Runners Check-In TGIF June 2nd


Hello Cheetahs!

In my case, I'm a turtle but we won't get into that!:p :7

So I am torn between step and a run this morning...

I may not do well stepping depending on how stiff/sore my neck is cause then I won't be able to look down at the step when needed and that could spell disaster!:eek: Not to mention the fact that there is still not a/c in my work out room!x( Cardio at home would be QUICKER though.

Running's only issue is that I'd have to go super early in order to also be able to fit in grocery shopping (needed DESPERATELY) before I have to go to the doc appointment this afternoon.

I feel like all my efforts I have put into lifting for my upper body lately are going to be lost because I can't lift with any regularity lately and I am afraid of how much longer this will go on...:-(

Hope everyone is well on this friday morning...I must get some food...I am suddenly STARVING!:9
Wendy- I hope as I read this you have gone for a nice early run. Did you make an appointment to get your neck looked at? Don't worry about your upper body too much; when you get back to it it will come back quickly. But remember to eat clean.

After going back quicky to read yesterday's running check in I saw my typo errors. Apparently I clicked 'post message' without proof reading! Please forgive me.

Today is a 6.5 mile easy run and abs. Yesterday I did MM upper body push pull style. It leaves out some of the sets so I added them on. I prefer the MM Upper Body pre mix without the push-pull.

PS - Wendy- We try to pick it up at the end too. But when we run from my home it can be a nasty challenge, because I live on top of a hill!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

I have, infact, decided on the run this morning...I have to prepare the little guy and then I'm "off and running"! LOL

I am going to the dr. this afternoon, BTW. I'll keep y'all posted!
Good morning, ladies.

This morning's workout was PLB and some Christi Taylor stepping. I played with my new Power Tower this AM as well.

Sorry to be quick!


ETA that I looked at the calendar last night and it looks good for my personal dilemma of running, stepping, and everythign else. If I do as Carole suggested and wait till July 1 to start officially training for Marine Corps, that gives me 17 to 18 weeks. Plenty, I think. Thanks, again, ladies, for all the support yesterday!
Good morning cheetah runners

Gayle..your new Power Tower sounds fun!! Hope you are doing better today...:)

Wendy...I hope you enjoy the run and yes, keep us posted on the Doc visit.

Judy...don't sweat the typos...sometimes I catch mine and sometimes I don't. Enjoy your run today..:)

Karen...congrats on the massage!!!How is the IT band doing?

Shelly...thank you for the nice compliment..:)...a fall?...Yikes! I hope you are not too bruised up today. I remember falling 2 weeks in a row during my long run and landing on the same poor knee!! Good luck on your run tomorrow!

The other racers are Elaine's 5K on Sun, Karen's 5K on Sun and Barb's 1st half on Sunday?...I think...:)

I am doing 7 easy miles. Then some lower body and abs..

Have a great day...:)
Good morning everyone - it's absolutely beautiful this morning in Minnesota - I LOT IT!!!!!

Gayle - Sorry I missed your posts yesterday, but I'm glad everyone was supportive and you know I'm always behind you 100% - stay strong.

Wendy - Is it hard to run with a sore neck?? Be careful.

I put on my old shoes last night for my 3 mile run because my new ones are STILL not broke in quite enough. It went OK, but I am just dying for that time when you feel so good that 3, 4 and 5 miles are just a drop in the bucket, an easy run if you will. I used to feel that way and long for it again so much, but just have not been able to get there. I am two weeks into my training so I know it's early, but I can't wait for those short runs to be a piece of cake. :) I loved looking forward to the long weekend runs because they were such a challenge and it felt like such an accomplishment to get those in, but I can't get past the 3 mile to be a challenge.

