Runner's Check In: June 1 Thursday


Good Morning Cheetahs!

I had a home-made LowMax circuit on tap for today...I was going to do the step only premix and then add one of each of the following exercises in between each step segment: squats, plie squats, lunges, pushups, single arm rows, bicep curls and tricep kickbacks.

I say I HAD it on tap for today cause my neck/shldr/back problem that was going away so nicely has reappeared in full force! I stretched this morning and OMG it felt like someone stabbed me! Such pain! I took 2 motrin immediately so that I can pick up my son later :eek: but I don't know that working with weights is going to happen today....x(

So after my run yesterday my hips/legs were soooo sore! Even with doing stretchmax afterwards! I broke down and took Motrin to alleviate it. I have been really sore a lot lately...I have Mr. YP on the way though so hopefully he will help that!}(
Good morning:

Be careful - take care of yourself, pain is not always a good thing. Muscle soreness is one thing, but sharp pains are totally different. Be smart and listen to your body. :) But, we all know you will. You don't want to get hurt worse.

I know how you are feeling, though, after moving practically our entire elementary teacher staff yeseterday to another building which included tons of boxes, tables, file cabinets, desks, chairs, etc. my body is achy today, too, but I did manage to get in my 2 miles afterwards. I didn't do much after that when I got home, that's for sure.

Today, I have a 3 mile run on the schedule and strength/stretch. I'm not sure whether to go with Power Hour or Muscle Endurance??? I'm not a huge fan of ME just because of all the millions of leg presses. I haven't done PH in a very long time so maybe I'll take that one out for today. Hmmmmmm.......such decisions. ;-)

Since I haven't 'seriously' ran in a long time, any good books that I should read to help me? I know that somebody mentioned some the other day, but I can't find out where that was. Isn't there a book for women who run? Or something like that? I do have The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer book and that's pretty good.

OK - enough jabbering from me for a while. ;-)

Have a great day!
Marcia...I have The Complete Book of Running for Women by Claire Kowalchik. That is one of the books that Karen and Mattea were talking about...
Hey thanks so much, Wendy! I'm going to go get it, sounds like just what I need. ;-)

P.S. - Motrin kicked in yet?

Hang in there......

No problem Marcia. :)

Motrin is not really helping yet... :-(

I also put some ben-gay type stuff on it but it's only helping minimally...

Drat! I fear it will come down to a doctor visit which I thought I was going to be able to steer clear of!
Hey all you runners! Just have to check in with all you maniacs to ask who or what is Mr. Yummypants? LOL.

Have a great run.

Good morning! Holy moly, we sure had alot of chatty cheetahs yesterday! Some enthusiastic EARLY morning runs and workouts too, what a great bunch!

Wendy- I agree with Marcia, the type of pain you are describing goes beyond your run of the mill soreness- definitely time for a doc visit! After you get this fixed, then a visit with Mr. Yummypants will do you a world of good!

Marcia- I have the women's running book by Claire Kowalchick as well. I highly recommend it. Sounds like you're getting in some good quality running. :)

I'm finishing off a work stretch for tonight, started out very crazy but slowed down later. When I leave here I'm going for a 6 mile hilly trail run. Later today after my nap I'll get some coremax in, maybe some kickboxing. I'll be able to check in later today since I'm off tonight and chat :) :)

Hi Charlotte- Mr. Yummypants is Bryan Kest, referring to his Power Yoga DVD. I don't remember who started calling him that but it caught on....on this check in anyway, we're a crazy bunch!

Hi Runners!
Wendy- I find that i can go longer more comfortably outdoors rather thatn on the treadmill. On the TM I tend to push my speed, which is different and good too.

Elaine- A race for me is just not happening for now. I don't wae that much pressure. The 4 runs I do per week are just right for now. I cintinue to try to improve distance and time, while staying injury free.

today is non - running. I will do upper body and abs for sure and perhaps a stretch max.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Question for all of you:

I was talking to DH yesterday who used to run alot. He was asking what I did on the TM yesterday and he said a good thing to do during a steady state run is to "kick it up" at the very end. I told him I ran 3.5 miles and he said next time I should take the last .2 miles to kick up my speed some. He said ending a run with a "blast" or a "bang" so to speak is a very good thing. Do you all agree? I had to laugh cause by that last half mile I was SPENT and can't imagine having to bump up the speed at that point!:eek:
Good morning cheetah runners! had a great TM run yesterday! MM is my fav full body too...You will LOVE Mr Yummypants...:)...Sorry about that pain coming back...I wish you lived here I'd take you to see my nephew (he is a chiropractor) might want to skip weight work for you upper body.

Marcia...I have subbed different lunges for all the leg presses in ME sometimes. But PH is also a fun one...

Charlotte...nice to see you....:)..even if it is just about finding My Yummypants...:)

Shelly...enjoy your hilly run today.

Judy...have a good workout today. Sounds like the 4 days of running is working out well for you...:)

Barb...yes I have had ITB problems 3 times. 2 were because I increased my mileage too soon, the one in the Tahoe marathon I couldn't figure out why??? They never kept me from running very long as I stretched and iced alot! I am not sure what time drummer my DH beats to...but it has to be the slowest around...we have the same problem with what "get it done soon" means...

Jess...that is so cool you were in a Pilates infomercial!! Wow...:)

Mattea...I have gotten my running shoes online at Dick's Sporting Goods and Zappos. I just try for free shipping most of the time and if I get last years model it is usally ALOt cheaper...Good that you beat the heat yesterday morning!

