runners check in 5/27


hello ladies,

I am up early,have to go to work. But thought I'd write a note real quick since I didnt check back in lastnight.

thanks again sarah! I loved your pictures from the flying pigs marathon also. So as far as speedwork goes, I could do the cheetah fast workout once a week and then run another day at a steady faster pace,faster than normal? and that shouldnt be too much ? I guess if I started feel to worn out then I could back off. I have only been working out 5days a week. I dont want my body to get use to doing 6 days because then I am afraid it will come to expect it . My SIL does that and has such a hard time with her weight going up and down. If she cuts back a little and eats half way normal it goes up. she really watches her calories. I try to but life is short and I am not going to deprive myself of everything. As I keep approaching 40 I figure the body will tell me that I need to do more. anyway time to focus more on the short races and getting more cut in the upper body. any suggestions on getting more definition for the shldrs and tris? What has everyone had the best results with? my muscles are so slow to respond, I go as heavy as I can. 15lbs for bi's until fatigue then I drop down to 12's, 20-25for lats,10-15for tri's,shldrs are my weakest part 8-10lbs, can go heavier for military press 15's for that,chest 15's.

goodluck to all who have a race today!fill us in later. For me, I will have to wait until monday morning to see how I will feel. Cant seem to get this crap out of my lungs. My head has cleared some ,I hate it when I dont feel completely myself.

karen great work on losing the wt. It takes real dedication and you should be so proud of what you achieved!

talk with everyone later!
Hi running friends :)

Wendy- The transition to outside was difficult for me too, but if you increase distance gradually you can do it. At times I tell myself go slow and steady and just keep going. Especially when my car or house are far away ;) ;)

I just went back to read yesterday's replies; everyone makes such encouraging comments!

Now I forget who said what, but it was all helpful :7

Yesterday the weather presented here with thunder storm threats, therefore I headed to my treadmill for a speed interval run. It kicked my behind and I only managed 5.8 miles. I tried something a very similar to the one posted by Sarah. Today will be a steady state run outside 6.5 miles. (Wendy, now I prefer to run outside after getting adjusted to it)

To everyone who races this weekend- Go for it and enjoy the experience!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Runners, today is an all over rest day. I'm takin it to the mall today. Tomorrow will be my long outdoor run so I'm hoping to increase milage from 10 miles to 11 or 12. For today it's just full on NOTHING<>

Judy- Great runs.We had storms last night too. The skies are beautiful today.

Laura- When I was gaing muscle slow and heavy was it for me. I packed on some serious size with that series. I did that for 3 week rotation and then used the pymarids for two weeks to lean it out and then would repeat it again.

Good Luck on all races today. I can't wait to see how well you all did.
Good morning Cheetah mommas! ;-) My dh is still gone til tonight so no long run this morning, but my running buddy Erin & I are planning a longer run tomorrow!

I told myself if I was up before 6:30 (w/out my alarm) I'd do Muscle Max & of course I was awake at 6:20. :p I'm glad that I got it done though, now I feel strong for the day! :) I need to mow the lawn & we have a grad. open house for a neighbor kid & a bridal shower for a couple from church to go to this afternoon. It looks like it's going to be another hot & humid day!

Have a great one- sorry I haven't had much time for the individual posts but I *am* reading them, so keep up the great work!!

Off to make some whole wheat & oat pancakes- yummy!!

Good Morning Runners

Judy...good treadmill interval!!

Karen...enjoy your rest day.

Mattea...I normally always do my legwork before a run... not after...WOW!!! Your 1st 5K..that is so awesome Mattea!!! I am glad your DH will run with you. A marathon???...Piece of cake...[/img] look GREAT!!!! I love that shot of you, I hope you buy it...It is not fun being sick...hope you feel better soon. I have missed you...:)...thank you for your kind words Laura...I have to admit what worked best for my shoulders & tris was P90X...and a clean diet.

I agree Elaine that improving your time is always better but tough in a Marathon! I think doing the same course again does give you some edge. That is great you get to run with your your DH running St George too? Good workout yesterday! Oh, I do think you have bionic tendencies...:)

Pamela...I do think that floorwork warms up the legs good before a run. If I do any other type of cardio it doesn't matter when I work my legs but as far as running, it is better for me to do legs before like I previously posted..:)

Christine, way to go with Bootcamp yesterday, I bet you feel stronger doing that after P90X and running!!

Barb...I am thinking I might even pull out my slideboard today!!

Welcome juststarting...start out with doing the push-ups on your knees, it is easier..:)..You have a busy life! it's nice you can get in some workouts...

Good Luck on the 5K today Sarah & Gayle!!!

Marcia...I don't have a problem breaking in running shoes. Sometime I tie them too tight but I can usually put them on and run without problems.

I think today I'll do a TLT, BBBB, some abs and maybe warm up on the slide.

