runners check in 6/6/06


good morning everyone,
I got my garmin yesterday, couldnt believe I got it so quickly. I charged it first thing and was able touse it last night. Iwent for a 2.5miles run . I still have alot to figure out on it. for those of you who have a garmin, any tips on making programming it easier? when I went to down load the training program it said it wasnt compatible with windows xp and could harm my computer. on the disk cover it says it is compatible with xp windows, so I dontknow what I should do. I cant get my info if I dont download the training disk.

sounds like everyone had a great workout yesterday.

carole sadie is way to cute!

I also got my picture from my half marathon yesterday. I didnt order it until saturday night and got it quickly also. It has my finish time on it and I am glad everyone suggested I get it.

will talk with everyone later!Hope you all have a nice day!
Good morning, Laura and those that follow......

I can't help you with your garmin, sorry, I'm not even sure exactly what it is??? :) Is it like an iPod or MP3 Player? I'd like to get one of those to download music and workouts, but have no idea where to begin.

Cathy - my progress is slow and steady. I haven't lost weight in quite a while, I'm on some nice plateau. But, I've increased my exercise a lot so I'm hoping that with trainging for a race and continueing to eat well one day I'll wake up and it's GONE! Wouldn't that be a dream come true. I'm trying hard not to obsess with it and just keep on truckin' along. When I get too obsessed I end up sabotaging my efforts every time. I drink a lot of water and try to eat really good along with the exercise, but I guess I haven't found my magic combination yet. Hang in there we get keep in touch here as to our progress and encourage each other to get this weight off!!! once and for all.

Yesterday I did 3 miles, 20 minutes on the elliptical and a 35 minute walk with my neighbor. I should do some strength training and get that started, but not too geared up for it yet.

Have a great day everyone and I'll be later.

Good morning, Cheetah runners!

I just got back from a 4.67 (yes, I have a Garmin!) run w/ my 2 running friends- Erin & Melissa!! It was so great to have buddies to run with!! And my dog behaved himself & stayed out of the neighbor's pool! ;-)

It was just the perfect temp- about 70 & gorgeous even at 5AM!

Now I'm off to do PUB while the kids are still asleep- love that!

I don't remember how I programmed my Garmin, I don't think I did?? Maybe someone else can tell ya what to do.

Have a good one! As long as the rain holds off the girls & I are heading to the pool today! They played on the new slip & slide for most of the day y'day!

Oh, and thanks for all of your sweet compliments on my pics!! You're all too kind!

RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Good Morning Marcia, Jess, and Laura. Today is going to be a 4.5 speed interval run, 30 min of yoga and then my pushup's. I'm off to go get it done before it gets hot. Maybe I can catch Cathe on GMA while I run. Hope So. Talk to you soon as I'm done.
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Good Morning Girls.

I have a short run + some elliptical work planned for today at the gym. I have a short (20 mins each) but intense ITrain w/o for each machine so I may do them both today...not sure yet.

Laura, I don't have a garmin but I know what they are and they sound super cool! If I ever become a regular outdoor runner I would definately want one. Best of luck getting it to work correctly. It can be really frustrating when you get a new "toy" and get held up using it liking that.

Marcia, Have you tried changing up your fitness routine? That usually helps bust through a plateau. Change everything you've been doing. Lots of running? Do less and include another cardio activity that you haven't been doing much or any of lately and, ofcourse, lift those weights baby! I went as heavy as I could for about a month and saw great results! HTH.:)

Jess, Have fun at the pool! My son just got a pool for his B'day from his grandma. As soon as it makes it's way home, I'll be filling it up every other day and gettin' myself a nice tan!}( LOL

Karen, Have a good work out and I'll see you on the treadmill!;-)
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Hi, ladies! Sorry I can't chat....BUSY day today.

This morning was CTX upper body HEAVY and then Cathe's Bonus Butt Workout from this month's rotation.

Today, I'll bein the yard working extra hard and long. I can't seem to keep up with my grass mowing alone, so now it's super long and FILLED with clover flowers. My yard is white, not green! LOL. I've got to cut it, catch it, dump it in a pick up truck, then shovel it off the truck at the dump. Yeah, more exercise, to say the least!

BBL, if the clover doesn't swallow me up!!!!!!!

RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Gayle, I presume you live in the country??? I only ask cause when we cut our lawn there is no dump truck to be found!!!:eek: LOL Have fun...if you call that fun, that is! :p
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Good morning cheetah runners

Laura, I don't have a garmin but can you call someone there or maybe they have a website that can help? Thanks for your compliments on Sadie...I think she is a cutie too..I am so glad you got that picure of the half marathon! got in alot of cardio yesterday! Strength training does sound good today...:)

Jess...sounds like a good run. I am glad your dog behaved!

