Runner's Check-in Friday, May 26


Good morning cheetahs!

I would like to thank all that have offered prayers and good thoughts regarding our issue with DD this past 10 days or so. I am relieved to say that she finally agreed to come home last night and DH and I talked with her at great length. Certainly we have some great hurdles to get through, but we’ll take it day by day. Again, thanks everybody for your support.

Today, in honor of Wendy’s taking it to the streets, I too am going to drive into Auburn (since I’m off from work until next week..yay!) and take it to the streets for a nice outdoor run while my dogs are at the groomer. The dreadmill has been great for impact reduction, and giving me a place to run when it is pitch dark here in the woods, but I am really missing the outdoor runs. I also figured I’d better start getting back out on some roads since I’ll have to be used to it for the half. After the run, I’ll get in some sort of upper body work. Hopefully the post office will have received my mr yummypants order for me to pick up too!

This weekend is DH’s birthday weekend and we’ll be having company over for a barbeque..oh, wait! As Sarah would say, a cookout! Hey, I made a mix of music and burned to a cd for this event and I named it “cookout music”. LOL and oh yeah, Wendy, when leaving the campus after work, I spotted a woman jogging with a baby stroller and immediately I thought of you and baby Joey! :7 Anyhoo, hope everyone has a great workout and weekend!


Thomasina- The news of your daughter coming back is releiving. It must have bee very difficult for your family with her leaving as such. I ill keep praying for a positive conclusion to your situation. Now, have a geat cookout/ BBQ this weekend!

Today is a 6.5 mile run and biceps and triceps. I did yoga yesterday , and really need to force myself to keep it up weekly.

I need to go back and catch up on yesterday's thread now. TTFN

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Ladies.

Oh Thomasina...You made me smile and laugh all before 7am...and that's not easy to do! LOL ;) Thanks so much for thinking of me! It really keeps me motivated to know that you and the rest of the gals are me behind on this and rootin' for me!:+
I may do the physical workouts alone but I never FEEL alone because of all of the support! Thank you! :)
I'm very relieved to hear that your daughter is finally home. I hope that you and your DH continue to talk to her and find a way to work out the problems. The fact that you didn't say she came home and you had a big fight is very promising to me. I'm very happy for you!

Judy...Have a great work out today!

So I decided that today would be Leaner (I mean MEANER, LOL) Legs, ab work and my outdoor run today.

I got up this morning and popped 2 motrin...yes, that darned pain! It never truly keeps coming and going. x( x( x( HOPEFULLY it will go away so that I can get down to business by 8am at the LATEST! :) If I have to because time is running short, I can nixx LL but I really want to get in the ab work, and OFCOURSE, the RUN!

I went to last night and was looking at thier selection of yoga dvds. They have about a MILLION of them! LOL I am thinking of buying a cheap beginners yoga dvd from there to try it out. If I like it and think I'll keep it up, then I'll move on to Mr. YP. ;) }( :9 This way I don't have to pay full price for his beginner dvd and then if it's still around I can purchase the dvd of his there too and get 2 for the price of his one beginner dvd! Did that make sense cause I got confused typing it! :7 :7 :7
Hi, ladies! glad to hear about DD. Hopefully her coming home is the start of the healing for everybody. It's a long road, but one worth taking! Stay strong!

Wendy-enjoy your run today, and your weekend trip! As for Mr. YP...I've never done yoga or pilates or anything like that, in fact, Stretch Max is as close as I get! LOL. But, I figure I'll start with him and modify if needed. I'm a quick learner! LOL

Judy-ENJOY your run! Hope the weather is nice!

Are Elaine and I the only ones with races this weekend? Laura, You were MAYBE going to do a 5K this weekend, what did you decide?

As for me...this morning's workout was Body Max upper body and abs, then Stretch Max 3. I have to tell ya...everytime I think I'm getting strong in the upper body, Cahte knocks me right down again with that Body Max upper body section! LOL. What is this woman made of? LOL

This morning is a Memorial Day program at DS's school that we're going to. Then some shopping....need fencing for my garden, a bike speedometer, Bocce ball set, and tin for a home decorating project! How is that for mixing it up? LOL. I'm having a potluck picnic Monday, so I'll be cooking a bit for that too.


Gayle: Don't feel bad...I think Cathe makes MOST of us feel like wimps! LOL Have a great holiday weekend!!!!:+

Hey girls...I posted a question re: running outdoors on open discussion so please go there and check it out! Thanks!:)
Good morning fellow cheetahs! (?) I like that! I was AWOL a couple of days due to my crazy work schedule. Tonight it slowed somewhat and when I get off in an hour I'm heading straight to my favorite running trail for a great 6 mile run. Later today I'll get in some yoga and eliptical work.