Can anything get rid of my "lead legs" :7

Have a great day everyone and I'll be back later. I haven't decided whether I'm going to run 3 today with a 4 miler on Sunday or cross train/strength train today and do my 4 miler tomorrow with cross training on Sunday - oh the decisions. I'm a little run down from the runs this week so maybe I'll do the first option. ;-)

Take care,

P.S. One more thing - is it too early to be worried about eating the right things before and after my run? Could that be why I have lead legs??? I need to figure out what to eat to FUEL my body.
Good Morning Cheetah's, Today I feel 70% better with this cold. The best news is I put the It band to the test and it passed with flying colors. Today i did intervals of 8x400 , the difference is that I warmed up for a good mile before beginning them unlike the 5 min I usually give myself. I think this helped tremendously. I even took long to cool down. All in all it was 50 min of work and 4.5 miles with cool down and warm up. I felt great and my it band felt even better. I hated laying off of running for three days but it really helped. Then I did 30 min of yoga to really stretch things out. The down side is that my nose was running the whole way. At least the draining feeling is gone. I had a good night's sleep so I think that helped me out.
Carole- Enjoy your run. I have to say the IT band is so much better with everyone's suggestions. Rest is best but hard to do. I'm taking off completely tomorrow with the 5k sunday so I hope my cold will be as 100% as the IT band seems to be.

Wendy- Let us know how it goes. I'm off to the grocery store as well. If I knew you were going I'd tell you to get my stuff too.LOL

Marcia- I would think fueling the body properly would have something to do with lead legs. I can' wait to see what all of the girls have to say. I know when I fuel properly I feel so much better after my runs, so I'm thinking it may be that.

Judy, Gayle,- Nice workouts.

Gayle- Did you order any more things. I got the shirt with the no sleeves in white and berry. I really want orange but I can get on of those at Target.

Good Morning to everyone else. Elaine, Jess, Matttea, Pamela, Barb ( we are sending you good thoughts), Thomasina, Laura, Karin, ShellyC, Sarah, Cathy, and Christine. I know there is more but I'm drawling a blank. Anyone else good morning.
Thanks Karen, that's what I thought, too, but now another ridiculous question. Where do I find out that information???? Is there a certain book that will help me or simply eating good things like I'm reading in the BFL book?

Karen I am glad you are feeling better and that your IT band is better!! I have allergies so I can relate to a runny nose while running...yuk...:)..sounds like your run went well and I know the stretching and yoga will help...
G'morning Cheetahs!!

I'm still at my Mom's & got out for a 5.1 mile run this morning. It was really nice, I'm in my hometown so I always feel a bit nostalgic running around here!! It's kinda weird though because I'm used to running in the country & here I have to stop for stoplights/ stop signs/ pay more attention to cars & people w/ their dogs, etc. Fun though!!

My legs were a bit sore though, I really worked it w/ PLB y'day!! And I did WP (Winsor Pilates) Upper body & bun/ thigh sculpting y'day afternoon.

I didn't get a chance to go see my Grandma last night, my Uncle called & said she wasn't up for any company. I think my brother will check it out this morning & if she's feeling better then I'll go see her (and he can watch the girls since they can't go to ICU). Thanks for the nice thoughts & prayers y'day, things seem to be a bit worse than I was expecting.

We ended up taking the kids to see Over the Hedge last night- it was hilarious! We all loved it!

OK, off to shower & take the kids to see my Aunt Meg (she's 93!) & then to the park. It's gonna be a gorgeous day!

Sorry I don't have time for personals so great job on the workouts & have a great weekend!

Karen- I'm so glad that the IT band is feeling better!! YEAH! A good warm up & cool down is essential for me for preventing injuries. I've been doing that w/ intervals too- a good mile warmup, then speedwork, then a mile cooldown & I do walking lunges at the end which works your legs & gives them a good stretch. I hope you're feeling 100% for your 5K!! Good luck!

Hi everyone,

I'm packed, and ready to set sail for Nassau, Bahamas. Today is supposed to be speedwork (5mi) and P90X Legs and Back, but I'm starving, and I don't think I'll have time after breakfast. I hate to save it for the ship, but I may have to do just that. Besides, I'm really sore. My abs, and now my hips are achy. Oh well, on a positive note I did complete P90X shoulders and arms yesterday. :)

Wendy, hope the doc visit goes well, and enjoy your run!

Jess, my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your grandmom.

Gayle, enjoy your power tower. I mainly use mine with P90X workouts, and I definitely use the kneepads to assist with the pullups :).

Feel better soon Karen!

Shelly, oh no! Not you too! :)

Mr. YP arrived yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.

Hi Carole, Elaine, Barb, Laura, Christine, Sarah, Judy, Marcia, Mattea, and everyone else (my mind is drawing a blank right now, sorry!).