Karen..I've got GMA Tivoed so I can watch Cathe later. Enjoy your interval run.

Wendy...I hope you have a fun cardio woarkout at the gym..:)

Gayle...good workout. I have a big yard also and it needs lots of work. mostly cleaning up branches and leaves...yuk...

Christine...I follow alot of pro teams. I started watching Pro football with my Dad when I was 12. He was and I still am a Raider fan (not a fan of the owner though). My DH loves the Packers, so I do too. I also like the Cowboys (not an owner fan there either, and hoping Terrell doesn't screw up the whole team!) and the Chiefs. The last few years I have watched alot of the Vikings. I normally don't ever pull for the Broncos ,Niners or Bucs. But come Football season I watch games all day sunday (thanks to Direct TV)...:)

Barbara..sounds like you had a good treadmill workout. I hope your hips feel okay today...I agree about Sadie, she is like a puppy that won't get bigger!!

Cathy...thanks...Sadie has captured my heart no doubt...:)...don't think I'd run with her as she is so small but I have thought about a pack! You did a great workout. S&H legs after a run is tough!

I am planning on PLB standing, and a 6 mile tempo got to 100 always happens so quick....

Have a great day...
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Carole- I got to see Cathe. It' amost at the end about 90 min into GMA.

I finished my interval run ( nice seeing you there Wendy) I did some really good intervals on the treadmill. Faster than I normally go, enidng up the workout with 10 mph for 60 sec. Whew!!! I opted not to do yoga and did this dvd my friends sent me on runner specific stretches. It was 30 min and very good. It holds the stretches for a 10 second count before monving on to all moves. Then I did my pushup's. Have a great day everyone. karen
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Good morning everyone:) Today I will be doing a circuit weight training at the gym since it is my day off. I am off on Tuesday & Thursday which I normally clean and do my errands. My hips feels like it's getting much better.

Wendy I hope you have a great workout at the gym:) I like the elliptical but can't stay on longer then 20 minutes because my feet alway goes numb for some reason no matter what sneakers I wear.

Laura have fun learning your new toy. It's fun when you get new things.

Jess Im glad that you had a great run with your garmin.

Gayle have fun doing your yard work.

Carole wow 100 degree. That is hot. Have fun on your tempo run.

Karen great job on your interval run.

Well off to do some errands and to the gym early afternoon since it is not crowded at that time. I will check back later on. Have a great day everyone!!
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Happy Evil Day my favorite Cheetah Ladies!

Actually - it's not the number for the devil, but we won't get into that. I think all the flack is quite amusing. Although, I do have to admit that the huge spider in my bathroom this morning did win (dropped before I could smash it with a shoe and I could not find it on the floor - did my hair in the other room). I loath spiders! AND I ran into a major back up this morning (although I spent the time bopping to Buffett and enjoying having no responsibilities - so that was not a loss)....

Anyway, forced my sore aching butt (still sore from Legs and Back - GS with heavy weights does not affect me the way L&B does - no idea why) through Core Synergistics and it's less sore and aching. Brought my gear for this afternoon, but I may or may not hit the elliptical - depends on how I'm feeling - might want to give the ole butt a bit of a rest for the day.

Laura - which Garmin did you end up getting? I'm sooo tempted... Check with the manufacturer - if they say it's compatible with Windows XP (and I cannot imagine in would not be by now - XP is so prevelant), there may be a simple software patch for you to download to make it work.

Marcia - I found that running takes a lot out of you. You may want to try adding a 100 or so calories a day - it may actually break that plateau - especially if you're increasing your exercise. It's worth a shot - sounds weird, I know, but it worked for me. (but GOOD quality calories!).

Jess - have fun at the pool - hope the weather holds for you! I love summer days at the pool!

Karen - enjoy your run!

Wendy - sounds like a great plan. Maybe I'll go to the gym and do a 20 minute run followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical. Sounds like it would be fun.

Gayle - good luck with the evil clover! Hopefully it won't swallow you *winks*. Watch for ticks!