Thomasina- it was great to hear from you and thank you for updating us on the good news with your DD. Sounds like it's coming together with patience and hard work :) :)

Gayle- Body max is one of my favs when I want a really intense day.
Have fun! I'm sure we'll be adding you to our speed demon list along with Karen and Jess after your 5k. Best of luck!

Judy- have a great run...I really need to do some yoga too, I've only recently begun to appreciate how important it is in maintaining a well rounded fitness routine.

Wendy- It's the big day for you!!!! I hope you do your outdoor run first and LL later, if you can. You're legs should be fresh so you can really enjoy the experience. :7

Elaine- I really enjoyed reading about your "first" 10k. This should make an interesting race report---I'm sure you'll overcome your mental "hex".

Hi to everyone that follows and I'll try to stop in and chat later.
Good morning runners

Tomasina...that is great your troubled DD came home. I hope you all can get some things worked out. I hope you have a great outdoor run. There are some western States training runs this weekend so my sister and I might do one on Sunday, not sure though. I'd kinda like to get an idea of the course I'll be doing as I will most likely be doing it in the dark!!! Happy B-Day[/img] to your DH and have a fun BBQ!!!

Judy...I have trouble sometimes getting in yoga weekly...I do try though...sometimes I do sub Pilates..:)

Wendy...have a great outdoor 1st run!! I'll be interested to hear how it goes for you. Wow and then Meaner Legs...way to go...:)

Gayle...good job with Bodymax. You have a busy weekend ahead...enjoy!!

Good to see you back Shelly! Have a great trail run!

Karen...good job on adding 2 more intervals to Sarahs interval run!

Elaine...I prefer my leg weightlifting before I run, but upper body or abs I can do after a run. Thanks for sharing the St George pics...your kids are so cute and supportive!! Are you trying improve your time this year?

Sorry you were feeling yukky Christine..hope you are feeling better soon...:)...Congrats on the smaller pants...

Mattea...the weird thing is that floorwork almost gets me more sore than the standing legwork. Especially GS and L&G! I thought that link was cool. Glad you liked it! Stepfit is fun but I have not done it in ages!!

Today I'll be doing P90X Back without legs, abs and a 4 mile run...

Have a great day...:)
I love that!

G'morning cheetahs!! ;-) Too funny!!

Another quick post from me- I got up & did KickMax (but just skipped the standing legs at the end for lack of time!). 2nd time doing it- still love the interval blasts!

I have my lovely annual pap/exam this morning & then have a ton of errands to run! My dh left y'day to go out of town fishing w/ his Dad & brother for a couple days so I'm doing the single Mom thing. My only complaint is that I can't get out to run in the morning! But I'm already planning a longer run early on Sun w/ my running buddy & maybe a bike ride on Mon. :p

Have a great Friday! Good luck to anyone racing this weekend- please post a report!

RE: I love that!

Hi Running Cheetahs,

My day is off to a good start so far. Did a 5 mile recovery run, some slideboarding before, abs and part of SJP weights only. Hope to finish SJP weights later, but ran out of time.

Good luck to racers this weekend: Elaine and Gayle.

Thomasina-- so glad things with DD look to be turning more positive. I hope that things continue to move in a good direction. Family stress is so draining.

Gayle -- I truly cannot fathom doing BodyMax before a run or a race. You must be really strong!!

Elaine-- you are going to do great this weekend. Thanks for posting the pictures! I enjoyed them.

Shelly--and you, too? Loving body Max?? Glad you are back posting. We missed you. enjoy your trail run and elliptical work and yoga. Sounds very fun and a nice treat after hard days at work.

Wendy -- thought of you when I was running outside today and couldn't get the Doobie Brothers' Song "takin it to the streets" out of my head. I hope you have a good time. Not that you asked, but I think you should just get the Bryan Kest DVD: sweat, tone and energize. You can modify it as much as needed and I think you'll love it. (We all had you enabled....are you hedging??? The thing is that Mr. Yummypants accepts you wherever you feel you need to be. He is really the ideal man. Did I just type that??????:D )

Judy -- sounds like you have a challenging workout ahead! It's definitely hard to fit stretching or yoga in. It's my biggest challenge, but am always happy AFTER I do it. But it's tough for me to get going. :)

Carole -- keep us posted on what you decide to do with your sister. I am the total opposite with Floorwork: if I do it, I feel looser and it's easier for me sometimes to do it before standing work?? One of my fave old time tapes is Stepworks (I hope I'm getting that right). I'm looking forward to doing step and other stuff after the race. My husband did P90x legs & back yesterday and has been humbled. }(

Jess -- good luck with your workout and your day. Single parenting is hard work -- but it helps build the appreciation fund when DH gets home!

