange made with no trouble!

Barb: I have MM on tap as well. Enjoy!:)

Kathy: SLOG!? LOL What a cute term!:7

Elaine: 5 EASY miles...Hmmmm...maybe one day I'll be able to say that too! Right now 5 miles and EASY do not equate in my mind!:p

Mattea: OUCH! What a leg killer! Holy cow! I'm gonna have to try that one!}(

Laura: Have a good work out!

I just purchased a treadmill and eliptical work out from ITrain for my MP3 player. They sound fantastic and I can't wait to get to the gym in a few days to try the treadmill one! I'll let you know how I do! I'm a bit scared!:eek: LOL

For today is MM U/B, B/C U/B and BC CORE and then a walk w/DS in the afternoon!:)

Have a great day!
Ooops, here's another shot at the marathon pics link:

In the pic I'm wearing the LD Easy fit shorts (4" inseam) but I like my shorts roomy. I probably could've gotten away with a small but went up a size to a medium (I'm 5'5" and about 120-123 lbs.).

If you like your shorts "shorter" they have a 3" inseam V-Notch, too. Right now I have two of the same style (Navy and Black) but I think I'm going to order a pair of the 3" LD V-Notch shorts next month and see how they fit. HTH.

Kathy G
I just LOVE this group! No cattiness - we all want each other to do well, and we applaud everyone's efforts! I'm all warm and fuzzy every time I visit here. *puts sappy wand away*

Eh hem, anyway...

Kathy - thanks for the tips on the shorts. I'll definitely get a pair to try them. My shorts we're as bad today, but it was nice and cool this morning, so no sticky thighs to cling to!

Kristi - my DH is traveling a lot this past month and it's hard enough WITHOUT sick kids. My heart goes out to you! I'm with Barb - life without DH is like IMax... I have to admit I sleep very well. I sit down and I'm OUT! Hope the little ones are feeling better soon! Great job on getting in the workouts!

Elaine - hmm, not sure I want to run with you in July - 5 EASY miles?!! ;-)

Wendy - don't worry - you aren't the only lower mileage person on this forum! Run was good. I really do enjoy an early morning run. Can't wait 'til this farce of a job is up! :)

Mattea - I'm with you on the more advanced Bryan Kest moves. I haven't gone beyond the second program on the Power Yoga DVD. I'm always a little leery that I'm going to twist myself into a human pretzel and never be able to untwist. The dog's expression is priceless, though when I do that twist.

Kathy - sorry your shorts aren't fab! I'm going to try Kathy's suggestion as well. But I am convinced that if I simply lose an inch off my thighs (and it's very doable, believe me), that little issue will go away.

My run went well - did 3 miles. I'm starting to realize that runs are kind of like car trips. You got for a three hour car trip and it seems to take forever. But you do a 7 hour one, relax and settle into it, and before you know it you're there. I never settled into the run, and while I really enjoyed it, it seemed to go forever. Maybe it's just me...
Great job, Christine!!! We'll get you to that half in no time... :D

Speaking of which, when do I need to register for that?? Sigh. I'm not keeping up very well with all this administrative stuff, I admit.

No running today; I want to keep things low impact for me today as I've had a bit of knee pain lately. Ice helps, so that's good! Today I'm planning to do some sort of workout; maybe an Imax (don't LOL at me and my knees!) and a P90X? We'll see. Tomorrow is a long run at bootcamp (3 miles) and that means I'm doing it twice! So I'm sure that has to count for something... :D

Have a great day, and hope all your runs go well!!!
"I just LOVE this group! No cattiness - we all want each other to do well, and we applaud everyone's efforts! I'm all warm and fuzzy every time I visit here. *puts sappy wand away*"

Oh, admit it!!! At least a few of you are hoping I will trip and fall on Sunday!!:p RAIN DANCES!!!

Seriously (well, I meant the no rain dance thing), you guys really are sweet and supportive!! Elaine will be tracking me on Sunday. Now, that is motivation to keep going!!

I failed to check-in yesterday but wanted to tell you guys that I did YogaX for the 1st time in several months. To my surprise...I found it WAY easier than usual! Not sure what to credit for it because of my taper? Because I have incorporated the elliptical weekly? Because I have been doing Bryan Kest? I just do not know...could be all of them! Made me think, "Hey, I can do this yoga stuff!"

Today, I ran 3 easy miles...that is it! I'll stretch more later.

I have been staying in hiding a bit. Hearing about all your awesome and intense workouts is making me jealous!! If you do not see me around, it is only because I am wishing I was allowed to do the workouts you guys are doing! It will only hurt me right I must wait! Look at that...the first sign of the green monster! It's a good jealousy, though! I want ya'll to sweat extra hard for me!! I'll make it up to you on Sunday!

Hey, I want to start a calender to keep track of everyone's races!! That way, I can keep track!

Kathy thanks so much for fixing the pictures for all of us to see. How great you look working so hard. I love seeing those kinds of photos. As for the shorts, thanks for the tips. I like a longer short as well. I don't like them to go right under my rear.

Christine- I have to agree how great this forum is. I really never posted to much in the other forums but I seem to be here everyday. The wisdom and women here are so great and supportive. One mile is just as an accomplish as 20 miles. I think that is what I like the best.
Kathy G- I just checked out your pics! Wow, you look fav is the 3rd one down, you look very determined and your form is flawless!!! I'm shooting for my first marathon in the fall and I intend to pick your brains for advice!

Sarah- your posts are always my favorite to read. I feel for you on how hard it is to rest during the taper period!

Barb- thank you for your encouragement and welcome!!

Kristi- welcome to you too! I don't know how you mothers of young ones manage, really it takes courage and determination each day. Best wishes to you, keep running when you can!

Tomorrow I am doing some Bryan Kest yoga. He seems to be a popular choice with you runners. I always pooh-poohed yoga before as not a "real" workout. Boy was I ever humbled when I tried this!
good luck all!


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