Have a great day :)...
Good morning fellow runners!

Laura, I hope get over your cold or whatever it is and feel super by Monday. I never schedule complete rest days. Today I will do just yoga because tomorrow I'm running a 10K but if I were not running that race tomorrow I'd probably throw in some elliptical too! For me working out sets the tone for the rest of the day. Things in everyday life happen frequently enough to force me to take a rest day because I am too busy with other stuff so I guess it balances out. But, this is being written by someone who has suffered from over use injuries so I would say you are definately on the right track with your 5 times a week schedule.

Karen, I agree with everyone else who have mentioned how fantastic you look! Long before this check-in was created you have been an inspiration to me.

Carole, Yes, DH is running St. George too. He's been driving me batty because he asked me to make him a training schedule then tells me he doesn't have time to run more than three times a week!!!! After a bit of discussion, I was able to add another day. And of course he does NO cross training except for carrying his golf clubs and walking when he plays golf once a week. He has a bit of trouble with the marathon distance and has been trying to nail the cause down. You'd think he would arrange his schedule in order to optimize his training!! (Oh my, did I just post a rant about my wonderful DH???)

Jess, I sent you an email requesting the recipe for your delicious sounding pancakes. So glad I don't live where it is hot and humid because I'm a weather wimp!!

Hi Judy! Glad I don't have to deal with thunderstorms either! Have fun on your outside run this morning.

Today I'll just spend some time with Mr YP so my aching lower legs can get a break and hopefully I'll feel good for tomorrows run. Talk to ya'll later.

>Jess, I sent you an email requesting the recipe for your
>delicious sounding pancakes. So glad I don't live where it is
>hot and humid because I'm a weather wimp!!

I should have just posted the recipe because I thought someone would ask for it!! ;-)

Whole wheat & oat pancakes

1 c. whole wheat flour

1 c. old-fashioned oatmeal

1 Tbsp. + 1 tsp. baking powder

1 1/4 c. milk or buttermilk (I use skim milk)

1/2 c. water

1 egg (or 1/4 c. eggbeaters if you want)

1 Tbsp. canola oil (the original recipe calls for 3 Tbsp. but I just use 1T. & they're still great!)

Combine dry ingredients. Whisk wet ingredients together. Pour wet into dry & stir until mixed. Pour onto hot griddle for pancakes, use about 1/3 c. batter, cook & flip. I like them topped w/ peanut butter or my kids like a little light syrup.

Nutritional info for 1 serving ~ About 85 cals/ 2.5g fat/ 14g carb/ 2g fiber/ 4g protein

These are my FAVORITE pancakes. Since I gave up the white flour/ sugars I've been looking for a good recipe for pancakes/ waffles & my whole family loves them!! I often make an extra batch for leftovers during the week!

Enjoy! Let me know how you like 'em!
RE: Recipe

carole thanks! I am buying it, just probably will have to wait until pay day,after all these races, it can get really expensive. I have heard alot about the P90x series. I might have to buy at least the upper body workouts.

do any of you have a garmin forerunner and how do you like it? I am thinking of getting one since it tracks pace,distance etc...

goodluck sarah!! she is so fast ,they probably wont even see her run buy them!
RE: Recipe

Good morning beautiful fit runners! :)
Jess- don't ya just love the yearly crotch doc visits? Almost as fun as the dentist! It's funny when you mentioned making a deal with yourself the night before about working out if you get up a certain time. I do the same myself and it rarely internal clock gets me up usually right on time. Great recipe--I'll try it!

Wendy- Please don't feel discouraged about how hard it felt running outdoors...this is perfectly normal! You are in great shape so it won't be long at all before your adjust--PROMISE:) You are smart to be going in walk run intervals.

Mattea- ( I so love reading your posts! ) I'll be doing a 10k trail race on your B-day! I'll be thinking of ya! And the next day you'll be doing your first 5k? FANTASTIC! You're DH sounds like a great guy....I wish I could get my DH into running....(sigh!)

Laura- your racing pic is great! I would definitely buy that one if I were you. Best of luck on your Memorial day 5K

Carole- I guess you'll be doing your long run tomorrow since I see you have a weights day today-- will it be another mega 18-20 miler?--you are incredible! BTW- we use the same weights for PLB- 50,55,60#

Elaine- Good luck on your Sunday 10k as I recall your last one was a smoking time! Go get em

Pamela- Hope you had a good speedworkout. I find the TM particularly useful for speedwork.

Barb- I'm afraid I'm going to have to pin an ENABLER :eek: label on you! You have me definitely contemplating getting a slideboard. I'm especially intrigued with the idea of using it as a warm up.

Sara- sounds like quite a weekend you've got planned. A 5K ought to be a walk in the park for you :)

Gayle- Can't wait to here your race report --- you're progress has been remarkable!