Have a great weekend everyone!

It's taken me a while of trying to figure out what works for me w/ regards to eating/ running. I used to run on empty most of the time, but once I started increasing my mileage over 5 miles I realized I needed something to keep me going!! I might not eat before a 3-4 miler, it depends on what I've eaten the night before also.

Things that are easy to eat & run are- bananas, grapes, WW toast or WW mini bagel w/ a smidge of PB, oatmeal, oatmeal squares cereal (dry), or certain energy bars. I try to avoid dairy because it seems to upset my tummy when I'm running. Also, if I'm running longer than 7 miles then for dinner I try to eat a bit more carb- I try to avoid white flours & sugars so I might add a baked sweet potato, WW pasta, brown rice, etc. And I might have a bowl of cereal (Kashi GoLean or GoLean crunch are my favs along w/ oatmeal squares) or oatmeal as a later snack.

After runs I've found that a mix of protein & carbs is great for recovery. Yogurt w/ some cereal & fruit mixed in, an apple w/ PB & a glass of skim milk or protein powder & skim milk, WW crackers & light cheddar, etc.

HTH some!! Each person is different also, so find what works for you!

Jess- Thanks for the review on Over the Hedge. It's on our must see list. I'm glad you liked it so now I know we need to see it. I really don't think I would care for the one called Cars. It just doens't look that good to me. I could be wrong. Over the Hedge does look cute. I don't know why I didn't think to warm up longer. Learning by the minute.

Pamela- have fun at the Bahanmas. You lucky girl.

Marcia- I am on a waiting list for Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition, which was recommended here and also one that I find great right now is the one called The complete Book of Running For Women by Claire Kowalchik, and Complete Book Of Women's Running by Dagny Scott. I think ShellyC recommended those to me and they are great.

Carole- I know, I had tissue flying left and right still trying to keep my arms from flying around. I think blowing my nose got me more out of breath than the intervals.
I ran 4 miles again on the same path at my in-laws and I did it 35 seconds faster today. I came in at 40 min 40 sec. I am hoping to run 4 miles in 40 min by the time that we leave on Tuesday. I think I can do it, but I have really been pooping out at the end.

Wendy - I hope the DR appt goes well. Let us know.

Judy - Great run as always!

Marcia - I am with you at looking forward to the point where 4 or 5 miles is easy. I was really ready to be done today going at my faster pace.

Karen - Glad to hear you are feeling better. Are you getting excited about the 5K?

Carole - I hope that you had a good run. Do you run trails during the week too or just on the weekends?

Pamela - Have a great time on vacation!!

Gayle - Which Christi Taylor did you do today? I have only done her Totally Cool Step.

Jess - Looks like we are both visiting family.

Good morning runners :7 :7 :7
Slept in til 0730 and I feel great! Just some inspirational yoga with our favorite yummypants man today since I am racing tomorrow.
This will be my first trail run and I am excited :7 It's called the "sacred mountain 10k prayer run" and is sponsored by the local native american organization in Flagstaff, Az. This is the description of the "weaves through unpaved dirt and cinder trails within the Coconino Natl Forest. The San Francisco Peaks, mountains held sacred by Native Peoples, provide a scenic background. The Peaks continue to be a source of spiritual strength. The course climbs to an elevation of 7,200 feet from a start/finish of 6,950 ft."
Since this is a trail race and my first one I don't anticipate a 10k PR or even getting close to one. My goal is to enjoy the experience!

Wendy- I am so glad you're seeing the doc today. PLEASE update us!

Judy- I've never done any of the premixes on MM, I'll have to try it, you're description has got me interested. Good workout! I never even noticed your typos...I think I am QUEEN of the typos and that is WITH proofreading!

Gayle- I can tell even from your quickie post that you are feeling much better today. It helps having a new exercise toy!

Carole- It was encouraging to hear that you've had your share of tumbles also. It's really just more embarrasing then anything else.
I'll be racing tomorrow with the "battle wounds" obvious on my L knee and forearm!

Marcia- proper fueling is important with any run but you also may want to consider merely slowing down... especially for the first mile. Warm up to your running very can worry about speed later. This could make a huge difference in how your legs feel.