Elaine...the reason I do the Ultra way of hill repeats is because my quads seem to take a beating on the steep downhills, so I found on a Ultra site that doing those type of hill repeats do helps strengthen the quads...great workout yesterday..did you do elliptical and PlyoX???

Christine...Humboldt is just so will be looking forward to it after you kick butt in your first half...:)

Karin...thanks...glad I can help you to workout!! Can't believe that guy said the Asics were for bigger runners...I remember a shoe salesmen (not a specialist by far) told me when I was looking for Adidas Supernova Control shoes that they only made Adidias Supernova Cushion, so I just pointed down to the shoes I was wearing...Supernova Control and walked out of the store. Might be why I buy online these days!!!

I am doing MM Chest & Back (I skipped those yesterday) a 7 mile interval run and then some Pilates..

Have a great day...[/img]
I think kicking it up in the end is great for a race....:)..I got into 3rd place from 4th place one time doing that...:+
Hello fellow cheetas!

Today's my day off from running. I actually ran 3 days in a row, which I haven't been doing lately. Oh, and yesterday I did do my Pilates circle workout, Core Secrets Ab assault & 1 x 30, 3 x 25 manlies (pushups on you toes) in the afternoon.

I'm not going to be online as much this weekend. We are heading to my Mom's house today & won't be home til Sunday sometime (however she does have a computer that calls my name when I'm there- Jess, oh jess... :p ). My Grandma (who's 92) had surgery yesterday to have a large lump removed (yes, cancer) from her ovary/ bladder/ colon. Things don't look so good right now so I'm ready to spend some time w/ my family!

We were already planning to go to my Mom's anyway because one of my good friends from high school is getting married on Sat!! I'm so excited, some of these people haven't seen me since HS! (when I was about 50 lbs heavier!! ;-) ) Woohoo!! I borrowed 2 dresses from my best friend- can't decide which one I'll wear yet....and my Mom is babysitting the girls.

Ok, guess I'm chatty this morning. I slept in til 6:45 & it was wonderful after being up at 5 & 4:45 the last couple days! Ok, I'm off to do PLB now!!

Oh, and one more thing- since I've added Cathe's MM & PUB/ PLB to my routine the last couple mos I've lost 1.5% body fat!!! (I have one of those bf scales) I haven't really lost weight but I'm mainly looking to build muscle/ lose fat so I'm happy with that!!

Well, about half a mile from my house is a big downhill/ then uphill so I usually almost sprint on the way down & power up the last hill. I have found that it helps to go fast towards the end to see how fatigued my legs are. But then I also like to walk or do walking lunges for a little bit to cool my legs down too & then stretch out real well. HTH!

RE: Hello fellow cheetas! thoughts and prayers for your Grandma...being with family now is a good thing...:)...I bet you have a good time at the wedding seeing old friends...Way to go on the body fat loss!!
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Good Moring everyone. I'm way behind this morning. My dh is home from work with something I dont' even want to get. So he better just stay away. My dd and I now have colds and are pushing our way through them together. The good news is that my IT band feels really great so I'm going to lay off running for one more day and opted to do gymstyle legs and abs with some pushup for the push up check in. So by icing it one more day I should be up and running tomorrow. Thanks for the good advice everyone. Even though I would love to run it's more important to get over this cold and heal all the minor sorenesses for Sunday's 5k. Now I have to get moving and go check on my big baby. Figures he get sick when I do. I can't be to hard on him, he must really feel bad because he never misses work. Check back in tonight.
Wendy another thing you can do which I read somewhere but can't remember is try going up on the incline 2 or 3 for a minute or 2 then go down. You might want to do a search Treadmill vs outside. I do both and yes outside is much harder IMO.
RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

{{{{tip toes into thread today}}}}

Hi! Remember me? LOL I haven't posted since Saturday, I think. LIFE! Sometimes it gets in the way of the computer!

I've been struggling with food the last 3 days, although my workouts are still continuing! Yesterday was High STep Challenge, and this morning was Step Fit.

I've also been struggling mentally with my running. I love it, I really do, but I sometimes start to feel as if it's taking over my whole day. I can't find the time to run outside right now, and that's getting me down. With Zach (5) home already from pre-school and Jacob (8) finishing school next week, the summer is starting already. Sure, I can get a run in on the treadmill during my early morning workouts, but I know that after last week's race I could feel the difference from NOT running outdoors. So, I'm struggling with that as well. PLUS.....I miss my other cardio workouts when I'm running 3+ times per kickbox, step, etc. What's a girl to do?

Sorry to come in after being MIA for a few days and just complain and whine. I get overwhelmed every few weeks by all of it and that feeling is sneaking in! Not to mention that I had a BBBAAAADDDD day with Zach yesterday and that got me really down. I couldn't wait for 8pm bedtime last night!

Sometimes I just need to punch the timeclock or call in for a substitue! LOL

RE: Hello fellow cheetas!

Hi Gayle, I was actually thinking about you last night before I went to sleep, wondering where you've been. Do your boys have any summer camp type activities for the summer so that you can get a run or two in? I know how it is with that but starting next fall when my DD starts school I'll be able to get out every day. Sounds like you'll be in the same boat. As for the eating thing, well, I've had a few bad days myself so you're not alone there either. For me, I've got a marathon coming up in four months and I'm already feeling the pressure! Silly, I know, but I am! I tend to over indulge when I'm stressed. Gotta work on the mental game! I think it's OK to sub running for other cardio if that's what you want to do. I doubt it would hurt the running at all and would probably allevieate being overwhelmed with it. Anyway, I'm really glad to see you back here!!!

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