Carole - hmm, we may have some friendly rivaly going... I'm a Ravens Fan (originally a Colts fan but they high tailed it to Indiana). I'm also a Bronco's fan. DH is a Patriots, Dolphins and Packers fan. I'll cheer for the 49'ers, but I'm not a Raider's fan - although most of my friends are. We, too, watch football most of the days on Sundays. If I were to walk in front of DH wearing only a bow during a game, he would either not even notice me, or would tell me to get him a beer. *shrugs*
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Oh my goodness! I am back from the gym...I barely made it through! LOL I did the 20 min IClimb followed up by the 20 min ITread and I have no idea how I made it through! The ITread is a VERY intense work out on it's own but after having done the elliptical FIRST...OY! }(

Both work outs combined covered a distance of about 4 miles-2 per w/o. My HRM says I burned a little over 200 on the elliptical and then a little over 300 on the treadmill for a total burn of 513. I'll have to save this evil double-header for days when I want to really shock my body cause boy did it do the trick! LOL }( }( }(

Carole-Have a great work out. PLB and a run sounds like my kind of fun..HEH HEH HEH!}(

Barbara-Have a good weight work out at the gym. I have heard of another on this forum who had problems on an elliptical. I think it was Sarah actually (imafitnessfreak)...maybe she can give you some ideas about how to stop that from happening.

Christine-Oh girl, you can not imagine how much I HATE spiders! YIKES! They creep me out to no end! It's awful! It's such a song and dance just for me to get up the gumption to KILL one even!:eek:

Hello to everyone who follows!

Have a great day!:)
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Hi everyone!!! I had to post this morning since I thought of you all for 95 minutes last night on a long run. ;) I've been terrible at posting, but I've been running. That half ain't gonna run itself, you know!!

I've officially signed up for the half and I'm really excited to meet everyone!!!! I wonder if we should have shirts that say "I'm running faster than you thanks to Cathe" or something obnoxious, LOL. }(

Anyway, I've been having some hip/knee issues that I've got to discuss with my chiropractor on Friday. I found myself changing my form while running in an attempt to "straighten out" and avoid injuries... which is why I think I'm feeling all these random things! So my solution was to stop thinking about it--- by saying the alphabet backwards and forwards for the ENTIRE run! :eek: I was consistently better by Q, which I guess says something about how long my attention span is, LOL. I also would lose track by 35 when I was trying to mix up the ABCs by counting. I can also tell you the alphabet backwards, LOL. :)

I tried to jog over to get something at bootcamp this morning and heard myself make some sort of gasping noise... so I'll be taking an extra day of non-running before another jog with the bootcampers on Friday.

So that's me and my runs. I'm excited to see how everyone else is doing! :p Keep up the great work!!
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Wendy - I'm with you on the spider thing. This guy was sneaky, too. DD13 thinks I'm nuts, but I noticed she didn't offer to kill him either... *shudders*

Amy - WONDERFUL to hear from you again - I thought you ditched us! Glad to hear you're signed up for the Half! I'm going to use the alphabet idea when I go on my next long run. I'm scared to run long again after all of the troubles I've had! Good luck with your hip/knee issues!
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

I'm always HERE, but I've been having 16+ hour days lately so posting isn't really what I want to do whenever I finally sit down, LOL!!

I've also been trying to fit in some workouts at the school gym- they have ellipticals and bikes, so I can get at least one cross training workout in. I hope. ;)

When's our next hike, Christine??
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

16 hour plus days? OUCH!!! Can't say that I blame you for not wanting to post. Hopefully those days are behind you soon! How's the BFL coming along?

Tell me when and where to meet you, and I'll be there... :)
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Thanks Karen...I saw Cathe and she did great! You got in a good workout!

Barbara...that is great news your hip is better. Have fun with the circuit.

Christine, not a spider fan myself. I enjoy sucking them up in the vaccuum...:)...Friendly rivalries I find fun! What is making me laugh is that story about your DH...would be the opposite here!!! If my DH tried the bow thing during FB, I'd be yelling at him to get out of the way and yes...get me a beer...[/img] Seems to me that you like either the Raiders or Niners but not both! I have had an ongoing battle there with my BIL and my Pastor! Sorry about the sore derriere...:)!!! You did a great legs were a bit tired in the last mile of my run!

Hi Amy...nice to see you...! Does your Chiro help with the hip and knee issues? I am a huge believer in Chiropractic. I go 2 times a week. Way to go signing up for the half...

Well the run after PLB standing was tough. But I did think about all you cheetahs and pushed thru...:)
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Christine-My mom is one of those types that is not bothered by any bug! She can kill anything in the blink of an eye! She can even kill some with her bare hands if no tissue is in sight! :eek: Me? Heck, I need 3 paper towels, 8 tissues or half a roll of toilet paper to kill anything bigger than an ANT!:7 :7 :7

Amy-Great run girl! I'm in awe and hope to be able to do that one day! Was that an outdoor run?

Carole-Sounds like you need a bit of Mr. YP today!;) :9
RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Howdy doody!