Karen- Sounds like you've got that nasty ol IT band problem just about lady! We're all glad for ya! Now onward for your next 5K conquest!

Jess- Isn't PLB great! The stability ball portion in particular is a terrific leg burner. I'm sorry about your granny being in the hospital. I'm the Charge RN of the ICU units at our local hospital here so I have a pretty good idea of what your family is enduring.
It's too bad that your girls can't go. Visiting rules can very greatly. Our units allow most children to visit, we leave the decision to the parents as to whether they can handle it.

Pamela- I knew that someone had recently posted about falling...I just couldn't remember who. Have fun on your cruise!!!!

Good luck Elaine, Karen and Barb on your races on Sunday
:) :) :)

Hi Karin...looks like we posted at the same time...:) ;-)
Good job with the 4're getting to be one speedy cheetah!
ShellyC aka "granny cheetah" :p
Good morning all - quick note to say hello and I'll check back later...

Wow, this week has been stressful, and I have not done what I wanted workout wise, but I have been good with my running. I'm going to do Cardio Coach #5 on the Elliptical today as tomorrow is my long run and I don't want to really run, run today. I have my entire training mapped out until my Half, so I know what I have to do when. Okay, I'm a little nervous with finished up P90X and doing all this running, but I'll do it. *hmms the tune to Rocky*
Morning Cheetahs! Does anyone else feel like we need cute cheetah t-shirt?

This will have to be relatively quick as DH and are getting ready to go out of town to our hometown and my parents and the inlaws for my b-day and the race this weekend.

Karen-Glad you're on the mend! I'm sure you'll feel great for Sunday! Good luck fellow cheetah racer!

Judy-Do you realize you just referred to 6.5 mi. as a 'easy' run? Rock on! You sound like Carole today!

Gayle-Glad things are looking up for you on workout timing! 6 hours in the Fall will really be something to look forward to, otherwise, enjoy the time with DS's this summer and kick the treadmill hardcore!

Wendy-Hope the run went well and good luck at the doc's! Hope they have a quick and easy answer for you.

Carole-Nice run today! When you do your trail running do you take any kind of self-defense spray or anything with you? I do most of my running in pretty rural areas and have started wondering about this with DH's injured calf he hasn't been able to come with me.

ShellyC-My race is this Sunday and it's a 5K! Thanks for the encouragement, I am SO pumped and ready for this! Sorry about the tumble! But it can't have been that bad if you mangaged Imax3 afterwards. Your trail race sounds beautiful, I'm sure you'll do amazing. You killer hill gal!

Pamela-Enjoy the CRUISE! How exciting! Don't worry about the workouts.

Jess-Hope thing improve with your grandma! Prayers and best wishes. I know what you mean about the differences in city and country running! Just be careful, sidewalks are very hard running surfaces and the sudden change might give you a little trouble.

Marcia-You'll get there! Just keep it steady as you have been and soon those will be "drop in the bucket" distances. I second the rec's on food and books that everyone else has made, the right fuel can make all the difference.

Barb-GOOD LUCK!!!! You are going to do so well in this race! I can feel it:7 :7 :7 Just follow Sarah's immortal advice and...}(

Laura-Good luck this weekend!

Karin-Congrats on the new PR for your 4 miles! Just imagine that finish line ahead of you and sprint for the end, no excuses!

Hi Cathy, Sarah, Thomasina, Christine, Amy, and Elaine (hope I didn't forget anyone)
Well that didn't turn out very short did it? LOL! Anyway, today Cathe and I had a loving reunion with Rhythmic Step and PUB with the drop set of pushups from GS C&T. I love step...:* I also managed to up all my weights in PUB with 4 weeks of Gym Styles! I *finally* managed 10/12/15 on the biceps, and I have been trying for that for almost a year now.
Have a great day cheetahs!
Thanks for all of the well wishes ladies! I will report back asap on the diagnosis. My appointment is at 3pm but I won't be home until later this evening.

So I decided the run was the better deal today...I did about a 2 mile hill interval run. I kept my speed steady at 5.5 and did about 2-3 mins on an incline and the 1-2 min flat, etc. I slowly increased the incline as I went along and then at the end I kicked up the speed to 6.5 w/no incline for the last 2 minutes before the cool down. It was a good work out and I feel great now!:+

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