Marcia- I have found that if running shoes are properly fitted, there shouldn't be much, if any, of a break in period. I hope yours are feeling right for you soon.

Judy- You "only" went for a 5.8 speed interval run? I hardly put that in the "only" category. I didn't see any races for you in Gayle's list? Are you planning any?

Karen- have a great resting day at the mall!! I'll be on a long run tomorrow also, but not too long as I have a race next weekend. Probably 10-16 miles depending on how I feel.

Today was GYM STYLE day Legs, then C&T. Later today I'll cycle for an hour or so. I got new trail shoes yesterday! Asics Trabucos...they feel great! Can't wait to use them tomorrow :7

Hi to anyone I missed. Happy running......or whatever.

RE: Recipe

Hey Laura- I run with a Garmin forerunner and I LOVE it. I find it very useful for training.

RE: Recipe

Laura-I'm curious....what is the Cheetah Fast Workout? I hope you're feeling by Monday. I'm still not myself today either and was really hoping to be 100% for my race today (details below).

Karen, enjoy your NOTHING day! LOL. And your long run tomorrow!

Jess, I love Muscle Max...good workout to start the day. I'm going to try your pancake recipe next week! Thanks for sharing it!

Hey, Shelly! I love getting new sneaks. Just seems to set the workouts on fire again!

Elaine---funny about DH. Has he done a Mary before? GOOD LUCK tomorrow! Be sure to come right back and post your results!!!! FAST VIBES comin' at ya!

Hi, Carole & Judy! 5K race today. First, I've been battling a chest cold and this morning I was still feeling a bit 'wierd'. But, had yogurt and off to the race we went. Mom was nervous because the lady at packet pick up told her nobody walks the whole thing. Anyway...Runner's World staff started us off. This race should have been called the Mayfair 5K OFF ROAD RACE! LOL. I kept thinking of Carole, as I ran on wet THICK grass, under low bridges that made me duck, over 2 patches of boulders, around fences and thru mud puddles!. This course, as I heard, was FILLED with turns and I just couldn't seem to get my groove most of the time. There were a few open spaces where it was 'normal' running on gravel with no obstacles or turns, so I tried to turn it on there. I finished in 25:25. Just a tad slower than my goal time of 24:43 (last 5K time), but I'm fine with it. My mom, however, was at the finish line when I crossed because they asked her to go thru the finish chute after the 1 mile loop around. I felt bad for her, but she was fine with it as well. Zachary, my 5 year old, did the 1 mile kids' run. Mom escorted him. I ran the opposite direction to find them and I saw them across the pond at about the 1/8 mile mark....Mom sitting on the bench and Zach feeding the ducks!!!!!!!!! I yelled over to him and he started up again. Finished his mile in about 17:45! What a trooper. Jacob, although he didn't sign up for the kids' race, he ran with me to get Zachary, and that itself was about a full mile as well.

WOW....wordy! LOL. Now, I'm still feeling a bit wierd, but not sick or anything bad...just not 100% Gayle. I may take a rest day tomorrow, depending on how the night goes.

I'm officially dedicating some serious time to my marathon schedule and trying to piece it together. In short, I've got 22 weeks before the Marine Corps Marathon and I'm really working on how to spread that time and mileage out.

Thanks for listening. Have an awesome day! (I probably won't be back online till tomorrow...outdoor activities for me and the boys.)

RE: Recipe

gayle 25:25 is a great time, especially if your not 100%. I just got back from trying to run outside and I had to walk/run today. It was noon here and so hot. plus with my upper respiratory infection. I couldnt believe how bad I felt. I think if I would have ran earlier and not waited till it got so hot . I dont know if I will do monday's race. I havent registered yet,wil have to see come sunday night.The cheetah fast workout is a workout you do on the treadmill and it is hard ,let me tell ya. I cant complete the whole workout at the pace they tell you.well they say modify if you need to. I bought it off the website. you can buy them in dvd or vhs(which is cheaper)its for building your speed in 5,10k races etc... I have only done it twice being all the races that I have done.

catch everyone later.
Good afternoon runners,

I didn't get that speedwork in yesterday so I did it this morning. This recovery week has actually been great. I'm feeling less sore and a lot stronger. I think I'll be ready for P90X on Monday.

Laura, I hope you feel better soon!

Judy, enjoy your 6.5 mile run today.

Karen, I'm so glad you shared your weight loss journey yesterday. I've looked at your photos before, and you look great, but I didn't know the time involved. When I read the success stories in the magazines, it seems like everyone achieved their goals after a year. It really helps to know there are other success stories where it took a little longer. Especially since I'm going to be one of those longer success stories too :) You really are inspiring -- thanks! Enjoy your rest day today!

Shelly, my jaw slacked just reading what you have on tap today. I think you need a title too. How about Wonder Shelly? :p It's hard enough for me to do one of the GS dvds. I can't imagine doing two and cycling for an hour (something tells me it won't be a leisurely cycle either :)).