I still have more catch up reading to do, but so far ya’ll are doing very excellent! Here’s some high fives to the racers over the weekend (uh, Elaine, you did great so please don’t go knockin’ your time) and prayers for your families to Jess and Karen. Oh yeah, and Happy Belated birthday to Mattea! I have been terribly sick with strep throat (the scratchy throat thing) and then a nice breathing inhibiting bronchitis type infection with an irritating headache inducing cough that totally compliments the asthma -Wee. Needless to say, I have not been able to run since last week (ugh!) but I did get through a little of Brian Kest a couple of times. Just don’t tell him I couldn’t do all the breathing through my nose! I probably got so sick because of all the prior weeks stress and limited sleep. Today I am back at work and feeling a bit better. I am going to attempt going to a local gym after work and use the elliptical and maybe some leg weight stuff. I need to take it easy this week though so I can resume training for the Wine Country half in 6 weeks! Eek! Which reminds me…

Amy – no, no, I can’t wear a shirt like that since I’ll be running the slowest I’m sure! Lol A cheetah I am not. I’m just a pokey ol’ mule plodding along while the cheetahs wiz on by. I think I’ll try the alphabet thing but with my ADD I’ll probably get to X and well…hey! Look what was that?

Laura – I so want to buy the Garmin 301. I had the 201 model and then got rid of it las fall thinking I wasn’t going to be able to run anymore. Did you get a booklet with the Garmin? I used that when I programmed my 201. Good luck with it and by the way, awesome running you’re doing!

Marcia – Ipods are great. I have an ipod shuffle (won it at DH’s company Christmas party) and it is so light and small. I’m jealous of your elliptical and sounds like you are doing great with your cardio. I bet if you get going with the weights, you’ll break your plateau.

Jess – Yes, I totally agree with the others that you look simply divine in your photos. (Your family is quite stunning as well). You are a great inspiration with your continued efforts and the hard work that got you where you are today. You go girl!

Karen – During my first marathon I had to get through IT band pain and practically shuffle limped to the end, but I finished! Anyway, I know how frustrating it can be. I hope your grandmother is doing ok too. I wish I could have seen Cathe on GMA.

Wendy, Wendy, Wendy – have you seen this month’s issue of Runner’s World? It has an article about baby joggers! Lol. Seriously though, your cardio interval workout sounds like an Imax killer! Good job!

Gayle – Have fun with mowmax! Oh, and please add me to the race list for the half marathon portion of the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK on November 19, 2006. I’ll be visiting my brother and running the half while I’m there. Thanks, by the way, for handling the race list for us gals. You are a real trooper I must say!

Carole – Super Carole! Still have to figure out how to get your Super Carole logo onto a running hat. Hmmm. Sadie is just precious. I would have taken her in myself! Very, very cute! For the Western States, I think I’ll be working at the aid station near Bath Rd. before Foresthill. It will be sponsored by Auburn Running Company. I bet you are getting excited for this run!

Barbara – Good thing your hip is better. I have to be careful too not to irritate my injury there. I am going to try the elliptical today. I think I recall my foot doing that too in the past but I think it was spinning that did it. Sometimes my foot will get that way in my running shoes after about 3 or 4 miles. Hmm..

Christine – Wow – only six more weeks til the half! I was hoping maybe one of you would just push me in the baby jogger , or better yet, ya’ll can take turns! LOL Glad to hear your workouts are going well.

Well, great to be able to post and I’ll have to go back and read over what else I have missed. As usual, you all are the best friends a girl could have and I don’t even “know” you! Have a great rest of the day and I’ll check in later…

RE: Good morning, Cheetah runners!

Good Afternoon Cheetahs!
Like Gayle, sorry no time for chatting these past couple of days. DH and I are still out of town and spending time with family. Just wanted to say THANKS!!! to everyone for the birtday wishes I had a fantastic day:7 :7 :7
And for those who wanted to know I got new running shoes, two new sports bras, two new sports tops, a pair of running shorts, a new running watch, new headphones, the newest edition of Trivial pursuit, a CD and 2 DVD's, a sculpture from my dad, and a sterling silver road runner pendant with a turquoise eye from my mom (you can backtrack to Sat. night's post as to why that is so special).

Yesterday was Imax 1+300 walking lunges with no break}( and today was GS C&T + Cathe's BBW from the June rotation.

Gayle-are you doing the June rotation? I want to do it mostly, but want to fit in more running.

Barb-You ROCK!!!! Congratulations are amazing and my inspiration for my next race!

Elaine-Great time! No downplaying the huge accomplishment, cheetahs take compliments with a crafty, sleek smile!

Amy-Great to hear from you and 95 min! WHOO HOO!

Hi to everyone and I promise that once we get back into town-later today or tomorrow I'll catch back up.

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