Mattea- I hope you figure out what's going on with the cycle. I copied down your advice about calcium and Green tea. PUB abs are definitely hard. I made myself do them right off the bat, so I couldn't procrastinate. thanks for your words about my son and hearing the slang. You are of course, right and I'm glad he's having this experience. I'm getting used to have an "older" kid. It seems like yesterday I was loading up cheerios in a ziploc for him to have on a car ride.

Christine -- I'm sorry you've been feeling under the weather. Such a bummer. There's nothing like the body shouting at you to "obey" to get you feeling off kilter. Great news about the pants!!

Hi to everyone checking in later: Pamela, Karen, Kristi, Marci, Amy, and anyone I am missing. I will be sending good vibes to the racers for the weekend!


:) :) :)
RE: I love that!

I'm baaack...and survived...I think!:p

I actually decided early on this morning that LL prior to a first outdoor run could be a BAAAD idea so I nixxed it. I considered doing it when I got back but I don't want to push myself on time and then have to rush to get out of here later (I also want to be able to WALK tomorrow!:p :7) so I just came in, stretched out my legs and did some ab work. I am now RE-considering the boardwalk run tomorrow morning if I can muster up the energy!;)

Okay so my legs felt like 2 lead weights on the road as compared to the treadmill. LOL To heck with it being tough on my joints! My muscles felt like they had to work 10x harder!! My heart rate was also up higher most of the time this morning than it was the entire time on the treadmill the other day!

I have an even bigger respect for you gals! HOLY MOLY-that was TOUGH! I will be honest...if I didn't get a good feel for running using the treadmill at the gym FIRST, I don't think I would get ANYWHERE with running outdoors cause it would seem IMPOSSIBLE to me!!!:eek:

So if my ROUGH calculations are correct, the course (not including w/u and c/d) was about 2 miles. I ran for 6 mins, walked for 1, ran for 6, walked for 1, ran for the last 6...I'm beat! LOL :)
RE: I love that!

WOW - you girls are awake and going this morning. :)

I don't have time to leave a message for all of you right now, but I'm hoping to get back here soon to do that. :) :)

I had my last killer step class, I left them DRIPPING in sweat, it was a great way to end the season and leave them sore for the fall when I start up again. }(

Today is the last day of school, so it's absolutely crazy around here. I'm so excited, though, hopefully things will be a little bit calmer now. I know I'll still have a lot of meetings, but I'll be able to take time off to recover if I need to. ;)

I will be doing strength today and hopefully a 3 mile run. For strength I'm thinking about doing my new Jari Love DVD. It's suppose to get pretty warm again today, so by the time I'm home from work and head outside for a run I might have to rethink that since I'm still scared after last year having a sun stroke of sorts.

Anyway - have an AWESOME day and I'll be seeing ya soon.

RE: I love that!

you did a great job.
It was Different running outside -- but you are probably in better shape than you think. There's a big acclimation factor (at least for me) going from treadmill to outside. When I first made the shift, my HR soared within the first 3 min. Don't be discouraged. By the 5th time you do it, I bet you won't feel this way. Also, you've been working out daily -- you didn't have a big rest day or light day yesterday as I recall to precede your big blast into the outdoors?

The first 2 miles or even 3 for me on any day are the hardest. Good for you that you got out there and did it!!!!!

:) :) :)
RE: I love that![/img] Way to go Wendy!!! As I have always been an outdoor runner I can't comment on treadmill experience...I break those...:)...I am just smiling for you...[/img]
RE: I love that!

Thanks Barb and Carole!:) I actually DID rest yesterday on purpose since I knew I would be in for it today!}( LOL I was just typing what I did on another check-in and according to what I ran/walked I would have had to be running FASTER then I do on the treadmill! Now I am second-guessing the mileage. I'm going to have to re-drive it to be sure. If the mileage is RIGHT then maybe THAT'S part of the reason why I found it so hard. I know it's harder but I didn't expect it to feel THAT much harder, ya know?

Marcia, don't worry about the personals. We all have times when we just can't do that for some reason. Sun stroke? OMG, how scarey! Be careful this summer!!!
RE: I love that!

Thanks Wendy! I feel better now, it's just some days I don't feel like I know what's going, but that's my own fault for not checking in as much as I should. ;-)

Yeah - I've never experienced anything like that sun stroke before and I will never be that dumb again!!! It was completely my own fault that's for sure.

Live and learn!

RE: I love that!