Carole, thanks for the advice! I think I will switch things around. Right now I run first and then I do my strength workouts. It's okay for upperbody, but I find I just don't have any strength left by the time I get to the floorwork. Someone suggested doing the ab work first in PUB, and I tried it, and it was probably the most I had ever completed of the ab portion. (still couldn't do all the pikes, but I completed everything else and some of the pikes as opposed to none like usual.) I'll let you know on Thursday how it goes. (Although it'll be Tony's leg workout which I already know I can complete)

Jess, enjoy your long run tomorrow!

Welcome Juststartingout!

Elaine, good luck on your race tomorrow!

Gayle, I agree with Laura. Sounds like you overcame many obstacles and still finished with an excellent time. Sorry about your mom. I'm new to this so please forgive me for what may be an obvious question, but why was she asked to cross the finish line?

Hello Mattea, Sarah (do you have a race today? If so, good luck!), Barb, Marcia, Christine, Wendy, Kristi, and Thomasina!

Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Hi, ladies. mom just began walking. She's a VERY supportive mom, always has been, and after the Disnay marathon in January and then my half in April, she said she is inspired by me, and taht she wants to walk now.

SO.......this was her 2nd 5K. She ONLY walks. Usually not a problem, but from what I was hearing, today's 5K is very competetive (more so than all the other area ones) so I guess when she was just hitting the 1 mile mark (last, btw), they knew she's be a while and asked her to cross there. That's my guess. BUT.....I love my mom, and she may have been embarassed or intimidated and decided on her own to finish right then. I'm not sure, and I'm NOT going to ask her, either. LOL. Either way, it was an experience for her.

Laura-I did a walk up registration this morning as well. I wasn't sure on the weather OR my chest! LOL Good luck, if you're able to do the race.

Hi Gayle- considering the difficulty of the course I think your time was terrific! That race really does sound competetive. I've never heard of one where they actively discourage walkers. I really don't agree with that. Anyone who just goes out there and gives it an effort, whether they walk or run should be encouraged ALL they way.
I'm impressed that your mother participates anyway, it sounded like a great family affair for you. Nice job :) :)

I forgot to say Hi to Christine and Thomasina earlier.

I have to confess that I've started a little notebook by my computer to keep track of y'all....but I love it!

Shelly, thanks. I was a bit turned off by this one lady who had a t-shirt on her daughter (5 years old) that said, "My mommy runs faster than your mommy". I am in this for health, life-changing, life-saving causes and reasons. Not in it to win or show off. So, I do feel bad for my mom. We'll remember not to do this one next year!

Gayle, I am clenching my teeth big time!!! I want to smack a few at your race! I would have been on fire! I cannot believe the nerve! Even if it didn't bother your mom at all...that is just NOT RIGHT! Oh, man! And the kid with the shirt??? You know what...I'm not going to dignify it with a rant...they just don't *get it* and for that, they are missing out! If it is all about winning and being better than someone else, then they have a life full of dissappointment ahaead of them because there is ALWAYS someone better! The only fair, reasonable and logical competition should be with ones self! Just like Mr. YP says...we all have different life experience that have made us who we can you compete? I feel sorry for them! Make sure you tell your mom that you have been bragging about her on the forum and we are all so excited for her! One less immobile body...YES!!!

Hey, great job on a tough course! You are kicking so much butt!!}(
Hi Ladies!!! Thanks so much for the well wishes! My 5K was TOUGH!! It was the hottest day of the year and none of us adapted yet, so sweating bullets over 4 bridges was a challenge! I still PR'd with a 24:30. The results will be posted later, I am looking forward to seeing how all my training group friends did. Also, I was handed a thick beer glass with the race logo on it as I finished. I thought we all got one but later learned only the top 30 women and top 30 men received one...and there were about 800 participants. I cannot help but be curious about how I ranked now that I know I was one of the top finishers.

Here is the coolest part...the woman who handed me the glass was Nora Wilshire...the woman who won the Flying Pig Marathon!!! So cool!

I am concluding that I VERY MUCH prefer distance running over shorter runs! However, they are a neccessary evil if I want to get faster...right??

Here is the even cooler part...the kids run! My kids ran the 100 yards or whatever it was, the whole time with smiles! At the end, they received blue ribbons, they were so excited...and of course, Bob and I made a huge fuss about how awesome they did and how proud we are!
Laura, the thing that really helped me get my arms to "pop" was by making some adjustments to the diet. When I am not doing super long training runs, I stick with a protein and fibrous carbs for dinner. I consume the complex carbs (oatmeal and rice) and the simple carbs (fruit) earlier in the day.

Also...push-ups! I bring my arms in close to my body, so when I am all the way down, my hands are by my hoots. I feel it more in the shoulder and tricep that way.

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