Thomasina-I'm so relieved to hear about DD! Enjoy your "cookout" and birthday weekend. And thanks, now I have "Takin' It to the Streets" stuck in my head:p

Judy-You are just steadily increasing the mileage! I love to see your runs getting longer and longer! Have you tried many interval or tempo runs?

Wendy-Makes perfect sense about the yoga dvd's! I've never actually run on a treadmill but I know that you made fantastic transition today, and like you said you're body is already somewhat conditioned from the treadmill, so you'll pick up the running outdoors fairly quickly. Good idea on leaving LL out for now, it will give you a better idea of the effect that this first run really had on your legs. Way to go!!! I'm so proud that you stuck it out even though it was tough for you. :)

Gayle-So it's 'errand max' for you today? Lol! I know what you mean about Bmax upper body, it moves so darn fast! The shoulder work especially kills me in that one.

ShellyC-Good to hear a checkin from you again! I love "cheetahs" as well. Somehow we need t-shirts depicting an enabling what would that look like?

Carole-I'm more like Barb, floorwork helps me to feel less sore from the heavy duty cardio. When you do a leg workout and run on the same day which do you do first?

Jess-Glad you are becoming such fast friends with KM! At first the blasts had a bit of a dread factor for me, especially the power lunge sequence, gets me everytime!

Barb-Yeah, PUB abs right off the bat is pretty much the ONLY way I can do them if there's other upper body work involved! Just think, you're getting to watch your son grow into the adult that he's going to be, sounds pretty exciting and interesting to me:) Also, from what you've told us already, it sounds like he's headed in the right direction. I don't know what else to do about the cycle except to wait it out as so many women have different experiences coming off the pill, some not getting regular cycles for 3, 6, 10, or even 12 monthsx(

Marcia-So what killer moves did you leave the step class with?}( }(

Christine-Hope you're feeling better today!

Hello! to Karen, Elaine, Sarah, Pamela, and Kristi.

Today I plan on some hill repeats and some floorwork (maybe some standing if my legs aren't totally fried). Yesterday I did squeeze in an evening run (about 4 easy miles) but there was a break between mile 3 and 4 as I wanted to stop at a local plant place to look for some double-ruffled petunias for my mom.
And last night I signed up for my first 5K of the season!!! DH is going to run it with me as my pacer/cheerleader. It is June 4th (the day before my 25th birthday!) so looks like Barb and I will be racing the same day. I'm so freakin' excited!!! I also checked out the other races in the area this summer and there are a couple more 5K's, a 5 or 10 mile trail run, and a 10K that all sound like a a lot of fun. There's also a marathon Oct. 1st, but I'm so scared to even think about that:eek: I don't even have enough time to train by then right? Right? Okay, so I'm really waiting for you guys to convince me, lol!
Have a great day!
RE: I love that!

Hi Mattea:

I threw in a few intervals for good measure. }( I also did some longggggg routines that were fun, but challenging!

You can train for the marathon by October 1 !! :) How many miles are you running now? It will depend - do you want to just finish it? Have a certain time? It all depends on your goals.

Good luck on your decision!

RE: I love that!

Hi Marcia-Sounds like you burned your class last night!
Well, seeing as I've never done a marathon or even a half before finishing sounds like a good goal, lol! Right now my mileage is around 24 miles a week with a good amount of cross-training. Thanks for the quick encouragement! DH will most likely train and run it with me, I think I can hear him groaning already, lol!
RE: I love that!

hello ladies,

I have been MIA for acouple of days. I am fighting a upper respiratory infection. Thank god it came after the big half. anyway, i took tues,wed and thursday off and I ran 4.5 miles today with my friend marci. I had a little trouble breathing but not as bad as I thought but could definately tell I was working harder today. I have to get some upper body work in today. I havent done any for the last almost two weeks.

gayle I am planning on doing a 5k monday unless this upper respiratory infection gets worse. so I will see how it goes.

anyway, I got online lastnight to look at the cleveland half's pictures and found two of me. I only like the one picture however as the other one , I look like a goof. anyone interested in looking at it can see at the picture ID number is11424-720-001 it was when I was coming thru to the finish line!

hope everyone has a nice day. Oh, I know I need a tan, I am so white, its scary!!
RE: I love that!

I think it's great you signed up for the race. You will do great. You're more than ready already. My goodness. That DH of you is a great guy.

It will make me so happy to know you are running on the same day as my race and then you get to celebrate your bday!!!

Go get those hills!!!!!!!! (Thanks for the support about my son. I definitely agree and he is a good kid. I love hanging out with him. He always makes me smile...)

Barb:) :) :)

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